January 24, 2025
LHS Parents,
2025-2026 School Start Time and Daily Schedule
For the 25-26 school year, we will be pushing back our start time. School will start at 8:15am and end at 2:50. I am excited about this because later start times are better for students' sleep schedules and can have a positive impact on mental health. I believe it will also be safer for our students as they will be driving and walking to school in daylight.
We have also made adjustments in our daily schedule that has eliminated split classes during lunch time where a class would go half the period, go to lunch, and return back to class to finish the period.
Below are links to the new bell schedule and the school academic calendar for next year.
25-26 LHS Class Scheduling
The scheduling process has begun for next school year!
Each school year as students move closer to graduation, they tend to have more options of classes they can take. It can be difficult making decisions regarding classes that are required and figuring out the appropriate level of those classes, and deciding what electives most interest them and making sometimes difficult choices on which one’s to select.
We always want students to push themselves and select rigorous courses, but also find balance with elective classes that they enjoy. This can be tough. I believe it is important for you to have a conversation with your student on what courses they are taking and why. The “why” is important. Sometimes they make choices because they feel they have to in order to get where they want to be. Their reasoning sometimes is accurate, but sometimes is not. By having these conversations, you can have a better understanding of what they are thinking. You can help them tap into resources that can help determine if they are making choices based on fact and not a perception or opinion.
We have some courses that are only offered once per day. These are referred to as “singletons”, meaning if a student wants to take that class, they have to take it during the one period it is offered and it may conflict with another class they want. This forces them to have to make a tough choice. Having conversations ahead of time regarding the “why” may assist you in helping them make the best decision if they find themselves in this situation.
Hopefully this provides you some insight on the scheduling process and helps you in conversations you have.
Get Your Tickets to Tiger Ball!
Support the Loveland Athletic Boosters as they support our student athletes, and get your tickets to Tiger Ball 2025. The Tiger Ball is going “back to the future” at the Landing Event Center on Saturday, March 8. Join your friends for food and fun, music and dancing. Get your event tickets and split the pot tickets now by following this link: https://tigerball2025.givesmart.com/. Great Scott, you don’t want to miss it!
Order a 2024-2025 Yearbook Now
Click here to order a 2024-2025 yearbook. This year we will be having a SPRING Yearbook which means that seniors will get their yearbook at their Senior Picnic in May, An addition to the yearbook that includes prom and graduation will be mailed to your home over the summer. In order to meet this new deadline all yearbooks must be purchased by March 1st.
Class of 2025 graduation lawn signs are now on sale through RP Diamond. One-sided signs are $15 and double-sided signs are $20. Proceeds from the sale will help fund After Prom and the PTO. Order yours today by clicking here. Orders will be taken through March 12th and will be delivered to the high school on March 19th.
2025-2026 Class Scheduling
Scheduling for the 25-26 school year has begun. Class meetings for our rising 10th-12th graders were held on January 17. We will meet with our rising 9th graders on January 22 at LMS. All information regarding scheduling can be found on our Scheduling Process 25-26 Google site. The deadline to submit requests is February 7.
2025 LAB Scholarships Applications Available Now
The 2025 LAB Scholarship information is available, and the application process is open. There are three opportunities, including the LAB Scholarship, the Robert M. Williams Scholarship and the Stanley McCoy, Sr. Scholarship. Applications are due by Feb. 21, 2025. Visit www.LovelandAthleticBoosters.com for information and applications. For questions, please contact Julie Roberts at JRoberts@procamps.com.
College Credit Plus Meeting 1/29/2025
The Ohio Department of Higher Education established the College Credit Plus (CCP) program to enhance students' college and career readiness and postsecondary options. The CCP program enables college-ready 7-12 grade students who qualify for college admission to take college-level courses. Students may earn both high school and transcripted college credit upon successful completion of coursework. If you are interested in learning more about CCP, please come and join the LHS counselors for the annual CCP meeting on January 29, 2025, at 6:30 PM in the LHS Auditorium. We strongly encourage students to attend this event. There will be a brief overview of the program as well as tables set up with many of the local colleges being represented. The college representatives will be able to share their college-specific information. If you are unable to attend the meeting, there will be a presentation posted on the LHS College Credit Plus Google Site.
Loveland Tiger Pathways Internships
Loveland Tiger Pathways is all about experiential learning. Each aspect of the program is designed around future oriented success. Internships are a primary part of this. Please take a few minutes to watch this brief video to learn more about the opportunities that are available to students at Loveland High School. Feel free to contact Mr. Mitchell at mitchedr@lovelandschools.org with any questions.
Important Dates
Wednesday, January 29 College Credit Plus Meeting 6:30 LHS Auditorium
Stay in Touch!
Loveland High School Administration
Principal: Dave Spencer
Assistant Principal: Mary Beth Corbin
Assistant Principal: Brian Conatser
District Director of Student Athletics: Jayson Bruce
To report an absence call 513 697-3715 by 9am
Athletic Secretary: Kristy Brulport
Attendance Secretary: Jill McCarthy
Main Office Secretary: Nina Monfreda
Main Office Secretary: Beth Renner
Office of School Counseling Secretary: Cassie Hildebrand
Receptionist: Corie Schwinn
Email: rennerbe@lovelandschools.org
Website: https://www.lovelandschools.org/Page/19
Location: 1 Tiger Trail, Loveland, OH, USA
Phone: (513) 683-1920
Facebook: facebook.com/LovelandCitySchools
Twitter: @Loveland_HS