SMS E-News

From Mrs. Perez
Hi SMS Families!
I hope you all enjoyed the Thanksgiving break and were able to have a great time with your kids and family. I am so thankful for the support you give us and grateful for the time we are able to spend with our SMS students.
We are now headed into a busy time of the year. We’re excited to announce an upcoming fun and creative event for our middle school students: Anything But a Backpack Day! This unique day is designed to encourage creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork while allowing students to express their individuality in a fun and engaging way. This day will be on December 20.
What is “Anything But a Backpack Day”?
On this special day, students will be encouraged to bring their school supplies, books, and materials to school in anything except a backpack. Whether it’s a suitcase, a laundry basket, a shopping bag, or even a pet carrier, the idea is to get creative while still ensuring that they have everything they need for their school day. Here are the expectations for this day:
Students must have everything they would need for a regular school day
Nothing living can join you
No weapons allowed
All items must be school appropriate including following dress code and guidelines in the student handbook
Items must be carried/rolled/controlled
Nothing motorized
Everything must fit next to you in the classroom and on the school bus (if riding)
SMS is not responsible for lost/stolen/damaged items
No contraband including carts or baskets from stores
Any item that is considered unsafe, a hazard or a violation of the guidelines will be taken up that day and returned after school
Also, this is a friendly reminder that Semester Exams for High School credit courses will be taking place the week of December 16. It’s important for students to be prepared, as these exams are an essential part of their academic progress.
Key Information:
Exams will take place the week of December 16
Teachers will provide specific details to students about the dates and times for each of their exams
Students should be encouraged to review their materials, ask for help if needed, and organize their study schedule to ensure they are fully prepared
Please feel free to reach out to your student’s teacher or the school office if you have any questions about the exam schedule or preparation.
Thank you for your continued support in helping your student succeed! Let’s make this an amazing two weeks for our students to wrap up a fantastic first semester.
Congratulations SMS Theatre: 1st Place OAP
Our SMS Theatre Performed "Girl in the White Pinafore" for their One ACT Play and received 1st Place and Overall Gold Medalists!
Cali Hamilton
Top Performer
Brylee Acree
Honorable Mention Cast
Levi Gardner & Zachary Parker
All-Star Cast
Ben Hughes
All-Star Tech
Ben Hughes, Anna Parker, Declan Eldridge
Outstanding Tech
12 Days of SMS Holiday Cheer: Spirit Days
SMS Toy Drive: Dec 3 - 13
Jr. FFA Canned Food Drive
SMS Spelling Bee: Sign Up Deadline *Dec. 13*
High School Credit Courses - Semester Exams
SMS Athletics
Send a Santa Gram to Your Student!
Jr. FFA Floral Competition: RSVP by Dec. 6th
Jr. FFA Meeting: December 9
SMS Band Winter Concert: Dec. 10
6th Grade Choir Epic Waters Competition: Dec. 13
SMS Theatre Plays: Dec. 13
SMS Choir Winter Concert: Dec. 17
These Are a Few of Our Favorite Things
December 20: Pep Rally & Early Release
PTA Fun Run
SMS/SHS PTA Sunnyvale Tour of Homes: Dec. 7
Order SMS Yearbook Now!
*SMS and SHS is combined into one Yearbook!*
It's that time of year!! Raider yearbooks are on sale at Jostens.com!
Go to Jostens.com
Click on My School Store (in the top left)
Enter your school name and Texas
Click on 2025 Yearbook
Select the yearbook package you would like to order
Proceed to the payment site
The link below will take you directly to the SHS/SMS Yearbook purchasing options.
Join Sunnyvale Lacrosse
Please help us enforce the following with your students by supporting our district and campus policies.
- Dress Code
- NO Food, Gum or Drinks allowed in classrooms!! Students will be asked to leave food and drinks behind before leaving the cafeteria. NO GUM ALLOWED IN THE BUILDING AT SMS! Students are allowed to have a water bottle in the classroom.
- No phones or smart devices/watches allowed for use around SMS.
Bell & Lunch Schedules
Attendance Information
Lunch Reminder
Join the NEW MS/HS PTA Today!
2024-2025 School Calendar
Phone: 972.226.2922
website: https://www.sunnyvaleisd.com/o/sms/page/school-information