January 2025
Hello Avon Lake!
Welcome back from what we hope was a restful and joyful holiday break! As we dive into the new year, we are ready to continue working together to support the success and well-being of our students. Collaboration and partnership remain at the heart of all we do, and we are excited to build on the progress we've already made this school year.
The new year brings fresh opportunities to learn, grow, and celebrate the unique contributions of everyone in our school community. Let’s embrace this with positivity, determination, and a shared commitment to excellence. Here’s to a fantastic year ahead!
Our positive school culture continues to thrive, thanks to the collective efforts of students, faculty, staff and stakeholders. This strong foundation of support and collaboration remains an important factor of Avon Lake High School, ensuring a nurturing and challenging environment for all.
I encourage everyone to stay communicative and engaged with our outstanding staff, as they are here to support and guide students throughout their journey. Together, we will continue to make this school year great!
Please visit our high school website, and pay special attention to social media and School Messenger for updates.
Thank you for your support.
Take care,
Michael J. May, Principal
1-5 - Winter Break
6 - Classes Resume
8 - CC+ Information Night (6pm PAC)
12 - Washington DC Parent Meeting (7pm PAC)
13 - PTSA Meeting (6:30pm Commons)
14 - 8th Grade Parent Night (6:30 PAC)
15 - Midterm Exams
16 - Midterm Exams
17 - Midterm Exams
17 - End of 2nd Quarter
20 - No School (Martin Luther King Day)
31 - Common Scholarship Application Opens (Seniors only)
10 - PTSA Meeting (6:30 Commons)
13 - Course Recommendation Day
14 - No School for Students
17 - No School (President's Day)
20 - Winter Orchestra Concert (7pm PAC)
26 - Winter Band Concert (7am PAC)
27-28 - Chorale Trip to NYC
To subscribe or view the high school calendar click here
Beginning January 21, 2025, Avon Lake High School is implementing a biometric ID management system in an effort to provide accurate student identification and improve efficiency within attendance reporting for our students. Avon Lake High School will start enrolling students Monday, January 13, 2025, into the system. There are other high schools in the area which utilize this system. We will be implementing this new ID management system to improve accountability and accuracy of student attendance records. This technology will help us reduce the costs and time required in managing this process while providing an easy, fast and accurate way to identify students. Students will be informed during their lunch periods over the next several school days.
Please read the informational letter below by clicking on "Identimetrics Parent Communication Letter."
Class of 2025 Important Dates for Graduation
Parents and Students of the Class of 2025, click HERE for important information regarding Senior Year and Commencement.
Email your baby pictures for the yearbook to Mrs. Rudkin Tori.Rudkin@alcsoh.org.
Click the link here to submit alumni information for your family. May 1st is the Last day to submit Alumni information for inclusion in the graduation program.
If a handicap or wheelchair ticket is needed, seniors should email Mrs. Gannon at amy.gannon@alcsoh.org to request a ticket. Emails must come from students. Please include the type of ticket needed (handicap or wheelchair) and the name of the person needing the ticket. The last day to request Handicap or Wheelchair tickets is May 23rd.
Class of 2025 Yard Signs
Avon Lake PTA is now selling Senior Signs.
Each sign is $15 and will be available for pick-up mid-April
Each sign is 18” x 24”, double-sided, and comes with a metal stake.
Order link: https://avonlakehsptsa.memberhub.com/store
If you prefer to write a check, please mail this to: Laura Butler: 240 Ashwood Dr., Avon Lake and include the student’s name and phone number on the check. (Make checks payable to ALHS PTA.)
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Laura Butler at: Lauraloubutler6@gmail.com / 734-812-2243
Guidance Department Updates
CC+ Mandatory Meeting
All students who are interested in taking College Credit Plus courses next school year, please plan on attending the MANDATORY (at least the student or a parent/guardian MUST attend) meeting at Avon Lake High School on January 8, 2025 from 6:00-7:00 pm in the PAC. A representative from Lorain County Community College will be presenting pertinent information about the program, requirements, and how to enroll. See you there!
IMPORTANT: This meeting is NOT for students currently enrolled in the program, only NEW students interested in participating for the 2025-2026 school year.
8th Grade Parent Night
There will be an informational meeting for parents of current 8th grade students on January 14th in the PAC.
For more information on the Guidance Department please click the links below.
Job Posting & Career Information
Midterm Exam Schedule
Marching Shoremen News
Your Marching Shoremen had a fabulous December with an amazing concert! (you can still catch it on YouTube under "Avon Lake Performing Arts") and a large handful of students participated in the Lorain Tuba Christmas (Tubachristmas.com).
We have also begun Pep Band for various winter sports and over 60 students are preparing to perform at the Ohio Music Education Association District 4 Solo and Ensemble Contest held at North Ridgeville HS on January 18.
For anything related to the Avon Lake Band, please check us out at
Drama Club
All Anastasia the Musical info is posted on Drama Club Google Classroom. Audition music will be posted by Friday December 20th.
Monday January 6 - Anastasia Audition Workshop 7-9:00pm
Tuesday January 7th – Vocal Auditions – Sign up for a 5 minute time between 3:15-5:00pm OR 6-8:00pm
Wednesday January 8th – Dance Auditions – Sign up for a 10 minute group audition.
Sign-up sheets are posted on bulletin board by the Choir Room.
Please, contact Ms. Frank with questions: patricia.frank@alcsoh.org
PTSA Update
Meeting update: Please join us Monday, Jan 13th @ 6:30 pm in the High School commons
Senior Scholarships: If your senior is considering applying for a PTA scholarship, information will be coming soon. Recipients must be members of the High School PTSA by 1/31/2025 to be eligible - the member can be either the parent or the student. To join use the link below
Membership ~ Haven't joined yet? Here is your chance
School Fees for 2024-25
REMINDER: All school fees and Pay to Participate fees (Fall and Winter sports) are in PowerSchool and are past due. Fees must be paid prior to purchasing a ticket to Homecoming ticket, Prom ticket or participating in graduation activities. If you have extenuating circumstances or financial hardships that your family is facing, please let your grade level principal know as soon as possible. To view your student’s fee balance login to your PowerSchool account.
Payment Options
BY MAIL: Check made payable to ALHS can be mailed to : Avon Lake High School, 175 Avon Belden Rd, Avon Lake, OH 44012, Attn: Student Fees.
PAYMENT DEPOSITORY: Place payment in an envelope marked "Student Fees" into the Payment Depository located to the right of the Main Office door.
ONLINE: Payments may be made online at www.payschoolscentral.com. The student's ID number is necessary to set up an account. A 3.9% Convenience Fee for all credit card or a $1.75 Flat Fee for all ACH (electronic check) transactions will be charged.
The fee is $300 per student per year to participate in any sport at the high school. There is a District Family Cap of $400 for families with more than one High School and/or Learwood Middle School student participating in sports. More information on Pay to Participate can be found on the athletics homepage of the website. www.avonlakesports.com
If there are any questions or concerns regarding your school fee balance please contact Laura Hout (www.laura.hout@alcsoh..org) or 440-933-6290 x 1548.
Lunch Account
If there are any questions regarding your lunch account please contact Andrea Sokolow (www.andrea.sokolow@alcsoh.org) or 440-933-6210 x 1522.
Designated Bus Loading/Unloading Zones Near South Parking Lot Flag Poles and Caboose
Please note that the striped areas the parking lots are designated bus loading/unloading zones. For safety we request you do not park in the striped areas.
Work Permit
Students who need a work permit please click the link here for instructions and forms.
Email: erica.petras@alcsoh.org
Avon Lake High School
Commons Doors Open At 7:00AM
Interior Doors Open At 7:30AM
Main Office Hours
7:15AM - 3:30PM
Website: https://www.avonlakecityschools.org/highschool
Location: 175 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake, OH, USA
Phone: 440-933-6290