Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Art Haycox Elementary
Meets on the third Wednesday of each month
Join PTA Today
Wednesday, March 13th
Wednesday, April 17th
Wednesday, May 15th
Oct 23-27: Character Counts
Nov 8: Pizza/Gear Sale
Nov 17: Great Turkey Trot
Dec 13: Pizza/Gear Sale
March 1: Movie Night (Rain or Shine)
May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 31: School Carnival
2nd Annual Haycox Carnival
Wow!!! The carnival was a massive success! We raised money for our school (amount TBD), but most importantly, students had so much fun! The smiles from students, parents, and staff that participated were endless. A HUGE thank you to all that volunteered their time at this event to run games and the raffle, sell tickets/food, organize visitors, and supervise students, it really did take a village! Also, thanks to all who participated in donating baskets for the raffle, which was very popular. Thank you parents and students for attending. We look forward to recreating the magic again next year.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Thank you for your support in making Teacher Appreciation so special for our amazing teachers on May 6-10, 2024
Monday: Flowers
Tuesday: a note or card
Wednesday: tasty drink
Thursday: favorite treat or snack
Friday: surprise the teacher
Haycox Gear
$15 with pom pom
$12 without pom poms
Sweat Shirts
$20 each
Red, Blue, Black
$10 each
Red, Blue, Black
School Wide Events
Pizza Days
$1 slice of pizza
$1 juice
$1 chips
Movie Night
Free to Haycox students and their parents. March 1st. Doors open at 5:00 pm. Movie starts at 5:45pm Rain or Shine
Annual Carnival
May 31st, 2024 from 4:30-6:30 pm. Haycox families are invited to enjoy games, pizza, train rides, a cake walk, a basket raffle, and much more. Ticket go on sale soon!
The Great Turkey Trot
Friday, November 17th
Most Sponsors Prize
Most $$ Raised Class Prize
We are Better Together
Location: Art Haycox Elementary School, Perkins Road, Oxnard, CA, USA
Phone: (805) 488-3578 x2004