Brand New Opportunity
Ground Floor Biz; You'll Want to JUMP!!
New Day, New Business
Let me introduce you to the new owners of Valentus, Mark & Judy Willodson! They bought an already established company and are going to reshape the company by adding groundbreaking products. Mark & Judy are both Network Marketing geniuses! There were THE TOP earners at The Happy CO. And when I got wind of their new en-devour.. we were to say the least THRILLED! They WIN everywhere they go, so of course, we followed.
I have for you a special preview of their new products!
First, coffee ... SOLSIDE!!! Solside coffee is formulated to support energy, memory, mood and weight management. I know we all miss the original Happy Coffee and this I tell you it is very close, or even better??? ... and I think you will love it!
Next Up ... who doesn't love BAGELS, BREAD, WAFFLES and SYRUP but try not to eat because it puts on the pounds...And guess what? its SUGAR FREE! And guilt free! So if your counting carbs or diabetic...this is for you! We think you'll love it!
They will be releasing them sometime the end of January, or beginning of February. However, there is special tasting come to a town near you!
I want to entice you a little more...Ya'll Mark & Judy are putting up 50% of their own commission for the first 12 months when you sign up with option 1! But you can start anywhere, the cheapest start can get you earning money too. Option 5 is the cheapest you can join, at $59.99, and that includes a tub of the SOLSIDE coffee and signs you up to become an IR (independent retailer). It's basically signing up for free!
I have shared in the photos some cities that will be doing taste testing. Get with either of us to find out more information. I'd love to add you to our customer page even if you are not wanting to join us (but why would you not).
I can not wait to hear from you!!!
Your coffee loving friends,
Chad & Tabby Carlsen