Little School News
February 2025
Upcoming Events
February is here, bringing with it a season of love, kindness, and exciting learning opportunities! This month, we’ll be celebrating friendship, exploring fun winter activities, and diving into creative crafts and stories that spark imagination. From Valentine’s Day fun to hands-on learning experiences, there’s so much to look forward to in our Little School community. We’re grateful for the joy your little ones bring each day and can’t wait for another month of growing, playing, and learning together!
February 2nd-February 7th: Scholastic Book Fair in the Goliath area downstairs. All proceeds go to Little School. Come shop for books for the whole family.
February 5th and 6th: Pastries with Parents! Your child's teacher will share specific times with you.
February 12th-14th: Valentine's Parties! Your child's teacher will share specifics with you.
February 17th: No School: Presidents Day
February 20th: Family Fun Night! Save the Date! Join us for a fun night with all our Little School Families! From 5:30-7:30pm, we will have an indoor bounce house, Kona Ice in the parking lot, face painting, storytelling and music, a dance floor, and hot dog dinners. Ticket prices and details to come soon!
February 26th and 27th: Class Photos
Music Class News!
We kick off the month with a playful set of train songs and activities! We’ll navigate our classroom train track and then capture the excitement of the children singing “Choo, Choo the Big Train," while recording the childrens’ voices and playing it back for them on a faster speed.
Mid-month, the Little Schooler’s will sing their hearts out with adorable songs to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
February wraps up with songs echoing fire safety awareness and discovering safety signs around our community. Then we end with a musical exploration into the world of Jazz. We will be singing along to jazz style children’s classics like “Old McDonald” and the ABC song.
Remember: Those who wish to sing, always find a song!
Happy Valentines Day!
Ms Laura, Ms Sheri and Ms Jana
St. Luke's United Methodist Church Events and Opportunities
Join us on Sundays for Sunday School and nursery care at 9:30am and services at 9:30am and 11:00am! All are welcome.
February 7th: 9:00am Parents Coffee and Conversations in Narthex(upstairs). Little ones are welcome to come with you. Come meet new Little School parents or take some time to catch up with the ones you already know! Coffee, tea, and toys will be available.
February 8th: PARENT'S MORNING OUT 9:00am-noon: Cost is $30. RSVP to sam@stlukeshr.com. Enjoy a few hours on your own while your child is supervised here at the church for playtime.
February 9th, 16th, 23rd: Heart & Soul Bible Study girls 6th - 8th grade 4:00-5:00pm. Email liza@stlukeshr.com for more information.
February 27th, 28th, March 1st, 2nd: Come see Ms. Sheri and Ms. Jana (the Little School music teachers) in the family friendly production of Mary Poppins! Information and tickets available at Wesleyplayers.com.