St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Newsletter 6.9.24
This week...
Welcome back! I hope everyone has enjoyed a fabulous summer.
I can honestly say that it's also been a delight to be back in school with our lovely children this week! What a super start everyone has made to this new school year.
We've started as we mean to go on, with lots of things happening across school, so please read below to find out more about some of these.
Thank you, as always, for supporting us to
Live, love and learn with the Lord.
Mrs Ronicle
British Values Week - I Feel Safe
We've begun our school year with a theme week.. our 'British Values - I Feel Safe Week'!
As a school, throughout the week, we have explored the key fundamental British values, and how they impact on our lives, helping us to feel safe. This has tied in beautifully with our elections for School Council representatives this week too. What better way to demonstrate democracy than to allow children to experience a real-life election?! We will announce our new School Council members shortly.
Whole School Start of Year Mass
It was lovely to celebrate a beautiful start of year Mass in Church this Wednesday. We have recently purchased child-friendly Mass sheets, and the children enjoyed following along! Thank you to Father Sean, for making us feel so welcome in Church each week.
Gold Mark School Games Award!
We were delighted, at the end of last year, to find out we have achieved a GOLD MARK School Games Award!
This is a real achievement (many schools work for several years before being able to achieve this!), and testament to the effort we put into ensuring all of our children are given lots of support towards leading healthy lifestyles.
Well done, Team St Joseph's!
Next week, we will be announcing details of our new St Joseph's School Choir! How exciting!
We will be practising songs (and dance moves) for our upcoming Young Voices Concert at the Sheffield Arena in January. Further details to follow!
After School Football Club
We still have a couple of spaces available at our after-school Football Club on Mondays. Please contact our office if you would like further details. Any remaining places are offered on a first come, first serve basis.
Curriculum Maps
When we asked our families how we could improve last year, we had some lovely suggestions about improving how we communicate our learning.
Our long-term plans are already on our website: St Joseph's Catholic Primary School & Nursery - Learning (
In addition, our class teachers are sending out a curriculum map, so families understand the learning areas that will be covered this term.
These will be sent via email this afternoon. If you don't think you've received yours, please contact our office!
Breaktime Clubs
As part of our 'Personal Development' strategy, we have introduced adult-facilitated clubs during EVERY breaktime! These range from yoga, to prayer circle, to netball! Here is our Just Dance Club (thank you to Miss Allan!), who thoroughly loved showing us their groovy moves on Wednesday!
Diocese of Leeds Music
We are delighted that, from next week, the Diocese of Leeds Music service are coming into school weekly, to deliver singing sessions across school!
Diocese of Leeds Music | Inspiring young people across Yorkshire
Forest School
Last year, Treetops came into school to deliver forest school days across KS2. We loved the experience so much that we've decided to make this a regular thing!
St Patrick's and St Therese will have outdoor learning sessions every few weeks. Forest school has proven to nurture key characteristics within children, particularly resilience and teamwork skills.
Our first forest school day, for Years 3-6 will be on 18th September!
Attendance Update
Whole School Attendance this week: 93.3%
Our attendance this week is below National Average. We are still seeing a number of families requesting term-time holidays. Under new statutory guidance, we cannot authorise these. As mentioned in the last newsletter, the rules around fining parents/carers have changed too.
This week, we have been learning...
St Nicholas Class (Nursery)
Our new starters have settled in beautifully this week, and the other children have enjoyed playing with them and making them feel welcome. We are very proud of how kind and considerate our Nursery children are!
St Francis Class (Preschool / Reception)
St Francis' class have had a fantastic start back to school! We have been busy indoors and out, painting portraits, reading stories, making dens and playing number games. Here we are exploring some unusual fruit and vegetables, as part of our RE learning about the wonderful world God has made!
St Bernadette Class (Year 1/2)
What an amazing start to the term! St Bernadette's have been learning about the British Values. We learnt about democracy and being able to use our voice. We applied this through a democratic vote for our first class book.
St Patrick Class (Year 3/4)
In Maths this week, we have been thinking about Place Value. For some of us, it was our first time using the thousands column! We used teamwork and discussion to sort ourselves out into the correct column to make the right number.
St Therese Class (Year 5/6)
In St Therese Class this week, we learned more about our class saint, and how she did small acts of kindness every day. Then, we drew pictures of her.
Stars of the Week!
St Nicholas (Nursery): William
St Francis (Preschool/Reception): Avery
St Bernadette (Y1/2): James
St Patrick (Y3/4): Maddie
St Therese (Y5/6): George and Lacey
Headteacher's Award: Leo (for demonstrating our virtue of 'love of learning')
Team Point Winners: St Matthew
Upcoming Dates
Forest School (St Patrick's and St Therese): Wednesday 18th September
Reception Welcome Liturgy: Friday 20th September, 9:10am
KS2 Trip to Ledston Estate: Tuesday 24th September
Individual photos: Wednesday 25th September
Macmillan Coffee Morning (in school): Friday 27th September, 9:30am (after Celebration Assembly)
FoSJ Treat Friday: Friday 27th September, after school
Friends of St Joseph's AGM (in school): Monday 30th September, 3:30pm
Forest School (St Patrick's and St Therese): Wednesday 2nd October
St Bernadette's Countryside Day Trip: Monday 7th October
Open Classrooms: Thursday 10th October, 3-4pm
Forest School (St Patrick's and St Therese): Wednesday 16th October
Settling in reviews (for parents/carers): Thursday 17th October, 3:30-6:30pm
Staff Training Day (school closed to pupils): Friday 25th October
Young Voices Concert (Sheffield Arena): Wednesday 8th January
Friends of St Joseph's
Welcome back! After a very successful launch year, we are looking forward to cracking straight on with another super year!
Our first meeting (and our AGM) is being held in school on:
Monday 30th Sept, 3:30pm.
PLEASE do come along - all families are welcome, and your support is very much appreciated! Drinks and nibbles will be provided.
Our email address is:
Shout Outs!
How to get in touch
If you have a query or concern, please feel free to speak to me (Mrs Ronicle) at the gates in the morning; your child's class teacher at the end of the day; or our school admin team at the front entrance or via phone/email.
If this is not possible, feel free to phone or email the office who can forward any messages to staff.
Location: Station Road, Tadcaster, UK
Phone: 01937 832344
Twitter: @StJosephsTad
We are a proud member school of the Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust: