The MMS Wolf Call

June 10, 2024
In This Issue
- Last Week of School Activities
- 8th Grade Chromebook Return
- Lost & Found
- Early Release Hours
- Medication Pick-Up
- Planning on Moving
- End of Year Office Hours
- Upcoming Dates
Last Week of School Activities
We have a lot of fun activities this last week of school!
- Yearbook Distribution on June 13th
- 8th Grade High School T-Shirt Distribution (Don't forget to wear your shirt on June 14th!)
- 8th Grade Touch of Class Assembly on June 14th, 7:40am-9:00am
- Families will receive a link to view the assembly via email
- Grade Level Field Day on June 14th
8th Grade Chromebook Turn In
To help make the end of the school year go smoothly, please make sure your 8th grader has their chromebook, chromebook case, and charger with them on Thursday, June 13th. They will be collected that morning.
Lost & Found
Our lost and found is overflowing with items missing their owner! Please have your student check the lost and found for any missing items. Any items that have not been claimed by the last day of school will be donated. If you have any questions please call the office at 253.891.5200.
Medication Pick-Up
Please remember to pick up your student's medication from the health room by the last day of school, June 18th. If you have any questions please reach out to Nurse Amber at 253.891.5214, or Amber_Johnson@sumnersd.org.
End of School Year Office Hours
The main office will remain open until Tuesday, June 25th
Office hours will be 7:00am-3:30pm
You can reach us at 253.891.5200
Upcoming Dates
6/10: IPA Performance 7th & 8th grade @ BLHS PAC, 5:30pm-8:15pm
6/11: IPA Performance 6th grade @ BLHS PAC, 5:30-8:15pm
6/12: 7th and 8th Grade Band Concert in the MMS Commons, 6:30pm-8:30pm
6/13: Yearbook Distribution
6/13: 8th Grade Chromebook Turn In
6/13: Choir Concert at at BLHS PAC, 6:00pm-8:00pm
6/14: 8th Grade Touch of Class Assembly, 7:40am-9:00am
6/14: Field Day
6/17: HS Graduation, early release at 12:20pm, no late start
6/18: Last Day of School, early release and 10:25