Robert Frost ES
2024-2025. November Newsletter. No. 2

A Season for Giving Thanks
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Families,
As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the significance of this time for expressing appreciation, and for strengthening the bonds that unite us with our families and community.
This holiday serves as a reminder of the values we hold dear—unity, gratitude, and compassion. It is a wonderful moment for all of us to come together, appreciate the blessings in our lives, and think about ways we can give back to our community.
November 18-22, 2024 is American Education Week. Please express sincere gratitude during this week for those who make the education process possible for our future scholars at Robert Frost Elementary School.
Wishing you and your loved ones a warm and joyful Thanksgiving filled with love and togetherness.
Best Wishes,
Dr. Connelly
Counselor's Corner
Professional School Counselor: Kodi Ross
Let me begin by saying we had such a great turnout for Men Make a Difference Day on 10/17 and I was so glad to see so many dads, grandfathers, uncles and other male role models come out. Parent engagement is so important in everything we do and your participation was greatly appreciated. The students got to do an arts and crafts project with their guests and everyone had so much fun!
October was anti-bullying month and we had a poster-making contest - students made anti-bullying posters spreading messages of kindness and teamwork throughout the school. We have done social-emotional classroom lessons about bullying this month as well as lessons on Setting Goals and how to be a Good Listener!
Please prioritize attendance - your student has to be in school each day to learn the material in order to succeed in their classes.
Kodi Ross - Professional School Counselor
Reading Corner
Ms. Gordon's Reading/Testing Corner
Hello Fabulous Frost Families!
We have had a busy month!
Our K-3 students are using Lexia each day and our Grades 4 and 5 students are using i-Ready.
We completed our i-Ready Diagnostic in grades 1-5, and teachers are using the results to support our students in any areas of development they need.
DIBELS testing is complete in K-3, and the results will be sent home to each of you soon. Teachers are using DIBELS data in K-3 to support their students.
We'll be recognizing students for their Lexia and i-Ready progress during October. Our students have completed 4,116 i-Ready lessons so far! The percentage of students reading on grade level in Lexia has already increased by 4%!
Remember--your child can access i-Ready and Scholastic Literacy Pro (for independent reading) from any device connected to the internet. Just go to www.pgcps.org, click on Clever, and log in.
As always, contact me with any questions you may have!
Ms. Gordon
Reading Specialist
Book Character Day
What's New in the Library?
Library Media Specialist: Ms. Banks
Students are able to check out library books each week. Just a few reminders:
Books are typically checked out for two weeks, but may be shorter for other materials.
Students may be allowed to renew books.
Students are not to write, draw, or tear out pages in the books (Students are responsible for damaged materials).
A new shipment of books have been ordered for the media center. These books will be available in the upcoming weeks!
Kindergarten: Ms. Rowe & Ms. Stancil
We are giving students 1 syllable words such as cat, dog, and bell and the students must say each sound in the word.
In math we are composing and decomposing numbers to ten. Students are learning that 5 can be 2 and 3, 4 and 1, 5 and 0, and other combinations.
1st Grade
1st Grade Team: Ms. Jones & Ms. James
Fall is here!
The 1st Graders made beautiful Fall trees with Ms. Hall in Art Class.
We are also finishing our Social Studies Unit on Citizenship. We know all about being good citizens at school, at home and in our community.
We are experts on 2D shapes and can use our math vocabulary to describe the attributes of 2D shapes. Next, we will learn many different strategies for adding and subtracting within 20.
We also practiced creating mental images and sequencing as we read many stories about life cycles. As you admire the beautiful fall foliage, ask a first grader to tell you how an oak tree grows and changes! They will be happy to tell you about acorns and how they grow and change!
2nd Grade
2nd Grade: Ms. Toms & Mr. Berry
The first quarter has come to an end and Mr. Berry and Ms. Toms are so proud of all the second graders for their hard work and success in the first ten weeks of school. Here is what we are working on in November:
Reading- We explore our world through a variety of genres- fantasy, nonfiction, fiction, and drama! We learn to express our opinions in writing and use the writing process to write an essay.
Math- We are nearing the end of the addition within 100 unit and moving into our Telling Time unit. Students will learn to tell time to the nearest five minutes and be able to tell the difference between am and pm.
Science- We discover different types of matter that are found on Earth and explore to understand how matter can change.
Social Studies- We learn about some of the different cultures and traditions of people in our country. The students will learn about the history of the United States.
3rd Grade
3rd Grade RELA & Social Studies: Ms. Jackson
- Synthesize
- Text Structure
- Text & Graphic Features
- Opinion Essay
- Opinion Essay.
At Home Practice:
- Read for at least 20-30 minutes a night.
- Answer the comprehension questions on your reading log.
- Please check folders daily for homework assignments.
Upcoming Events:
- Quarter 1 Benchmark October 28 - November 15
- Friday, November 1- 3 hour Early Dismissal
- Tuesday, November 5- No School
Third Grade Math, Science, & Health:
Mr. Tamoshunas & Ms. Banks
Students have been learning:
- Strategies to show multiplication
- About Static Electricity
- About the Human Eye
We are ending our Exploring Multiplication Unit next week and will begin our 2-D Shape Unit followed by our Expanding Multiplication Unit.
Please have students practice their multiplication facts.
- Focus on twos, threes, fours, and fives facts.
- Use flash cards (Dollar Store)
- Practice a few of the same facts daily before adding new facts
Math is everyone's friend.
Thank you for your support!
Mr. Tamoshunas
Ms. Banks
4th Grade
Fourth Grade ELA: Ms. Glover
What’s happening in 4th Grade ELA!
Happy November Friends and Family. Here is what your “Fantastic Fourth Grades” should be able to do by the end of this month:
Compare and contrast the print and video versions of Ten Suns.
Use facts and details from the text and your imagination to write a story.
Write an opinion paragraph about the natural wonder you feel is most amazing.
Share information and ideas about what makes Earth's natural wonders exciting and unique.
Fourth Grade Math & Science: Ms. Bechtold
4th grade Math and Science in November
Students will continue to learn about the following in Math:
Multiply multi-digit numbers using strategies based on place value and properties of operations.
Compare numbers with multiplicative reasoning.
Use multiplication to solve real-world and mathematical problems involving measurement.
Use letters to represent the unknown quantities in equations.
Starting to do division
Students are learning about the following in Science:
Speed and motion of energy
Energy and motion
Speed of objects
5th Grade
5th Grade RELA & Social Studies: Dr. Harvin
As we move into quarter two of the school year, students will focus on the genre of mysteries in RELA, and they will work towards writing an imaginative story. The essential question that students will focus on this quarter is "What makes something mysterious, and what makes people want to solve mysteries?
In Social Studies, students will focus on the "Challenges of a New and Expanding Nation (1800-1900)" - the United States. The enduring understanding of this unit is "The Civil War demonstrated that the Constitution is a living document," and the unit question is "How did the Civil War challenge and change the Constitution?"
5th Grade Math & Science: Ms. Brady
What's Happening in 5th Grade Math & Science?
Students are learning how to read and write decimals to the thousandths place. Base ten and expanded form.
Science: Students are learning about matter and how it changes from one state to another.
SEAD: Ms. Watts
Both SEAD classes have successfully concluded reading and math pretests.
Please be on the look-out for pre-test scores.
It is imperative that each student masters their lunch number. Lunch numbers will be sent home this month for practice.
ELD (English Language Development)
ELD (English Language Development) Team
Ms. Scarato, Ms. Constantino, Mr. Levine
Dear Parents,
A letter about Continuing ELD Services was mailed home on October 17, 2024. Please return the letter by checking the Yes or No box and signing.
If you have not received the letter, please email the ELD teachers at Robert Frost, and we will send you the same form.
Below are the email addresses and the corresponding teachers assigned by each grade level:
K-1 magdalena.scarato@pgcps.org
2-3 lucia.constantino@pgcps.org
RFES ELD Teachers
Special Education
Special Education: Ms. McCollum
Please see the attached flyer for upcoming Family Support Center Events for parents:
Behavior Changes, A Virtual Support Group Based on Principles (ABA) . Please see flyer for dates.
Art: Ms. Hall
For the month of November, our students will use various art experiences to identify, describe and interpret observed forms. Students will have opportunities to create images and forms from observation, memory, imagination and feelings.
Physical Education
Physical Education: Ms. Fortunato
It’s hard to believe that we are almost a quarter of the way through the school year. Since it’s
getting cooler here are a couple of ideas to keep the whole family active!
Rake leaves/create leaf mazes
Grab your rake and let’s get active! Whether it’s removing fallen leaves in your
own yard or a neighbor’s, raking leaves is a great way for family fitness and
burn a few extra calories. For every half hour of raking and bagging leaves,
the average person can burn about 175-225 calories. Encourage your kids to
join in on the fun by creating and navigating leaf mazes together.
Turn up the beat and get groovin’! Dancing is a unique form of self-expression
and a fun lower-impact physical activity. Don’t forget to play family-friendly,
popular singles such as the “Shake It Off” and “Can’t Stop the Feeling” or
reach further back with “YMCA” or “Macarena.” The majority of my students
love to dance.
Mental Health & Wellness
School-Based Clinician: Tanya Anderson, LCSW-C
Welcome to Mrs. Anderson's Mental Health and Wellness Corner!
Each month I will focus on a different Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
topic and provide useful strategies that can be used at home or in the
classroom. Here you can also find the latest mental health resources,
wellness tips, and a positive space to learn more about maintaining healthy
mental health!
Click on the link to enter : Mental Health and Wellness Corner
Mark Your Calendars!
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
10/31: End of 1st Quarter
Start of November
11/1: 3 Hour Early Dismissal for Students
11/5: Election Day- Schools Closed
11/25: School Pictures (In uniform)
11/27-11/29: Schools Closed Thanksgiving Break