January Newsletter
Month in Review/Look Ahead
I hope everybody was able to enjoy the extended winter break. It feels like forever ago, but we packed a lot of learning and fun into the 3 weeks we attended school in December. During the month, our students were able to showcase their many talents! Our variety show is always a fun time. It's incredible to see all of the skills that our kids possess here at Sandersville. It was neat to see the crowd cheering on all participants as they performed. It takes a lot of bravery to perform in front of 900 people! Our science fair allowed students to showcase their research projects around a specific STEM topic. I can't wait to see our students compete at the district level. The orchestra had their winter concert. We also were able to kick off our real-read program. Parents and community members teamed up to read to all of our classrooms. Facilitated by our FRC, Sandersville was a host for the Generosity Feeds program, where 30,000 meals were packed for those in need. We ended the semester with a spirit week and winter celebrations. One of my favorite events of the month was our MAP Incentive. We were able to spend one afternoon celebrating the hard work of our students with pizza and prizes!
As we move into January, we will focus on returning to our routines and setting goals for the rest of the year. January is a great month to reflect and refine. Our team will make sure to spend time setting goals with all of our students. This first week back will lay the foundation for success for the rest of the year. On the 15th of the month, we will send home our 2nd nine weeks report cards. With our standards-based report cards, you will be able to see the standards and specific skills your students have been working on in their classrooms. Our teachers do a great job of ensuring the report cards show student progress and inform future teaching. January will be a busy month!
I can't wait to see everyone soon!
Science Fair
MAP Incentive
Variety Show
Orchestra Concert
EPIC ESPORTS 2nd Place Win (Minecraft)
Real Read
Real Read
Artic Showcase
Generosity Feeds
Parent Reminders
- From our Culture and Climate Committee: Our January Bingo Board is linked below.
- If you plan to attend a field trip or volunteer in a classroom, please make sure to fill out the volunteer application below. There can be a 2-4 week turnaround time for approval.
- The first section of your student's planner contains our Sandersville Student Handbook. It is filled with information that is helpful throughout the year.
- Please review the guidelines for student absences in the student code of conduct (beginning on page 29). A quick reminder: notes for absences must be in writing and submitted within three days.
- If you plan to leave the country for an extended period of time, please call the front office for clarifications on next steps.
Upcoming Dates
Sunday 1/12- Sandersville has been selected as a spotlight school at the UK Women’s Basketball game against Auburn. A group of sharks will sing the National Anthem. Ticket information below.
Parents and families wishing to attend can make a purchase using this same link.
2nd Week of January
Tuesday, 1/14- Cooking Club 3:00-4:00 (1st Grade)
Wednesday, 1/15- PTA 6:00 (Library), Sharks on Stage 3:00-5:00, FRC Advisory Council 3:00 PM
Thursday, 1/16- EPIC E-Sports 3:00-4:00, 2nd Grade Basketball Camp 3:00-4:00 pm
3rd Week of January
Monday, 1/20-No School Martin Luther King Day
Tuesday, 1/21- Cooking Club 3:00-4:00 (1st Grade)
Wednesday, 1/22- School Smiles Dentist Visit, Sharks on Stage 3:00-4:30
Thursday, 1/23- EPIC E-Sports 3:00-4:00, 2nd Grade Basketball Camp 3:00-4:00 pm
4th Week of January
Tuesday, 1/28- Cooking Club 3:00-4:00 (1st Grade), SBDM 4:30
Wednesday, 1/29- Sharks on Stage 3:;00-4:30, FRC Advisory Council 3:00 PM
Thursday, 1/30- EPIC E-Sports 3:00-4:00, Band Concert 6:00 pm, 2nd Grade Basketball Camp 3:00-4:00 pm
Counseling Corner
Attendance Updates:
We love to recognize students' achievements at Sandersville! Attendance matters and we have lots to celebrate with approximately 180 students having perfect attendance for Quarter 2 this year! These students will receive a certificate and enjoy a presentation from the Kentucky Reptile Zoo. Our goal for average daily attendance is 96%. Sandersville's attendance data shows we are at 95.53% for the first half of the school year. Classes that meet the 96% goal each month get rewards that vary from extra recess, art parties, hot chocolate party, etc.!
Technology Safety Tips:
Living in a tech savvy world, our students use devices daily. It's important to be aware and support students in making positive choices when using technology and accessing websites and apps. Commonsense Media has wonderful resources and tips to help guide your family in conversations, expectations, and setting boundaries when it comes to technology. Check out these resources here:
Mental and Physical Wellness:
Remember to take time to support your child(ren) and family's mental and physical wellness! Here are some screen free activities to try out!
- Play a card game or board game
- Sing karaoke or have a dance party
- Create an indoor campout, obstacle course, or scavenger hunt
- Learn something new (a magic trick, origami, juggling, etc.)
- Work a puzzle
- Make paper airplanes and have a race
- Bake or cook together
- Play charades
- Make something (a card, cardboard creation, painting, paper flowers or snowflakes, etc.)
This section of the newsletter will be dedicated to our PTA.
Our PTA will have their next meeting on Wednesday, 1/15/24 at 6:00 pm in the library!
Community Events
At Sandersville, many community partners would like us to share information with parents. To save paper and ensure you have access to the event, we will use this section of the newsletter to highlight opportunities for our families.
University of Kentucky: Sandersville has been selected as one of the spotlight schools for the January 12th UK Women's Basketball game vs. Auburn. Ms. Brantley will lead a group of Sharks in singing the national anthem.
Parents and families wishing to attend can purchase from this same link.
Family Resource Center
Please see several events from our Family Resource Center
Calling on parents and friends of students grades 2-5! There is still space available to be a volunteer reader in a classroom as part of our Real Read program. Our first Real Read day will be Thursday December 12th with 2nd/5th grade at 8 am, 3rd /4th at 9 am. For questions or signup contact me @ Damon.sexton@fayette.kyschools.us
2024-2025 Instructional Calendar
The 2024-2025 FCPS Instructional Calendar for Students & Families has been set. We will share any changes or updates as we move through the year.