Maungatapere School
Newsletter 16 May 2024
From our Principal
Tena koutou katou
I would like to welcome Mrs Alana White to our team, taking on the Room 5 roll growth class.
Alana will be working alongside the R12 teaching team from week eight of this term, to get to know the children, teachers and our learning programme. This will transition her into starting with a small
group of our new entrants as they start their learning journey with us. Room 5 and Room 12 will at
times work together when appropriate. Our teacher staffing allocation this year, has allowed us to
keep the student/teacher ratio low to give the new entrants the best opportunity for a strong start
to school.
We look forward to Mrs Alana White’s start with us. She is very excited to be joining the team.
A separate hardcopy letter will go home today to R12 parents and another letter to parents with
new entrants starting in R5.
School Term Dates
27th May Year 7/8 Science Road Show at TAS
29th May WPSSA Year 5/6 Winter Sports
3rd June Kings Birthday
5th June School Photos
28th June Matariki
5th July Last Day Term 2
George de Ridder R10 For working hard and making great progress in your reading.
Charlie Knox R9 For having a great start to Term 2, involving herself in everything and having a 'make it happen' attitude.
Evie Anson R7 For making it happen across all learning areas. Keep stepping outside that comfort zone Evie!
Billy Turner R6 For being a focussed learner and asking questions when necessary. Way to make your learning happen.
Hunter Johnson R11 For the hard work that your putting into your reading mahi.
Eli Roughton R13 For taking your learning into your own hands and improving your timetables.
Major Building Project
There is a major building project currently underway at school. This has made access to the school office difficult but this is only a temporary change. We appreciate your patience while this is happening. There is more information on this project below.
From the beginning of Term 2 the school is undergoing major property project works that will continue for the remainder of the year. I will update you as and when required during the process.
Student safety is our highest priority, followed by parent/caregiver access to the office.
Please note the green arrows on the ‘Site Access Plan’.
- Parent/caregiver access to the office/sickbay area from the parent carpark involves walking behind Room 5 towards the back field - past Mr Frosts Caretaker shed - enter the hallway door closest to R1 and the office.
Please note the purple arrows on the ‘Site Access Plan’
- This is our contractor and heavy vehicle access to the site. Where possible deliveries to the school will be scheduled before 8:10am in the morning to avoid children and after school.
- Please drop off your child at the parent carpark if they enter school without an adult
- NO parent car drop offs in the staff carpark – thank you
Please note the blue arrows on the ‘Site Access Plan’
- The blue arrows show the contractor fenced area and contractor vehicle parking by the wedgy tree or behind the staffroom.
General information about the build
Site safety fences installed. (Timeline: early Term 2.)
The front of the office entrance / R1-3 will have the concrete removed and a floor level deck installed. (Timeline: starting early May to mid-August).
Roof structure extended over deck & new carpet and many other associated bits (Timeline: starting August to end Sept).
Apply for funding for Stage 2.
New cladding, aluminium windows, larger door access off the decks & heating replacement.
This plan will allow the oldest classrooms to be modernised and opened up for learning on the deck.
Temporary access to the office
Pink Shirt Day
Thank you to our student council for their first event of the year, they have planned and managed the whole thing themselves. We've had a sea of pink today with our young people showing their support for Pink Shirt Day and sending out a loud Anti Bullying message. Our students have raised $324.40 for the Pink Shirt Appeal. There are more photos on our Facebook page.
Linewize - Online bullying
Take a deep breath. This may be one of the first times your child (and by default you) has been involved in a bullying situation. It can be distressing and highly emotional for everyone involved. It is important that your child feels that you are confident in resolving the situation they are involved in.
Following on from Pink Shirt Day, here is some advice and talking points around bullying and online bullying.
School Hours
Most of our communication is done via our school app, Facebook and email. If you haven't already, follow our Facebook page and download the app (SchoolAppsNZ)
Room 2 - Expanding on Simple Sentences and making them exciting
Support our AIMS Basketball Team
THANK YOU!! To our generous sponsors
About us
Email: office@maungatapere.school.nz
Website: https://www.maungatapere.school.nz/
Location: Mangakahia Road, Maungatapere, Whangarei, New Zealand
Phone: 09 4346743
Facebook: facebook.com/maungatapereschool