Alameda Friday Newsletter
October 18, 2024
A Message from Principal Goldstein
October 18, 2024
Dear Families,
Happy Friday! I hope everyone has had a good week. It is really beginning to feel like fall - cool and crisp mornings, a big full moon, and lots of jackets being left all around the school! Please take a second to write your child’s name on the inside of their favorite coat or sweatshirt. It makes it so much easier to reunite a child with their favorite piece of clothing.
Thanks to those of you who attended Wednesday night’s TAG Informational Meeting. If you were unable to attend or would like additional information please check out these SLIDES. If you have any questions, please contact building TAG Facilitator Abby Largo or Matt Goldstein.
Thanks again to those of you who have donated to our Move for the Arts campaign. We have already raised over $8,700. Our goal is to raise $20,000. Please consider supporting this important campaign. To make a donation go HERE.
Every October, the district conducts the “fall count” of students throughout the district. Based on these results, FTE (Full-time Equivalent staff) is redistributed using district staffing formulas and ratios. Unfortunately, based on our numbers, Alameda is losing .5 FTE in our learning center. While this decision might make mathematical sense, it is nonetheless a disappointing decision. Our .5 Learning Center teacher Sara Tretter will be working full time at her other school and will no longer be working at Alameda. All students who have been working with Sara will begin working with Special Education teacher Natalie Rangel next week. We thank Sara for the work she has done over the last year. We will miss her and wish her the best at Scott Elementary School.
I also want to welcome several new employees to Alameda: We have two new Speech Language Pathologists: Emily Pratt is here two days a week and Paula Raymond is here one day a week. In addition, welcome to Bradley Crislip, a recently hired, part-time Educational Assistant and welcome to Ella Connor, a new paraeducator, who begins work on Monday.
This Saturday, if you are around, please consider coming out to our fall Garden Party: The event is this SATURDAY, October 19 from 10 to noon. Bring rakes, shovels, garden gloves, and energy to help put the Alameda Discovery Garden to bed for the winter. No experience necessary and all are welcome! Contact Bonny Cushman for more information bonnybcushman@gmail.com or 503-422-6694.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Matt Goldstein
Updates and Announcements
Reminder, Early Release Next Week: This coming Wednesday, October 23rd, is our next Early Release. Students will be dismissed at 11:50 AM.
Site Council: Our first site council meeting of the year will be on Wednesday, October 23rd from 5:30-7:00 PM. Possible agenda items: Update on the start of the year, School Improvement Plan, and Changes in Fundraising/impacts to Alameda. You can join this virtual meeting by following this link. All are welcome.
Fall Conferences: Please be on the lookout for an email from your child’s teacher regarding fall conference sign-ups. Conferences will take place on Monday and Tuesday, November 25th and 26th. There will be times throughout the day and in the evening hours as well. Families may choose to meet in-person or conduct the meeting virtually.
Beaumont Apple and Pear sale: Wednesday 10/23. Apple and Pear pre-order link
Minions Bike Bus Ride Wednesday, October 30th!!! Last year a couple students had the idea to do a Minions Bike Bus ride the week of Halloween. Children should wear any yellow top they have outside their jackets & blue jeans or blue pants if possible. (Banana costumes are welcome) Coach Balto will be dressed as Gru. If you don't have a yellow shirt, arrive at 7:25am at NE 37th & NE Shaver or NE 53rd & NE Klickitat to get a yellow shirt.
If you are a walker or you drive you can also participate. Meet at the NW corner of NE 29th and NE Klickitat by 7:40 am and when we bike by, everyone can walk or run on the sidewalk to school. (Please don't park on Klickitat if you are driving).
Socks!: We sold over 200 pairs of Alameda socks! Thanks everyone. Socks should be arriving in approximately 2 - 3 weeks and will be sent home with students.
Grant youth wrestling opportunities!! Wrestling Clinic - November 4th (Monday with no school) - 1:00 - 5:00 pm at Beaumont Middle School. A great way for students to learn about wrestling and have some fun. $20/per kid. Sign Up Here
Wrestling Season - November 12th - January 31st. Practices are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6-7:30. Last season we went from 10 wrestlers to 26. We want to get as many kids involved in wrestling as possible. We believe the skills that develop in wrestling have long term positive impacts on people. Coaches Derek Nagy and Jeff Hardison aim to create a fun environment where kids can learn wrestling technique, get in great physical shape, and make some more friends! Cost for the season is $250 and it includes a USA wrestling card. More information about sign ups to follow. Email us at granthighyouthwrestling@gmail.com with
PTA Updates
Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) Info: To parents of 3/4/5th graders: If you or your child is interested in learning more about OBOB, come to our online info session on October 23 @7pm. Link below.
Upcoming Important dates:
October 21 - We'll be visiting classrooms, telling the kids about OBOB. Ask them about it!
October 23 @ 7pm: Parent information session (Link: Alameda OBOB Parent Info Session (Google Meet)
December 10 @ 7pm: Coaches meeting (online - link to come)
December 13: Team registration deadline
What is Battle of the Books?
The Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) is a statewide voluntary reading motivation and comprehension program sponsored by the Oregon Association of School Libraries in conjunction with a Library Services and Technology Act grant. Students in 3rd-12th grade, regardless of ability, are exposed to quality literature representing a variety of literary styles and viewpoints.
OBOB’s mission is to encourage and recognize students who enjoy reading, to broaden reading interests, to increase reading comprehension, promote academic excellence, and to promote cooperative learning and teamwork among students.
Alameda Elementary has a long history of participating in OBOB. Teams will form and go through several rounds of battles in a quiz-show-like format. The Alameda winner will represent the school at the Regional Battle of the Books competition in March.
After School enrichment classes:
After School enrichment classes have started, and new ones are being added. Check out what is being offered here.