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North Dover Weekly Newsletter
November 27th 2024
![North Dover Weekly Newsletter November 27th 2024](https://cdn.smore.com/u/3da7/bcabc745a14407c6a234022db0e37754.jpg)
Important Dates | Dias Importantes
11/28-11/29 - Thanksgiving Break
12/2 - Dover Tree Lighting
12/3 - Mariachi Assemblies
12/4 - ESL Awards Night Dinner & Keynote Address Susanna Matos Kruck @ 5pm
12/5 - Winter Concert @ DHS
12/5 - Grade 3 Field Trip
12/6 - Flannel Day
12/9 - 12/13 - Scholastic Book Fair
12/11 - 1-2-3 Andres
12/11 - Big Brother Big Sister Meeting
12/16 - Merry Monday - Holiday Colors
12/17 - Tinsel Toes - Holiday Socks
12/18 - Winter Wonderland - Blue & White
12/19 - Ugly Sweater Day
12/20 - Pajama Day - Single Session Day - 12:30 Dismissal
A Message From the Principal
Even in short weeks, we accomplish so much! This week, we wrapped up conferences and extend our appreciation to all the families who joined us. Conferences provide a valuable opportunity to meet face-to-face and discuss student progress. Working together as a team is essential to supporting our student growth. If you missed conferences, please don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a separate meeting.
This week, Jordan Toma delivered an inspiring presentation, "Just a Kid with an IEP," sharing an impactful message of resilience, perseverance, and the importance of believing in yourself. This message aligns with our theme this year. Learning is key and regardless of the obstacles in the path, everyone has the ability to achieve his/her goals.
Our Grade 4 GT students continue their Tabs of Hope collection for the Ronald McDonald House. We encourage everyone to support this meaningful cause by collecting can tabs over the holidays and sending them in with your children.
A special shoutout to Giovanni Lorelli for being named the New Jersey State Winner in the Bonnie Plants Third Grade Cabbage Contest—an incredible achievement! You gotta be in it to win it and we are so proud that he worked for this and won.
As we focus on the well-being and development of our students, I want to address an important topic: the influence of social media and unsupervised technology use on young learners. While technology offers many benefits, it’s essential to recognize its potential challenges. Social media can expose children to content that may not be age-appropriate.. Excessive or unsupervised use can negatively impact mental health, self-esteem, and academic focus. Together, we can guide our children toward healthy, balanced technology habits.
Looking ahead, December will be a busy and exciting month!
We have the:
- Mariachi Assembly: December 3rd
Multilingual Learner Awards Night: December 4th at 5 PM
Winter Concert: December 5th at 7 PM at Dover High School—come and support our talented students!
Flannel Day: December 6th
Book Fair: December 9–13. Flyers have been sent home with information for pre-orders.
Please check the school newsletter for additional details on these and other upcoming events, including spirit days and assemblies.
On this Thanksgiving, I would like to take a moment to reflect on what we’re grateful for—our families, friends, and the wonderful school community we share. On behalf of all of the staff of North Dover, we wish you all a joyful, safe, and restful holiday. Happy Thanksgiving.
Please make sure kids are dressing in WARM clothing as it is getting cold.
Asegúrese de que los niños se vistan con ropa ABRIGADA que esta haciendo frío.
Just a Kid w/ an IEP Assembly
6th Grade Honor Roll
2nd Grade Balloon Parade
Turkey Trot
Join our WhatsApp!
WInner Winner!
Last spring, the 3rd grade Enrichment students in all three elementary schools participated in the Bonnie Plants' 3rd Grade Cabbage Program. Students were taught about plants and given cabbage plant seedlings, donated by Bonnie Plants, to take home, plant, care for, and harvest. An invitation was extended to participate in the annual Bonnie Plants' 3rd Grade Cabbage Plant Program Contest where students could send in photos of their harvested cabbage and one student from each state would be selected to win the contest.
I am pleased to announce that Giovanni Lorelli from North Dover Elementary School decided to enter the contest and he was selected as New Jersey's State Winner!!!
What an honor for Giovannni, North Dover Elementary School, and Dover Public Schools!
Giovanni will receive a $1,000 educational scholarship and recognition as New Jersey’s state winner! We are so proud of him!!
Tiger Shout Outs
Character Trait for October - Being Observant
For October, our character trait focus is *Being Observant*. Being observant helps students become more aware of their surroundings and of others, fostering mindfulness and empathy. It also encourages them to notice the details that make our school community a better place.
Mrs. Laboy's Class
Our school year has officially entered November, and we are excited to start our “Month of Gratitude” with a truly unforgettable field trip experience! Last week, our students journeyed to the historic Zinc mine in New Jersey, where they had the opportunity to go underground and explore the rich history and geological wonders hidden below the surface. Guided by knowledgeable staff, students learned about the mine’s incredible historical significance, from its essential role in New Jersey’s development to its impact on industries nationwide. The minerals extracted from this mine, particularly zinc, were used in a wide range of applications, making it an important piece of both state and national history. Students also gained insight into the lives of the miners who once worked tirelessly in these challenging conditions, deepening their understanding of and appreciation for this vital part of our heritage. To top it off, each student was thrilled to bring home a unique rock specimen as a keepsake to remember this special day.
We also introduced a hands-on lesson about the election process. Our future leaders learned about the importance of voting and democracy through a lighthearted election, where they cast their ballots for their favorite cookie flavor! This engaging activity sparked meaningful conversations about voting and made the concepts of choice and civic participation relatable and fun.
To continue fostering gratitude throughout the month, we are introducing our "30 Days of Thankfulness" challenge, where students will take a moment each day to reflect on things they are grateful for. By sharing these moments with each other, we aim to build a culture of appreciation and gratitude within our school community. We are incredibly grateful to the parents, teachers, and staff who made this field trip possible and helped create these valuable learning experiences for our students. Thank you for your continued support in making our school an inspiring place for growth and exploration!
¡Nuestro año escolar ha entrado oficialmente en noviembre, y estamos emocionados de comenzar nuestro "Mes de Gratitud" con una experiencia de excursión verdaderamente inolvidable! La semana pasada, nuestros estudiantes viajaron a la histórica mina de zinc en Nueva Jersey, donde tuvieron la oportunidad de explorar el mundo subterráneo y descubrir la rica historia y las maravillas geológicas que se esconden bajo la superficie. Guiados por personal experto, los estudiantes aprendieron sobre la importancia histórica de la mina, desde su papel esencial en el desarrollo de Nueva Jersey hasta su impacto en diversas industrias a nivel nacional. Los minerales extraídos de esta mina, especialmente el zinc, se usaron en una amplia gama de aplicaciones, lo que la convierte en una pieza importante tanto para la historia del estado como para la del país. Los estudiantes también profundizaron su comprensión y aprecio por este patrimonio al conocer sobre las difíciles condiciones de trabajo de los mineros que alguna vez trabajaron incansablemente en este lugar. Para completar la experiencia, cada estudiante se llevó a casa una muestra de roca única como recuerdo de este día especial.
También realizamos una lección práctica sobre el proceso electoral. Nuestros futuros líderes aprendieron sobre la importancia de votar y de la democracia a través de una divertida elección, en la cual votaron por su sabor favorito de galleta. ¡Esta actividad dinámica generó conversaciones significativas sobre el voto y ayudó a que los conceptos de elección y participación cívica fueran accesibles y entretenidos!
Para seguir fomentando la gratitud durante todo el mes, estamos introduciendo nuestro desafío "30 Días de Agradecimiento", en el que cada día los estudiantes se tomarán un momento para reflexionar sobre las cosas por las que están agradecidos. Al compartir estos momentos entre sí, buscamos construir una cultura de aprecio y gratitud en nuestra comunidad escolar. Estamos increíblemente agradecidos con los padres, maestros y personal que hicieron posible esta excursión y ayudaron a crear estas valiosas experiencias de aprendizaje para nuestros estudiantes. ¡Gracias por su apoyo continuo en hacer de nuestra escuela un lugar inspirador para el crecimiento y la exploración!
Mr. Horincewich’s 5th Grade News!
Hello everyone! Here is a peek into our classroom this week. The celebrations for the Dodgers winning the World Series are coming to an end, so we must get back to work.
In Reading, we are finishing up our fiction journey and celebrating with a character party. Students will choose a character that they have been reading about and draw, describe character traits, challenges, and changes in their characters.
In Writing, we have finished up our personal narrative stories and are going to take another practice at our writing craft by creating our own stories with figurative language. We will learn to paint a written picture for our readers!
Social Studies:
In Social Studies, we are learning about why so many of us speak Spanish. We are delving into the reasons for European exploration and the effects on the people who they met. Each student will be the captain of their own ship. They will be making advertisements for jobs they may have and will be hiring a crew. It should be lots of fun. Ahoy me hearties!
That’s what’s happening this week. Have a great weekend!
The Lastest on PBIS
Comprehensive Health Education
The District recognizes and respects that parents/guardians are their children's primary health, family life, and sex educators, and some families prefer to have these conversations privately. Please read Board Policy No. 5250 for more information: “A student may be excused from any part of the instructions in health education, family life education, sex education...that the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the student or the adult student finds morally, conscientiously, or religiously offensive. An excused student shall be assigned to an alternate program of independent study on a substitute topic within the health education, family life education, or sex education program.”
Please see the form below for more information and to opt your child out of the "Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Curriculum" if you desire to.
El Distrito reconoce y respeta que los padres/tutores son los principales educadores de la salud, la vida familiar y la sexualidad de sus hijos, y algunas familias prefieren tener estas conversaciones en privado. Por favor, lea la políza de la Junta No. 5250 para obtener más información: “ se puede excusar a un estudiante de cualquier parte de las instrucciones sobre la educación para la salud, educación para la vida familiar,educación sexual... que los padres o tutores legales del estudiante o los estudiantes adultos consideren moralmente, conscientemente o religiosamente ofensivas. Un estudiante con excusa será asignado a un programa alternativo de estudio independiente sobre un tema sustituto dentro del programa de educación para la salud, educación para la vida familiar o educación sexual.”
Consulte el formulario a continuación para obtener más información y para excluir a su hijo del "Plan de estudios integral de salud y educación física" si así lo desea.
For more information please see the PDF below.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Dates
Big Brothers Big Sister Updates
Our school based mentoring program with Dover High School & North Dover Elementary School had a great first session! North Dover mentees and Dover HS mentors had so much fun creating a drawing of a T-shirt that represents who they are. This activity sparked some great conversations and the start to some really great friendships. Attached are few photos.
We are excited for the first year of the program and the positive impact it will have on all of the students!
Thank you to each of you for your support and help!
Harassment Intimidation and Bullying (HIB)
In our continuous efforts to provide our students an optimal school environment, a special Harassment Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) Pamphlet was (either sent home with your student or sent home in the mail). As you know, any acts of HIB are strictly prohibited. Please review this pamphlet with your student and keep it as a resource for the school-year as accusations of HIB are very serious, so having a full understanding of how and when to report HIB is very important. Information about the usage of the anonymous reporting app, STOPit. is also included as well as the importance of positive behavior both inside and outside of school. Below you will find a digital copy of the pamphlet for your convenience.
Hostigamiento, Intimidación y Acoso (HIB)
En nuestros continuos esfuerzos por brindarles a nuestros estudiantes un ambiente escolar óptimo, se envió un folleto especial sobre Hostigamiento, Intimidación y Acoso (HIB) (ya sea enviado a casa con su estudiante o enviado a casa por correo). Como usted sabe, cualquier acto de HIB está estrictamente prohibido. Revise este folleto con su estudiante y consérvelo como recurso durante el año escolar, ya que las acusaciones de HIB son muy serias, por lo que es muy importante comprender completamente cómo y cuándo denunciar HIB. Información sobre el uso de la aplicación de informes anónimos, STOPit. También se incluye la importancia del comportamiento positivo tanto dentro como fuera de la escuela. A continuación encontrará una copia digital del folleto para su comodidad.
Social Media Awareness
Middle school is a time of significant development, and social media can pose unique challenges for tweens. With their still-developing brains, tweens may struggle to navigate the distractions, temptations, and potential pitfalls of social media, which is designed more for entertainment than their maturity level. Setting limits on screen time and social media use as early as elementary school can help establish healthy habits and boundaries, providing children with a solid foundation for managing technology responsibly as they grow. For a deeper understanding and practical tips on managing social media use during these formative years, click on the PDF and Links below for more information.
Join the NDE PTA!
JOIN ONLINE! Go to View Store in the navigation menu, download and print the Membership Form by clicking on the image and send in to school with the money in your student's folder or scan the QR code. If you have any question please feel free to contact the NDE PTA here.
¡INCRÍBASE POR INTERNET! Suiga el enlace Ver tienda en el menú de navegación, descargue e imprima el Formulario de Membresía haciendo clic en la imagen y mandar a la escuela con el dinero en la carpeta de su alumno O escanee el código QR. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con la PTA de NDE aqui.
The STOPit mobile app is a powerful tool, designed to empower students and parents to report cases of HIB anonymously or any other important information. You can download the app on the Apple iTunes Store, Android Store, Windows or Google Play. Use the STOPit code: NDETIGERS to be able to send direct reports to North Dover's administration and Anti-Bullying Specialists.
Lunch Application/Solicitud de almuerzo
Please make sure that you complete the 2024-2025 Free and Reduced Lunch Application as soon as possible to determine if your student(s) qualify for free meals. Completion of this application also affects the funding the District receives from the State and Federal Governments. If you completed an application in the 2024-2025 school year and received a determination that your student(s) qualified for free meals, you have a 30-day grace period prior to that determination expiring.
Parents/guardians are able to complete this application online and receive an instant determination. This is the recommended method for the completion of this application as it returns the fastest results. However, paper applications will also be accepted.
Please utilize the following link to complete the 2024-2025 Free and Reduced Lunch Application: https://www.payschoolscentral.com/
After clicking this link, please utilize your PaySchools account to log in, or if you do not have an account please create one. After successful login, you will be asked for your student's ID. However, you should utilize your student's lunch pin for this request in order to successfully continue the Free and Reduced Lunch Application process. If you require assistance locating your student's lunch pin, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Administrative office of your student's school or to the Belmont Administrative Building.
If your child will be buying lunch in school, please add money to his/her account on www.payschoolscentral.com. You can select your preferred language in the top right corner of the web page.
Asegúrese de completar la Solicitud de almuerzo gratis o reducido para 2024-2025 lo antes posible para determinar si su(s) estudiante(s) califican para recibir comidas gratis. La finalización de esta solicitud también afecta los fondos que el Distrito recibe de los gobiernos estatal y federal. Si completó una solicitud en el año escolar 2024-2025 y recibió una determinación de que su(s) estudiante(s) calificaban para recibir comidas gratis, tiene un período de gracia de 30 días antes de que expire esa determinación.
Los padres/tutores pueden completar esta solicitud en línea y recibir una determinación instantánea. Este es el método recomendado para completar esta aplicación, ya que arroja los resultados más rápidos. Sin embargo, también se aceptarán solicitudes en papel.
Utilice el siguiente enlace para completar la solicitud de almuerzo gratuito o reducido para 2024-2025: https://www.payschoolscentral.com/
Después de hacer clic en este enlace, utilice su cuenta de PaySchools para iniciar sesión o, si no tiene una cuenta, cree una. Después de iniciar sesión exitosamente, se le pedirá la identificación de su estudiante. Sin embargo, debe utilizar el pin de almuerzo de su estudiante para esta solicitud a fin de continuar con éxito el proceso de solicitud de almuerzo gratuito o reducido. Si necesita ayuda para localizar el pin de almuerzo de su estudiante, no dude en comunicarse con la oficina administrativa de la escuela de su estudiante o con el edificio administrativo de Belmont.
Si su hijo comprará el almuerzo en la escuela, agregue dinero a su cuenta en www.payschoolscentral.com. Puede seleccionar su idioma preferido en la esquina superior derecha de la página web.
Lunch Menu
See the Lunch Menu of the Month Below. 🐯🐯
2024-2025 School Calendar/Calendario de 2024-2025
Please see our School Calendar below or click the link to download.
School Forms/Formularios de la Escuela
All school forms are available online only this school year. Please be sure that you are able to access the Genesis parent portal to complete important school forms, update your child's medical records, and view grades.
Todos los formularios escolares están disponibles en linea, solo este año escolar. Asegúrese de poder acceder al portal para padres de Genesis para completar formularios escolares importantes, actualizar los registros médicos de su hijo(a) y ver los calificaciones.
Save this important link to your favorites!
Guarda este enlace importante en sus favoritos!
Absence Reporting/ Informe de ausencia
If your child is going to be absent due to an illness, appointment, personal reason, etc., we ask that you please notify the school. You may report an illness-related absence to the nurse’s office at 973-989-2020 x2512 by email: aerler@dover-nj.org or by filling out the form below.
Si su hijo(a) va estar ausente debido a una enfermedad, cita motivo personal, etc., le pedimos que notifique a la escuela. Puede informar una ausencia relacionada con una enfermedad a la oficina de enfermeria al 973-989-2020 x2512 por correo electronico: aerler@dover-nj.org o puede llenar el siguiente formulario.
Absence Reporting From (English)
Formulario de informe de ausencia (Español)
Authorized Emergency Contacts / Contactos de Emergencia Autorizados
In the event that someone other than a parent or guardian will be picking up your child from school, you must notify the teacher & main office staff in writing or you can fill out the form below.
En el caso de que alguien que no sea los padres o guardián vaya a recoger a su hijo (a) de la escuela debe notificar a los maestros y personal de la oficina principal por escrito o puede llenar el siguiente formulario.
Change of Address / Cambio de Dirección
If you know that you will be moving from your current address, please stop by the main office to complete the necessary paperwork. We require two forms of evidence for your new address in order to make these changes.
Remember that even if you move to a new address in Dover, the district still requires two forms of proof for your new address. Any communication by mail will be sent to the address that is on file in Genesis and we can not update your address without proof.
Si sabe que se mudará de su dirección actual, pase por la oficina principal para completar la documentación necessaria. Requerimos dos formas de evidencia de su nueva dirección para poder realizar estos cambios.
Recuerde que incluso si se muda a una nueva dirección en Dover, el distrito aún requiere dos formas de prueba para su nueva dirección. Cualquier comunicación por correo se enviará a la dirección que esta registrada en Génesis y no podemos actualizar su dirección sin prueba.
Student Handbook
North Dover Elementary School
Email: iolivera@dover-nj.org
Website: nde.dover-nj.org
Location: 51 Highland Avenue, Dover, NJ, USA
Phone: 973-989-2020
Twitter: @north_dover