Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know For the Coming Week
February 2, 2025
A Note From Principal Hauser
I hope everyone had a good weekend.
SIT Meeting
Our next SIT meeting is tomorrow, Monday, at 5:30 pm in the art room.
PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting is Monday at 6:30 pm in Easley Media Center or via Google Meets. You can join at this link: meet.google.com/sof-cyts-wdj We will be talking about plans for upcoming events to support our teachers and staff, and our fundraiser kicking off this month, among other items.
Early Release Day
The next early release day is this Friday, February 14th. School will dismiss two hours early.
February 17th Teacher Workday
Monday, February 17th is a teacher workday and there will be no school for students.
Black History Month Read-In
We will be hosting a Black History Month read in, similar to what we did for Hispanic Heritage Month in October. The week will be Feb 24th-28th. We would like to invite parents and community members to read books with Black themes and content to our classes. You can either bring a book of your own or select from the robust selection in the media center-check out this collection to preview our titles. We are allotting 20 minutes for a read-aloud. Once you sign up, you will receive a confirmation email from Ms. Hartley with more information. Thank you for considering this wonderful opportunity.
Here is how to sign up-
Look HERE for classroom teachers open times. Then contact caroline_hartley@dpsnc.net (or message on Bloomz) with your preferred teacher, date and time. We are using the week of 2/24-2/28 for this event, but we can potentially accommodate readers at the same days/times earlier in the month. If you see a teacher has the date of Mon 2/24 open at a time but you can only do Mon 2/17 at that time, feel free to reach out.
As teachers are matched with a reader, their names will have a strikethrough. If you have any questions, contact caroline_hartley@dpsnc.net.
Apex Fundraiser
Our biggest fundraiser of the year is coming on February 24th! Please stay tuned for additional information in the coming coming weeks. Are you curious why we partner with Apex for fundraising? Please view our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document to learn more. Link to Apex video.
Positivity Project
This week’s Positivity Project strength is Social Intelligence, People with social intelligence are able to understand and empathize with the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of other people. Examples of social intelligence include knowing when to talk or listen, what to say, and what to do.
Yearbooks for Sale!
The 2024-2025 Yearbook is for sale for $20 on Easley's OSP until 4/18. After 4/18 we will sell any extra yearbooks for $25 until they run out. Reserve your copy today!
PTA Meeting Dates - 6:30 pm in the media center
February 10, 2025March 10, 2025
April 14, 2025
May 12, 2025
PTA Community Events
Spring Fling: April 25, 2025
This Week's Special Schedule
This Week's Special Schedule
Monday - Green
Tuesday - Blue
Wednesday - Purple
Thursday - Red
Friday - Orange
Breakfast and Lunch Menus