JULY 1, 2024

Fair Entry Sign-up is open June 1 - July 15
Open June 1
Registration is now open for the 2024 Murray County Fair 4-H projects! Please log into FairEntry to submit your entries!
Don't hesitate to reach out to the Extension office if you have any questions!
2024 Murray County 4-H Premium List
County Fair Hay Bale Contest
This year's theme is.... FAIR FOOD 🍿🥨🌭🧀🍦🍪
We will allow a first come first serve basis to choose your item, we prefer to not have any repeats. Please fill out the selection on how many bales you will need and which type of bale you would like. If you would like to send a drawing to Kim or Mallory, it really helps the fair board with getting the bales set up. Decorating can begin on Monday, August 12 or Tuesday, August 13 before the fair. Bale decorations need to be removed after the fair by Sunday Aug 18
Murray County 4-H Summer Day Camps
Register for the remaining camps!
Kim has an amazing summer planned for youth who would like to participate in the Murray County 4-H Summer Day Camp sessions! With 11 great events to attend, there is something for everyone in grades K - 13 to do!
Check out the line-up here!
Extension Educator Job Opening!
Murray 50% and Nobles 50%
Who are we?
Extension is an outreach arm of the University of Minnesota, making a difference by connecting community needs and University resources. Minnesota 4-H fosters vibrant, sustainable and resilient communities by building a force of engaged young people who are ready to learn and lead.
What will you do?
This position primarily works with adults to lead, manage and steward the full range of 4-H Youth Development programming in the county/tribal community. 4-H Extension educators work collaboratively with youth, families, volunteers, community partners, and University faculty/staff to reach two overarching program goals:
Youth will learn by developing a passion in their areas of interest
Youth will lead by being innovators and social change agents.
4-H Educators ensure program quality, growth, retention, and impact while ensuring potential and current participants have full access to programs, services, and facilities.
We have excellent benefits!
Paid holidays, vacation and sick leave
Medical, dental, and pharmacy plans
Retirement and life/disability insurance plans
Estimated starting full-time salary range is $51,000-$55,000 based on experience
Training and career development opportunities
Regents Tuition Benefits Program (75%-100% FTE)
Learn more about benefits by visiting the website: http://hr.umn.edu/benefits
*Some benefits may vary by the position % FTE.
How to apply
The application deadline is July 16, 2024. The application process and job description are available at z.umn.edu/4Heducators. Position will start August 26 to September 30, 2024. Contact Stephanie Grimes to learn more or ask questions sagrimes@umn.edu. Learn more about 4-H at extension.umn.edu/4-H.
Lincoln County 4-H Premiere Showmanship Clinic
July 11
Come on down to our One Stop Shop to become a well-rounded showperson and learn from our experts in the Beef, Sheep, Meat Goat, Swine, Dairy, and Horse industries to help bring your showmanship skills to the next level! Take this opportunity to brush up on your showmanship skills in your species, or become a competitive showperson for your county’s premiere showmanship contest! Those who attend will receive a free goodie bag and a meal! The deadline to register is July 3.
When: July 11, 2024, 6 to 8 pm, check-in begins at 5:30 pm
Where: Lincoln County Fairgrounds, Tyler, MN
Who: All youth enrolled in 4-H, Grades 3-13, Families are welcome to attend.
Cost: Free
To register and for more information please visit: https://z.umn.edu/PremiereShowmanshipClinic-Lincoln
Ada and Helmuth Schroeder Scholarship
Lindsey Hause is recipient of the Ada and Helmuth Schroeder Extension Development and Minnesota 4-H Scholarship
Lindsey Hause was one of six Minnesota 4-H members that were awarded the Ada and Helmuth Schroeder Scholarship. This scholarship is presented to current or former Minnesota 4-H members who are entering their freshman year at a Minnesota college or university, based on scholastic achievements, community and 4-H involvement, leadership roles and positions.
Summer Bowling Program - Tracy Lanes
Great Summer Opportunity!
Registered kids get TWO FREE games of bowling per day this spring/ summer.
Please check out www.kidsbowlfree.com and select the Tracy Lanes location to sign up!
4-H and FFA Crop Scouting Challenge
Friday, July 26
Take on a challenge and form a 4-H or FFA crop scouting team! By being on a 4-H/FFA crop scouting team, you will learn skills like teamwork, communication, problem solving and predicting outcomes. All of these skills are what your future employers are looking for!
Click here to view more information and to register for this great opportunity!
4-H Video Workshop
Sessions throughout the summer
4-H Video Workshop is a hybrid program for beginners and experienced filmmakers alike for youth in grade 8+ and up. Youth will meet virtually for three 1-hour sessions to prepare for the in-person, overnight experience on the U of M St. Paul campus and Minnesota State Fairgrounds. Youth create a short narrative video in teams. This program culminates in a film festival with youth films taking center stage during the Minnesota State Fair!
Instructors include University faculty who teach video production alongside professional filmmakers. The in-person portion includes field trips related to filmmaking in the Twin Cities. You’ll be filming with the Minnesota State Fairgrounds as a backdrop and sleeping and eating in the 4-H Building. Generous donors to the 4-H Video project allow the cost to be kept low for this program.
- Dates: online sessions July 15, 22, 29
- In person: overnight August 6-8
- Cost: $100 (Scholarships may be available from your local county 4-H program). If additional scholarship is needed due to financial constraints, please contact steve020@umn.edu to discuss.
Please read through the entire message for species variation
The Minnesota 4-H Youth Development Cloverbud policy creates a uniform set of rules for participation to maintain developmental appropriateness and safety for our youngest 4-H members. A rule related to Cloverbuds and animals has been updated.
When Cloverbuds and animals are together at a 4-H program, families may now choose one of two acceptable ways to guide and monitor involvement in non-mounted activities:
The responsible person is in control of the animal with the Cloverbud at their side.
The Cloverbud is in control of the animal with the responsible person at their side to assist or take control of the animal when needed or as directed by staff, volunteers, or show managers.
In the horse project, the second option does not apply to mounted activities. When a Cloverbud is mounted on a horse, the horse must always have a lead line and be under the control of the responsible person.
Cloverbud families may choose either option. Either way, Cloverbud exhibitions will continue to be non-competitive. Complete Cloverbud rules are found in the Cloverbud information sheet.
Please help spread the word about this rule change to Cloverbud families involved in your local programs!
Scholarship Opportunity!
Many scholarships are still available!
Visit the University of Minnesota Extension website to check out their listing of scholarships!
Murray County 4-H Scholarship
2024 High School graduates that have been a Murray County 4-H member for at least four years are eligible to apply. Applications must be submitted by October 1, 2024. Scholarships will be awarded at the Fall Annual Awards Banquet.
Please click here to apply.
Minnesota State Cattlemen's Association Scholarships
The Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association is offering two $500 scholarships for postsecondary students.
Please see the links below to apply!
Please complete your re-enrollment for the 2023-2024 year, visit 4-Honline to complete this task. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Extension staff!
Activity ideas for your Club!
Need activity ideas for your 4-H club? Check out our Youth Development Curriculum Library for fun, educational lesson and activity resources designed for youth workers, 4-H volunteers, and youth themselves! 86 resources and counting! More content is added every month. Current categories: Animals and livestock, civic engagement and leadership, Cloverbuds (K-2), environment and earth science, expressive arts and communication, family and consumer science, gardening and agriculture, healthy living, icebreakers, games, and reflection activities, including youth of all abilities, independent learning, outdoor adventures, STEM, and themed 4-H club agenda samples. If you have specific content you’d like to see, contact Jessica Russo at pier0239@umn.edu.
Mark your Calendars!
Murray County 4-H 2023-2024 Schedule of Events
Please take a moment to download or print the 2023 - 2024 Murray County 4-H calendar.
Save the Date!
Fair Entry Deadline
Deadline for fair would be JULY 15!
Please get your entries submitted into FairEntry before this date.
Don't hesitate to reach out to the Extension Office if you have any questions.
Ambassador Updates
Attention Ambassador Team
No Ambassador updates at this time!
Kim will be in touch regarding fair activities in the near future!
New Volunteers
Welcome Amber & Karlie!
Amber Martin and Karlie Heezen are our newest Murray County 4-H volunteers!
Amber and Karlie will be the coaches for our SWIM team this summer.
Thank you for your willingness to give back!
Kim Hause
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
University of Minnesota Extension, Murray County
📍2848 BROADWAY AVE ☎️(507)-836-1144 ✉️hausek@umn.edu
Mallory Vos
Administrative Assistant, Murray County Extension
📍2848 Broadway Ave ☎️ 507-836-6927 ✉ carl5049@umn.edu
Slayton, MN 56172
© 2023 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.