Redhawk Reader
August 23, 2024
The 2024-25 School Year is off to a great start!
We have a had a wonderfully successful start to the school year! Thank you so much to our wonderful parents for your support in getting your students to school on time with the supplies they need!
Upcoming Dates!
Thursday, August 29 - Emergency Drill Practice with students
Monday, September 2 - Student Holiday - No School
Thursday, September 5 - Library Volunteer Info Session 10:00a
Tuesday, September 10 - Open House All Grades 5:30-7:00p
Tuesday, September 10 - 5th Grade Open House 5:30-6:30 in Classrooms
Tuesday, September 10 - 5th Grade Parent Meeting in Cafeteria 6:30-7:00
Car Rider Procedures
Car Rider families, please make note of a few procdures to help our car line run more smoothly and effectively:
- Do not double stack (make two lines of cars) in the morning or afternoon until a staff member instructs you to do so. Please wait in a single-file line until arrival or dismissal begins to allow access to the parking lot.
- Scoot your car up as close to the car in front of you as you can once you are in the loading zone so that we can load more students more quickly. When there are large gaps between cars, our young students with little legs have to walk a long way and that holds everyone up.
- Leave your car tag visible until you studnet is in your car.
Thank you for your help in making our car rider line move more smoothly and efficiently.
Counselor Updates!
Gifted & Talented Testing
If you are seeking Gifted and Talented testing for your student in grades 1st-5th, please see the below flyer with step by step instructions and dates.
*All kindergarten students will be automatically screened for the GT Program.*
Library Updates!
Pictures from our Week!
As a reminder, all students need a pair of wired headphones preferrably over the ears and not earbuds for school. Please no bluetooth. Thank you!
Counselor's Corner
PTO Updates!
Junior Achievement Volunteers Needed!
Are you interested in teaching 30-45 minute lessons to your child and their classmates about opportunities for civic engagement and life skills? Our Junior Achievement program is a great opportunity for you! The JA program is flexible and provides a fun and engaging opportunity for parents (and grandparents) to interact in the classroom throughout the school year.
We need classroom volunteers for all classes K - 5th! If this is something you're interested in, please see the information posted on the SignUp Genius linked below and sign up for your child’s Homeroom if it sounds like a good fit for you!
Upcoming Spirit Shop Dates!
Friday, September 27
Friday, October 25
Friday, December 13