Kindergarten News
October 27, 2023
Sign up to join us for Math Night
Literacy Workstations
Students love working and learning in Literacy Workstations. In the above pictures, Delaney and Jackson are locating and highlighting Word Wall Words; Hayden and Malaya are searching for magnetic ABCs in a bucket of rice (once the locate the letter, they color the corresponding letter on their sheet); and Nalani and Ry'Leigh are reading big books.
Word Work
We are working on rhyming words. Students helped to locate picture puzzle pieces that rhymed.
Writers Workshop
During Writers Workshop we are learning how to write a nonfiction book with facts that we have learned. This week we studied pumpkins. Students are learning about researching a topic and recording what they have learned through words and pictures.
Shared Reading
During Shared Reading we are noticing the patterns in the stories. We enjoy reading familiar stories on the Smartboard. Many of these stories are also located on your child’s ChromeBook.
We are learning about sorting and classifying. Ary'Onna, Macgyver and Ry'Leigh sorted the attribute blocks by colors, size and shape.
Math Workstations
Nalani and Ry'Leigh are working on their ChromeBooks during math workstations. We are using DreamBox. The students play learning games that become more challenging as the student completes levels.
Reading Workshop
We are reading a lot of nonfiction books. Nonfiction books teach us. We have learned that nonfiction books may have a Table of Contents and an Index.
We have been researching pumpkins this week. The children loved measuring the height of our class pumpkin (with unifix cubes) and the circumfrance with yarn.
We Rocked to Red!
We have been working super hard in Dreambox which is a math program on our Chromebook. District Five strongly encourages teachers to have students work in this program. It is supposed to really help grow our mathematicians. Some friends "rocked to red" for successfully completing so many lessons! Way to go, Mathematicians!
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip Fun
Fall Festival Fun
Contact Information
Mrs. Poston (
Mrs. Ford (
Dutch Fork Elementary: Academy of Environmental Sciences
Proud to be a Title One School