Trailside Parent Newsletter
# 2 Monday, August 19, 2024
Beginning of the School Year
Strong Start
Hello Trailside Families!
It was wonderful meeting many of you at our Back-To-School event this past Wednesday. A huge thank you to our incredible PTA for organizing this wonderful event.
We have had a strong start the first two days of school. Teachers are working hard to establish routines and procedures that will set your child up for academic and social success.
Our Beginning of the Year assessments are coming up in the beginning of September. These are important data points that help guide instruction. Help your child perform at their best by ensuring consistent sleep and breakfast routines. Thank you!
Student attendance is always a focus for schools. This year I will be pulling attendance data each month and sharing it with you via an email message and these parent newsletters.
As always, feel free to reach out to the school if you have any questions.
First PLC Monday coming up! Drop off 8:40-8:55. School start time 9:00 AM
Similar to last school year, if needed, parents will still be able to drop off students at 8AM. Students who arrive at this time should bring a book to read. Students who also need a school breakfast will still have this opportunity as well.
Free-Reduced Lunch Application
Families interested in applying for free/reduced lunch can apply here:
KINDERGARTEN and PRESCHOOL First Day- Thursday, August. 22
24-25 School Start Times
Please review the updated school start times effective this 24-25 school year.
Campfire- Afternoons Only
Campfire Alaska will once again be running their after-school program at Trailside. For more information click HERE.
Coming Soon- Trailside MUSICAL information from Ms. Davenport
School Drop off and Pick Up
Student Safety is our Top Priority. Please Read Below.
*****Drop Off 7:40-7:55AM. Please Do Not Drop off BEFORE 7:40AM*****
Kindergarten Academy
If your child is going into Kindergarten this year, please plan on participating in Kindergarten Academy
Monday, August 19th, 9:30-11:30 a.m
Tuesday, August 20th, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Breakfast Service
PLC Monday breakfast service is pushed 1 hour later, from 8:35-8:55am.
More information about meals and prices can be found here:
Reporting Absences
Please call the office when excusing your student due to sickness, or pre-arranged absence (Travel, Etc.)
When leaving messages for the office, please make sure to leave the student's first and last name.
Please also leave a good contact name and number we can reach you at if we have questions regarding the message.
Message from the Counselor
Please click the link for this month's counselor's message:
Message From the Nurse
Hello! Welcome to the start of the school year!
The kids call me “Nurse Donna” and I am happy to be a positive part of your child’s educational journey.
The purpose of the school nurse is to help all students be healthy, safe and ready to learn.
Please contact me ASAP if your child has any allergies or health concerns so that we may help keep them safe at school. Per ASD, NO medications are permitted in school or on students without approval from the school nurse, signed parent consent, AND written authorization from the prescribing medical authority.
While in school and on a consistent routine is best for the social and emotional wellbeing of children, sometimes staying home is best. To help make this decision, please refer to ASD’s guidance on “When to Keep Your Child Home from School” which can be found here:
Per state law, routine school health screenings are done annually by the school nurse for vision, hearing and height/weight measurement. If any concerns with screenings are detected, the school nurse will contact parent/guardian for further evaluation. If you do not want your child screened, please inform the school nurse in writing.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, concerns or comments regarding your child’s physical, mental and/or emotional wellbeing and readiness for school; it is my job to work with you to help ensure your child feels safe, accepted and is ready to learn in the classroom.
While parents/guardians are welcome to call or stop in anytime, please know during the school day I am usually busy assisting students, therefore the best way to reach me is by email at and I will usually respond to your email within 24 hours.
Volunteer applications are required every school year. Please complete yours today so you can participate in the many activities Trailside will offer this year!
All parents, please check your parent connection and make sure all of your contact information is correct.
Please notify the office of any of the following changes:
- Custody/Legal Documents (as soon as possible)
- Address Changes
- Phone number updates
- If you are moving, please notify the office as soon as possible.
Please make sure when using Q Parent Connection to excuse your student, it has to be done in the system prior to 8:30 am. If not, you will get a Robo-Call from the district notifying you that your student was absent for the day. Please call the office if it is after 9:30 am and the office staff will get your student excused.
If you are traveling please contact the office so we can get your student excused, you will then see a "P" (Travel status and other pre-arranged absences) in Q- Parent Connection instead of "E" (Excused).