CC Weekly Update
Friday, October 4, 2024
Q1 Pawsome Assembly - Tomorrow!!
Friday, October 4th is our first Pawsome assembly starting at 9:00.
Monica made a few changes to the seating map, so please review where your grade level is sitting and exiting. As always, feel free to call Monica with any questions.
Click the link for seating chart
Fall Break!
DVUSD Fall Break week is Monday, October 7 - Friday, October 11.
We DO return to school on Monday, October 14!
Social Committee Updates
A message from Nurse Sara on behalf of the Social Committee:
ALL of us know someone whose life has been impacted by Breast Cancer. Thanks to research, the diagnosis is no longer the death sentence that it once was.
In support of breast cancer research, this month ANY STAFF MEMBER WEARING PINK on any given day will have their name entered in a drawing sponsored by your SOCIAL COMMITTEE 😀 It's as easy as 1,2,3.
- Just come to my office and I will put your name in.
- No limit to the number of entries.
- The more often you wear pink, the more entries you will have in the drawings.
ALSO, an American Cancer Society donor has agreed to give an additional donation for each of our staff members who wears pink in support of cancer research.
Boo Baskets
The Social Committee will once again facilitate Boo Baskets.
For those of you who are saying "what is this?"
Several Boo baskets will circulate only to those who want to participate. If you get "Booed" everything in the basket is yours and you refill it and pass it on to one of the other staff members in your bucket.
If you wish to participate, place your name and other needed information on the spreadsheet linked below.
Please do this by Weds October 16th.
Sam's Club
A representative from Sam's Club will be in the staff lounge on Friday, October 4th from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM to share information about becoming a member. Stop by for some information!
Sunny Brew Coffee - available for purchase on Mondays!
Sunny Brew Coffee, a Copper Creek family owned coffee truck, will be on our campus every Monday morning from 7:00-8:45am starting Monday, October 14th. The truck will be parked in our front parking lot and available to parents/community, staff, and teachers to purchase a drink before school.
STUDENTS WILL NOT be able to bring drinks into school.
Jessika, the owner, understands that we do not want students bringing drinks from the coffee truck into school. She will let students and parents know that they cannot bring drinks into the school.
10% of all sales will go back to Copper Creek.
Please see flier for options and pricing. Let's come together to support a local community business.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friendly reminder, please share your P/T conference schedule with the office and please let Joelle and I know if you would like us to attend a conference with you 😀
Classroom Party Dates
Weekly Announcements
It is our school wide expectation that these announcements be shared in every classroom on Monday of every week. Thank you for your support 😀
Looking for a form? Look no further 😃
Book Fair
A message from Amanda Meyerhofer:
I put the flyers and half sheets about ewallet and books for presale in your mailboxes yesterday. Please send these home with the kids before break. We will have a reminder going out via Blackboard about the Book Fair when we return from break. Please remind your students/families what day you have signed up to shop as a class. Here is the link to sign up for a class shopping time or reference what you chose:
If interested, I can also add class shopping sign ups to the last two days of the fair 10/21 and 10/22. I will also be open everyday after school.
The book fair will be open after school with the following closing times:
Tu 10/15: 4:30 PM
W 10/16: 6:00 PM
Th 10/17: 6:30 PM
F 10/18 3:30 PM
M 10/21 4:00 PM
Tu 10/22: 4:00 PM
Please let me know if you have any questions or need a certain day/time to bring your class that doesn't currently show as available. Encourage your kids to read over break and turn in their fall reading log to be entered in the book fair contest.
- Friday, October 4 - 7:30 AM K-2 SIT mtg in conference room & Q1 PawSome Assembly - 9:00 AM in the MPR
- Monday, October 7 - Friday, October 11 - Fall Break
- Monday, October 14 - Parent/Teacher Conference Week & Step it Up Kick Off Assemblies - 8:45 AM grades 4-6 & 9:30 Preschool - 3rd
- Monday, October 14 - 3:30 PM -Monthly SPED team meeting in the conference room
- Tuesday, October 15 - Book Fair Opens & 3:45 PTSA Meeting
- Wednesday, October 16 - 4th grade field trip
- Thursday, October 17 - Half Day - schedule A
- Friday, October 18 - Half Day - schedule B
- Monday, October 21 - Bus Evacuation Drills - schedule will be sent via email & 3:30 Special Event committee planning meeting in conference room
- Tuesday, October 22 - 7:30 Guiding Coalition mtg in conference room - last day of Book Fair
- Wednesday, October 23 - Myers off campus 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM for required District mtg.
- Thursday, October 24 - 7:30 AM - Staff Meeting
- Friday, October 25 - 7:45 Breakfast with Colleagues (Boeckholt, Mihelic, Rinderknecht, Schlueter, Langford, Ramirez, Doost, Juhas, Castle, Lamb, Peterson, Hans) 7:30 AM 3rd grade SIT meeting in conference room & Q1 Pizza Party (schedule will be emailed out) & PTSA Trunk or Treat Event 5:30 - 7:00 PM
- Tuesday, October 29 - Picture Retakes & Staff picture (schedule to follow in email)
- Wednesday, October 30 - MRHS Homecoming Parade (schedule to follow in email)
- Thursday, October 31 - 7:30 4-6th SIT team mtg & Fall Party Day
Half Day Schedule
Please see the schedule below as we have updated the A & B days 😀
Thursday - October 17 - Schedule A
Friday - October 18 - Schedule B
Staff Meeting
Click HERE for the link to the staff meeting slides. These slides are always available in the CC Staff Drive, click on the 24/25 school year folder, then click on the 24/25 staff meeting slides folder. Our next staff meeting is on Thursday, October 24 @ 7:30AM in the library.
Happy Birthday!
5 - Alycia Dragomir
27 - Joelle Carrington