Groves H.S. JROTC News You Can Use
Sep 12th, 2021
29 school days
Hello, JROTC families. We are 29 days into this school year (not counting weekends). We hope you are doing well and are weathering the pandemic. We miss all of the students that are home on quarantine and look forward to their speedy return. Please take action on the important information and opportunities below, and enjoy the photos throughout this message.
Thanks--LTC London
November 11th Veterans Day Parade
November 11th is a day off for the school, but a day on for all JROTC cadets. On Thursday, November 11th, please ensure your cadet is at the Groves HS cafeteria BEFORE 7:00 AM for Savannah's Veterans Day Parade. We should be back by 1:00 pm. The parade will be televised, so stay tuned on the day of the parade for our sequence number.
World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser
It's time to feed that sweet tooth!
- Who: Groves JROTC cadets and families
- What: Sell $60 boxes of World’s Finest Chocolate
- When: From Sep 15 - Sep 29th (dates might be extended)
- Where: Sell at home, to friends & family, at parent workplaces, at church, etc.
- Why: To raise funds for our annual military ball, field trips, and activities
- How: Fill out, print, and sign the electronic permission slip below and return it to LTC London at school in the morning.
What Else?
CANNOT sell at school between 7 am and 3 pm
Candy bars sell for $2 each and come in a box of 30 candy bars
Turn in money to LTC London daily
CANNOT sell door to door
You can earn prizes for selling
Saturday's ROTC Virtual College Fair (12:00 Noon)
Do you want to go to college? Do you also want to be in the Army? Would you like to be an Army officer? If your answer to all 3 questions is YES, then click below to check out this Saturday's ROTC Virtual College Fair at 12:00 noon. Even if you're not interested in the Army, it's a great way for you and your family to speak to college representatives from around the country and around our area. Sign up below. You'll be glad you did.
Looking for Parents
Drill Team and Color Guard
Do Your Homework
Mandatory Water Bottles
JROTC cadets spend most of the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (their Leadership Lab) outside on the athletic field. Please make sure your cadet comes to class with a water bottle or a bottle of water. We have plenty of ice cold water, but they need their own water bottles to fill up and to refill. The water bottle is part of the Friday PT uniform grade. On Fridays, cadets must wear: athletic shorts, athletic socks, athletic shoes, and a t-shirt (no tank tops or spaghetti straps). Sweatpants or sweatshirts (zipper front if they have a hood) can also be worn.
Upcoming JROTC Competitions and Activities
We have more things to do in JROTC than you can shake a stick at. Click the links below to learn more, and talk to your instructor or LTC London to sign up:
VEX Robots - The Army purchased VEX robots for our JROTC program. The global microchip shortage is delaying delivery, but as soon as they arrive we will start meeting Mondays and Tuesdays after school to prepare our STEM Robotics Team for competition. All cadets are welcome to join.
Flying Drones - We are awaiting delivery of our fleet of flying drones for competition. As soon as they arrive, I'll send out a notification so we can start meeting Mondays and Tuesdays after school to prepare our STEM Drone Team for competition. All cadets are welcome to join.
CyberPatriot - Do you like computers? Would you like to earn $90,000, $100,000, or even $150,000 per year in the cybersecurity industry? Are you interested in having your college paid for and having a guaranteed job after college? If your answer is yes, find LTC London and sign up for our STEM CyberPatriot Team. It's basically about mastering the computer settings needed to protect networks, businesses, companies, and the government from hackers. You can train and compete today and while you get ready for a great career after high school. We'll also meet Mondays and Tuesdays after school for this activity. You don't have to pursue a career in cybersecurity to join this team. All we need is your good attitude and a love of computers.
JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl - We earned our way to level II last year and we want to go all the way to Washington D.C. this time around. If you want to test your JROTC knowledge and your school academic skills against JROTC programs around the world, then we want you on our team. Groves JROTC normally wins it's way to the level II competition. Will you take us all the way to D.C. this year?
JROTC Essay Contest - We know there are some great writers in the Rebel battalion. If you enjoy expressing yourself through writing, then the JROTC Essay Contest is for you. There are prizes and recognition for this event.
American Legion Oratorical Contest - We know several of you have a fantastic ability to get your point across when in a debate or argument. Why not put that to use in something that can win you thousands of dollars for college? Sound interesting? Click below to learn more. We will ensure you have coaches to help you be your best.
Uniforms are Being Issued
Cadets In Action
Back in the day . . .
2 years ago, we had our own JROTC gym for leadership lab and activities.
. . . Rebel JROTC Today
Today Groves High School is at a temporary site until the new school is completed in 2023. The cadets are doing a marvelous job adjusting to JROTC life outside.
Graduates Achieving Success!
This class of 2020 grad just won soldier of the quarter for his unit. Other adet graduates are:
- in college as far away as Virginia, and as nearby as Savannah State and Georgia Southern
- serving in the FBI
- in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines as far aways as South Korea, and
- right around the corner at the Georgia Ports Authority earning more money starting out than many grown folks at the port.
Continue to excel, graduates! What is your future going to look like, current cadets?
July JROTC Leadership Camp
An Army 2nd Lieutenant Visits her old High School
July JROTC Leadership Camp
Contact Us
Email: groves.jrotc@sccpss.com
LTC London - 912-395-2520 x605
SGM Johnson - 912-395-2520 x 505
1SG Latty - 912-395-2563
Email: groves.jrotc@sccpss.com
Website: https://sites.google.com/sccpss.com/groveshsarmyjrotc
Location: 201 Rommel Avenue, Garden City, GA, USA
Phone: 912-395-2520