WMS Family Smore
February 5, 2023
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Dear WMS Families,
We have a lot of news this week, especially from our community partners, so check out the many opportunities available. We are also pleased to be introducing Nurse Lisa, who is officially joining the WMS Community on Monday.
Believe it or not, we are already planning for next school year. We encourage all caregivers to take this brief 10 question survey about the WMS daily schedule. We are gathering data from staff, students, and families, and your input is instrumental. Caregiver Schedule Survey
- February 7, SEPAC February General Meeting (6:30pm, virtual)
- February 7: School Site Council meeting (7:00pm, virtual)
- February 8: PTO Meeting (7:00pm, virtual)
February 10: Quarter 2 Report Cards mailed home
February 10: WMS PTO Trivia Night (Donahue's, 7:00-10:00pm)
Respectfully yours,
Ms. Jennifer Chen Fein, Principal
Ms. Susan Carle, Assistant Principal (Clusters 1, 3, 5)
Ms. Jennifer Sarmiento, Assistant Principal (Clusters 2, 4, 6)
News at WMS
New News from WMS Teachers
Click on the links below to find updates from your child's teachers. These cluster/class smores are a helpful tool to know what your child is learning. These s'mores are shared and updated every other week in the WMS Family Smore.
Introducing Nurse Lisa
Hi Watertown Middle School Families!
My name is Lisa Gallagher and I am excited to be joining the middle school as the new School Nurse. I have currently been the District Float Nurse for the Watertown Public Schools.
I am a Boston College graduate from long ago (Go Eagles!) and achieved my Masters in Nursing Leadership from Framingham State University. I have been a nurse for the past twenty-two years. I worked inpatient as a Labor and Delivery Nurse at BIDMC for most of my career then transitioned to an ambulatory OB/GYN setting.
I have three boys, two teenagers and one pre-teen, who keep me very busy! I love to run, dance, and listen to music. One fun fact about me is I ran the Boston Marathon in 2017 and survived! To this day, it is one of my greatest accomplishments! I am looking forward to meeting all the students and getting to know their families…Nurse Lisa
SEPAC February General Meeting - February 7
We invite you to join the Watertown SEPAC virtually on Feb. 7th at 6:30 PM for an update and question and answer session with Kathleen Desmarais, Watertown's Director of Student Services! For the zoom link and more information see: https://www.smore.com/ns0mt
Clough Memorial Update Committee - Deadline of February 6
In order to make collaborative recommendations for the Clough Memorial updates, we are assembling a committee to determine the next steps for the Memorial, as it is meant to fully embrace and illustrate our core value of equity in a more systemic and focused manner.
If you wish to participate, please complete the form linked here, no later than Monday, February 6th at 9am. Committee members will be notified on the 6th, with an optional invitation to introduce themselves on a brief zoom call on the 7th at 6pm.
Committee Composition:
Director of DEIB (1)
School Committee Member (1)
Clough Family Representative (1)
WMS Teacher (1-2)
Community Member/Caregiver (1)
Participant Requirements:
Participants can expect to meet on the following days, at a time and ina way that best fits the committees needs (options listed in the participation form):
- February 7- Introduction and Stage Setting (Optional)
- February 27
- March 20
- April 24
- May 15
- June 12
Faculty/Staff will be compensated according to the contract @ $35/hour
Please reach out to Dr. Henry, the Director of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Belonging with any questions at kimberlee.henry@watertown.k12.ma.us.
WMS is Hiring
We are hiring for a few positions:
- Long Term Sub - 6th grade Social Studies
- Long Term Sub - 7th grade Special Education
- School Nutrition Worker
- Building-Based Substitute Teacher
- Substitute Instructional Assistant
Please share with your networks.
The WMS Learning Lab - extra help available at school
Opportunities for Parents/Caregivers To Get Involved
School Site Council (SSC) - February 7
The WMS SSC meets once a month on the first Tuesdays at 7:00pm, virtually. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, with our K-7 and 8-12 Science Coordinators coming as special guests.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) - February 8
The PTO meets virtually on the second Wednesday of each month, and the next meeting is on Wednesday, February 8 at 7pm. Reach out to the PTO President Erin Macomber at erin_macomber@neds.org with any questions or to express interest.
In addition, please join us for a night out soon - February 10th at Donahue's from 7:00-10:00PM. Even if you can't make it, you can make donations to the WMS PTO at our venmo account here.
WMS PTO Fundraiser for 8th Graders - Geoff & Drew's
Geoff & Drew’s - ( Gourmet Cookie & Brownie Gifts ) is excited to support the Watertown Middle School 8th Graders! They will be donating 20% of any cookie and brownie gift for Valentine’s day and throughout the school year.
Geoff & Drew’s offers a wide selection of delicious gift boxes with award-wining bakery treats. Perfect for any and every giving occasion including Valentines Day, Mothers Day & Fathers Day! Cookies are baked fresh and individually wrapped within each gift.
Simply use code WMS20 in the promotion code field when you checkout online.
20% will be donated to any gift purchased not on sale.
You can order your Valentines Gifts Here or see additional gifts at: www.gdcookies.com
Place your order by February 9th. Gifts can be shipped anywhere in the US or picked up on Sunday/Monday Feb 12th or 13th.
IMPORTANT: If you would like to pick up gifts in Watertown you will need to reach out directly to Carol (carol@geoffanddrews.com) to place your order (and you will not need to pay shipping).
Diversity Council - February 27
The WMS Diversity Council meets once a month. Our next meeting will be after school in person on February 27 from 3-4pm, with the meeting after being on Thursday, March 16 virtually, at 7pm. We will be focusing on planning and hosting an in-person event that celebrates the diversity of our school, as well as actionable steps outlined in the district equity audit taken last school year. Any and all are welcome to join.
MassHealth - renew health coverage
Watertown Recreation News
Our Winter II Recreation Registration begins on Thursday, February 9th at 6:00pm. You can register at https://watertown.activityreg.com.
Please consider registering for our “Notify Me” as this will inform you of upcoming information in regards to your recreation department.
Watertown Race Reels - February 13
Please join us for Watertown Race Reels this February! We will be screening the film The Color of Care on February 13th (see attached flyer).
We will be serving pizza starting at 5:45 and starting the film at 6pm. After the film (~75 minutes), we will have a post film discussion/activity. Hope to see you there!
Have your students join the MIT Club of Boston Science Trivia Challenge!
The MIT Club of Boston Science Trivia Challenge (web.mit.edu/trivia) for middle and high school students is returning to an in-person format this year. Moderated by MIT's former Maker Czar, Professor Marty Culpepper, it will be held at the Broad Institute in Cambridge on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, from 5 to 9 pm.
This fun and educational event includes “Meet the Scientists and Engineers” (face-to-face conversations prior to the Challenge), dinner, refreshments, and STEM-related swag for all participants, plus prizes for the top three teams in each division, featuring a private tour of an MIT lab for the first-place winners.
Could you please let your STEM faculty know about this opportunity for their students? Registration is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please see the attached flyer for additional information.
I'm happy to answer any questions you might have.
Chris Santos (she/hers)
Member, MITCOB Science Trivia Challenge Planning Committee
Girls and Boys Lax
Registration for Waltham/Watertown Youth Lacrosse is open! We are looking for new and experienced boys and girls from grades K-8 to join our Lacrosse community. The Waltham and Watertown Youth Lacrosse organizations merged a few years back and we are looking to continue to grow this sport we love so much and know your kids will too.
The boys are a part of Mass Youth Lacrosse (MYL) which represents most towns in Massachusetts while the girls play in the Founders Girls Lacrosse League. Practices are at Waltham High one-to-two weekday nights (and/or Saturday mornings) depending on age group. Home games are played on Sundays at Waltham High School. Practices, weather permitting, will begin in March with games scheduled to begin in early April. If there are any questions please feel free to reach out to John O'Brien (jobrien32@hotmail.com).
The registration link is here: https://waltham.demosphere-secure.com/_registration
And be sure to follow Waltham Youth Lacrosse on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Waltham-Youth-Lacrosse-103060247927982
Thank you!
Waltham Youth Lacrosse
Immigration Legal Consultations with Greater Boston Legal Services - Watertown Free Public Library
The Watertown Free Public Library will be hosting immigration lawyers from Greater Boston Legal Services on a monthly basis. They will be providing free and confidential legal consultation for immigrants.
Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 17th | 6-8 PM By appointment
Second Tuesdays of the Month, 6-8 PM By appointment
Register for a free immigration legal consultation with a representative from Greater Boston Legal Services at the Watertown Free Public Library by calling 617-603-1808.
Attendance Reminders - call the main office before 8:30AM to report a student's absence
In the event that a student is absent, a parent or caregiver must call the absence hotline at 617-926-7783 before 8:30 a.m. Please state the name, grade, homeroom of the student and the reason for their absence. In the event that the absence is not reported, a Robocall will automatically go out to the student’s home or the place of employment of the parent or caregiver to inform them that the student is absent. Students are responsible for working with their teachers to make up work they missed while absent.
Check out page 26 of the WMS Family Handbook to see all of our attendance procedures in more detail.
We live in New England, and whether we love them or hate them, snow days may be just around the corner. As such, please review the information contained in this section regarding school closure protocols. State law requires 180 days of instruction and also requires that any school closures (“snow days”) be made up before June 30. In the case of inclement weather or school closure for emergency reasons, information about school closures can be found at this link.
Upcoming Dates
- February 7, SEPAC February General Meeting (6:30pm, virtual)
- February 7: School Site Council meeting (7:00pm, virtual)
- February 8: PTO Meeting (7:00pm, virtual)
February 10: Quarter 2 Report Cards mailed home
February 10: WMS PTO Trivia Night (Donahue's, 7:00-10:00pm)
February 20-24: February Recess - NO SCHOOL
- February 27: Diversity Council (3-4pm in person)
- March 2: WFPL Bookmobile parked on Bemis Street (3:15-4:30pm)
March 7: School Site Council meeting (7:00pm, virtual)
March 8: PTO Meeting (7:00pm, virtual)
Watertown Middle School
Website: https://wms.watertown.k12.ma.us/
Location: 68 Waverley Avenue, Watertown, MA, USA
Phone: 617-926-7783