The Bobcat Brief
January 17, 2025
Upcoming Events
Monday, January 20: MLK Jr. Day - No School
Tuesday, January 21 - Thursday, January 30: Kids Heart Challenge
Wednesday, January 22: Grades 3-5 Interim Math Benchmark
Wednesday, January 22: 4th Grade High Touch, High Tech In-school Field Trip
Thursday, January 23: 4th Grade Junior Master Gardener
Friday, January 24: Hearing and Vision Screenings for 2nd-5th Grades with the Lion's Club
Monday, January 27: Chess Club & Holocaust Remembrance Day
Wednesday, January 29: Chinese New Year
Friday, January 31: College Colors Day & Final Day for Coosa Running Club's Shoe Donation
Saturday, February 1: African American History Month Begins & Career and Technical Education Month Begins
Monday, February 3: Last Day to Order Kevin Kurtz Books & National School Counseling Week Begins (Order forms were sent home,)
Friday, February 7: Coosa Club Day
eLearning Packet
All students brought home an eLearning packet with them today. These packets were sent home in the event of an eLearning day next week due to the weather. Students DO NOT need to complete the packet unless the school district implements an eLearning day. Please be on the lookout for any communication from the district about the incoming weather as it relates to a "possible" school closure.
2024-2025 Coosa Yearbook
Order Your Student's 2024--2025 Coosa Yearbook Today!
This week all families received order forms and information about the 2024-2025 Coosa Yearbook.
Please find additional information below:
Cost: $20.00 per book
- Payment via cash/check can be returned with completed attached order form by Friday, February 28. Checks should be made to Coosa Elementary School.
- Payment via online payment can be made by Saturday, March 1. Visit www.strawbridge.net and use Online Code YB31119.
Questions? Email Ms. Kabel at Ashley.Kabel@beaufort.k12.sc.us.
Smart Watches and Cell Phone Devices
As a reminder, smart watches and phones are not allowed to be in the possession of students during the school day. They can be in their bookbags on silent or in the off position. This is a state mandate and has been communicated to families from the district level.
Kevin Kurtz Author Visit on February 26
We are so excited to welcome children's author, Kevin Kurtz, to our school on Wednesday, February 26! If you would like to purchase a signed, personalized copy of any of his books to help your child remember meeting the author, return the completed order form by Monday, February 3, 2025. The order forms went home in folders this week. Prices vary by book title and paperback/hardback copy. Please email Ms. Kabel with any questions: Ashley.Kabel@beaufort.k12.sc.us.
Kids Heart Challenge - Begins Monday!
We are proud to announce that Coosa Elementary School will be learning how to keep their hearts and brains healthy, get moving with fun activities, meet kids with special hearts and learn the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR. Plus, they’ll feel good for doing good!
Start today! Everything can be done easily online at heart.org/schools or on the AHA Schools app. Get ready to change and save lives by registering, sending messages, and completing Finn's Mission!
Steps to Get Started:
- Download the AHA Schools app or visit heart.org/schools to register today.
- Personalize your student’s page – Upload a photo and message about why they are supporting the American Heart Association.
Thank you for supporting our team, our school, our community, and children like Finn!
*Information was sent home with students.*
Coosa Elementary School Wellness Team
EarlyAct Club
Thank You, Mr. Nichols!
Habits for a Happy Home
Begin with the End in Mind - Creating a Vision Board
This week, we continue with “Begin with the End in Mind” by creating a vision board. A vision board helps visualize your child’s dreams and aspirations. Have your child cut out pictures or words that represent their goals and interests, then assemble them on a board or poster. Display it somewhere visible so they can be reminded of their goals daily. Help them discuss how each goal will be achieved, encouraging planning and action.
Coosa Running Club Wants Your Shoes
Are you looking to clean out those unwanted shoes? Looking for a place to donate them? Look no further, the Coosa Running Club will take them all! For a 5th year, the Coosa Running Club is teaming up with Grounded Running to collect shoes for those in need. Students can bring in any type of shoes in any condition during the month of January. With your help, and the support of our community, we have donated over 5,000 pairs of shoes! There are boxes in the front lobby for shoe collection.
Multi-lingual Students ACCESS Assessments
Our Multi-lingual students will be taking the ACCESS assessment over the course of the next few weeks to show off their literacy skills! If your student receives ML support, please ensure they have a good night’s rest before their testing days and eat a healthy breakfast – encourage them to do their best! Reach out to Mrs. Quinn, MLP Teacher (Elizabeth.quinn@beaufort.k12.sc.us) or Mrs. Roberts, Assistant Principal (Renee.roberts@beaufort.k12.sc.us) with any questions. See below for the schedule:
Tuesday, January 21 (Grades 1-5) – Listening
Thursday, January 23 (Grades 1-5) – Reading
Tuesday, January 28 (Grades 1-5) – Writing
Thursday, January 30 (Grades 1-5) – Speaking
Tuesday, February 4 – Kindergarten ACCESS
District Dash 5K and Coosa's Family Fitness Night
During the month of January, our school will place a greater emphasis on wellness. This year, from January 21-January 30, we will be teaching students about Healthy Heart Habits in collaboration with the American Heart Association. Students brought home information about this initiative.
Reminder: Beaufort County Schools will be hosting the District Dash 5K in conjunction with Palmetto Running Company’s existing 5K on March 15, 2025 in Bluffton, SC.
Students and families are encouraged to participate with their school group. At registration, participants can select the school they are supporting. Multiple selections can be made with students attending different schools in one family.
- Schools with the highest number of participants will be eligible for a prize in support of their MUSC Wellness Program.
- No race day registration.
- Race packet pick up at Palmetto Running Company (Bluffton) 3/14/25 or 1 hour before race, 3/15/25.
- https://runsignup.com/Race/SC/Bluffton/DistrictDashK
Questions regarding race questions or MUSC’s Wellness program participation?
Emily Gray, PE and Health Coordinator, Emily.Gray@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Questions regarding the race route or race-related questions outside of BCSD?
Rob Fyfe, owner, Palmetto Running Company, rob@palmettorunningco.commailto:rob@palmettorunningco.com
Beaufort County Library System's Winter Reading Program
It's easy to participate. Beginning January 15, pick up a reading log at any of our libraries or download a template here (Spanish version also available). Read a total of six hours by February 15 and you'll be entered into our grand prize drawing! You have a chance to win a Books-a-Million or Barnes and Noble gift card! (One winner per location). All ages are encouraged to join.
Library Schedule
Tuesday: Lyles, Mack, Kelleher, Landa
Wednesday: McDonald, Rentz, Painter, Norris
Thursday: Plair, Thoms, Straut, Whitaker
Please help your students locate their library books so they can check out new books next week during library class. Thank you!
Coosa's Business Partners - Thank You!
If you are interested in partnering with Coosa, you can find more information on our website: https://ces.beaufortschools.net/about-us/business-partners
Bobcat Champion
- Randall and Marci Mann
- Harris Pillow Supply
Bobcat Gold
Bobcat Silver
Bobcat Bronze
- The Lane Family
- Erica Sanchez/Jolly Family
- Sea Island Animal Hospital
Bobcat Parent/Family Supporter/Advocate
- The Beulah-Fields Family
- The Muth Family
- The Vaughan Family