Middle School Weekly Communication
September 19th, 2024
Updates from the Interim Principal
Dear OCS MS Families,
It was so great to meet so many of our families at our Middle School Back to School Night! We look forward to meeting even more of our families at Family Conferences in early October. A reminder that picture day is tomorrow! Students should be in their standard uniform. It is not a dress down day. Pictures will run through their Greek classes. Students will receive a QR code before they get their picture taken. They will bring this QR code home to assist in viewing their images before purchasing!
As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns!
Have a great weekend!
Christine Slobodinsky
Save the Dates
Friday, 9/20
- Picture Day
Monday, 9/30
- End of Interim MP1
Thursday, 10/3 & Friday, 10/4
- Family Conferences
Picture Day
Friday, September 20th
Middle School picture day will take place tomorrow, Friday, September 20th through Greek classes! If you are interested in ordering yearbook pictures, please follow the directions in the picture to the left! If you are interested in ordering the 2024-2025 Middle School Yearbook, please click on the PDF below for instructions for ordering!
Family Conferences
Family Conferences are quickly approaching on Thursday and Friday, October 3 & 4th. School will be closed for students on those days. Teachers will be reaching out if a conference is requested. Not all families will receive a requested conference. If you do not receive a requested conference, but are interested in meeting with a teacher, we will have time reserved for "open conferences" on both days. During open conferences, teachers will be available with no appointment necessary. Open conferences will occur on Thursday, October 3rd from 5:30pm - 6:30pm and Friday, October 4th from 8:00am - 9:00am.
OCS Code of Conduct 2024-2025
Please find the OCS Code of Conduct for the 2024-2025 School Year HERE. Students will receive a separate Acknowledgement Form on Monday, September 16th. Please sign and return the Acknowledgement Form by Monday, September 23rd to acknowledge that you have received a copy of the Student Code of Conduct, the Acceptable Use Policy, and the Notification of Rights under the Family Education Right and Privacy Act (FERPA) and agree to the terms of the code of conduct herein presented. It is mandatory that all students turn in this sheet as it is an article of enrollment to the school.
Nursing Statement about Attendance
Attendance & Illness
The Department of Education’s recommendation is for all students to be at school at all times. We are aware that illnesses happen. We are excited to welcome the 2024-2025 school year. We would like to review expectations around illness and missed classroom time related to illness.
Illness - Students ill from school MUST have a note sent to the main office or school nurse on return to school. Students/Staff must be fever-free and vomiting/diarrhea-free for 24 hours before returning to school. Absences of 3 consecutive days or more require a note from a medical provider to excuse their illness. Students with 10 days of absence or more require a note from the medical provider for every additional absence (after 10 missed school days) to be excused.
COVID - Students and staff testing positive for COVID may still come to school unless they have a fever. Students/Staff must be fever-free and vomiting/diarrhea-free for 24 hours before returning to school. It is recommended that students who test positive for COVID wear a mask for 5 days following the start of symptoms. If you feel your student is too ill to come to school, then this is treated as any other illness.
Students who leave school early for illness / feeling sick must be evaluated by the school nurse for the absence to be excused. Students that contact parents for pick-up without being assessed by the school nurse MAY NOT have absence excused without further review.
Odyssey’s Code of Conduct Page 19 Final Code of Conduct 24-25SY.pdf CODE OF CONDUCT LINKED https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P8pta2aF3_NM0TJxRFBQtVpn-PzvkxhU/view
2024-2025 Calendars
Owl's Club
Please view the following attachments below regarding any and all Owls Club information.
Program Coordinator: Ms. Rachquel Winn
Sports Corner
The Owls’ Nest
Thursday, September 19th
JV/V Volleyball @Lake Forest at 3:30/5p
JV Field Hockey vs. Concord @Maple Zone at 3:30p
Monday, September 23rd
JV/Varsity Volleyball v. AI duPont at 3:30/4:45p
Tuesday, September 24th
JV/Varsity Volleyball @Wilmington Christian at 4:00/5:30p
Varsity Boys Soccer v.AI duPont @Chase Field House at 3:00p
Middle school girls volleyball @Red Lion at 3:30p
Middle school boys soccer @Newark Charter at 3:30p
Wednesday, September 25th
Middle school girls volleyball v. Academia at 3:30p
Thursday, September 26th
Middle school boys soccer v.Academia @Chase Field House at 3:30p
Check out https://www.odysseychartersports.com/
Activities & Happenings
Middle School Policies & Procedures
Last drop off without signing in: 7:30 AM
Last early dismissal: 1:45 PM
Last car rider pickup: 2:30 PM
If a student is being dropped off, you must go through the middle school carline. DO NOT drop off students in the parking lots of the IS/HS/MS and have them walk to the main entrance.
Students who are not picked up at school or bus stop are taken to aftercare
MS Aftercare is now in the Middle School, Building #21
All dismissal changes must be communicated to the front office in writing. Please reach out to Brittney Ridgway with any questions.
Patches can be purchased at the main office.
If you would like to volunteer at an event at your child’s school or attend a school field trip, please follow the instructions on this form. Thank you for all your assistance!
Last Week's Parent Communication
Odyssey Charter School
Interim Principal - Christine Slobodinsky
Assistant Principal - Michael Pietlock
Assistant Principal - Jocelyn Whitwell
Website - http://odysseycharterschooldel.com
Address - 4319 Lancaster Pike Wilmington, DE 19805
Phone - (302) 516-8000