The Panther Pride Newsletter
September 9, 2024
Hello Team P.S. duPont:
It was an exciting second week of school and our students have come in ready to learn. Please remember that you play a vital role in your child’s success at school. You can help by asking your child about his/her day, having a positive attitude about learning, and reading with your child every night. You would be amazed what 20 minutes of reading with your child each night will do for his/her language development and reading skills. Thank you for all your support at home!
Fire Drill – September 18
We have our first fire drill of the year scheduled for Wednesday, September 18 at 9:30 a.m.
We want all our parents to know that the safety of our students is a critical aspect of virtually everything we do in school. We are always evaluating our procedures and practices for optimal safety. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
This Week at a Glance:
- Monday, 9/9 – 1 Day (Periods 1-6)
- Wednesday, 9/11 – 7 Day (Periods 7-5)
- Thursday, 9/12 – 6 Day (Periods 6-4)
- Friday, 9/13 – 5 Day (Periods 5-3)
Teacher Spotlight - Mrs. Abrams
Mrs. Abrams has 16 years experience in education and joined the P.S. team during the 4th marking period last school year. Mrs. Abrams has experience with all ages of learners, from pre-school to adult education. She is a champion for learners of all ages. Cultivating learners to enhance their talents and engage in high thinking and problem solving, Mrs. Abrams builds strong working relationships with all who cross her path.
We appreciate all that Mrs. Abrams brings to P.S. duPont Middle School and our community. Thank you Mrs. Abrams for all that you do to encourage, motivate, and inspire the Panther student body.
P.S. duPont Cultural Fair
P.S. families, we are thrilled to announce our upcoming Multicultural Celebration! This special event is designed to foster a sense of belonging and unity within our students, staff, and the entire school community. It’s a wonderful opportunity for us to embrace and celebrate the rich diversity that makes our school so special.
We invite you to join us by volunteering to represent an ethnic group. Each group will have the chance to showcase their unique culture through traditional dress, food, and entertainment. This is a fantastic way for our students to learn about and appreciate the many cultures that make up our school family.
Please sign up to volunteer and select an ethnic group you'd like to represent. Your involvement will help make this event a truly memorable and educational experience for everyone!
Thank you for helping us celebrate the beauty of diversity!
Warm regards,
P.S. Equity Team
Thursday, Nov 7, 2024, 06:00 PM
701 West 34th Street, Wilmington, DE, USA
September PTA meeting
Please join us for our first PTA meeting of the year. On our agenda is a meet and greet with our new Athletic Director, Mr. Williams, a presentation on sports safety by Nemours, and a short presentation by our Principal, Mr. Small. We will have refreshments available, and we will pick the winner of our AirPod raffle! If you haven't joined yet, you may join at the meeting and still be entered into the raffle to win! We hope to see you there!
Thursday, Sep 19, 2024, 06:30 PM
P.S. duPont Library
PBIS @ P.S. duPont Middle School
P.S. duPont Middle School Incentive Program
This school year, P.S. duPont Middle School students will have the opportunity to earn invitations to 4 events that have been planned during the 2024-25 school year.
1st Marking Period
2nd Marking Period
3rd Marking Period
4th Marking Period
Grades and behavior will be used to determine eligibility for each event. Students should be checking HAC weekly to stay on grades and monitor their behavioral choices in school. More information will be shared as we get closer to the first event! Encourage your son/daughter to check their grades weekly, follow the Code of Conduct, and be at their best!
Student Device Loan Agreement
Students at P.S. duPont are required to complete the Student Device Loan Agreement. Attached, you will find the form in English and Spanish. Please take a moment to print, complete the form, and have your son/daughter return the document to his/her Period 1 teacher.
A Message from the Nurse...
The 2024-2025 school year DIAA sports form MUST be completed and turned into the Nurse BEFORE students may try out for any athletics. Please make sure your child's form is turned in next week, as try outs begin on Monday September 16th for Boys soccer, girls field hockey and girls volleyball. We also have cross country and flag football clubs- information will be coming soon on them.
Upcoming Events
September 10 - No school
September 18 - Fire Drill @ 9:30 a.m.
September 19 - PTA Meeting @ 6:30 p.m.
September 25 - Open House Program
October 1 - Student Picture Day