EEA Student & Parent News
September/October 24-25
A Message from the Principal
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!
I am very excited to enter the 20th year of EEA Learning Academy! It has been an honor and privilege to see the school evolve over the last 20 years. Now we are at a point of rebuilding our school and reconsidering how we do things. We will ask parents and students to participate in this process with us as the year progresses. We hope you will join us in planning for the future!
Many of you know that last year I took on being the principal of WAVE, the district's virtual charter school in addition to EEA. Adding this new role last year reminded me how it can feel when we are learning new things. While at times it can be scary, frustrating, or overwhelming, a growth mindset can help us focus on the feelings of excitement and joy as we acquire new skills. Asking for help is a critical skill!
Attendance is one of our primary goals this year. Every day a student misses or does not do their school work puts graduation off by another day. Please be honest with yourself about your attendance. Do what you can to improve it. Our goal is 90%, which still means 18 days missed in addition to breaks and weekends. Creating a pattern of showing up for yourself matters, now and in your future.
My hope for you is that this is a year of learning many new things! Embrace the challenge, reach out for help as needed, and remember to show up for yourself daily. The EEA team is here and ready to support you.
Learning and growing with you,
Dr. Young
Important Dates
September 27th- No Classes- Professional Development
September 30th- Picture Day
October 8th- Bridging Brighter Smiles Dental Visits
October 23rd- Half Day of School
October 24th-25th- No Classes- Professional Development
Daily School Supplies
Daily School Schedule
7:35-8:00- Student Arrival
7:35-7:55- Breakfast
8:00-8:30- Advisory
8:30-9:00- Movement Time
9:00-11:20- APEX Learning
11:25-1:10- Lunch, PE & Reading/Math Block
1:15-3:15- APEX Learning
3:15-3:30- Closing Circle
3:30- Student dismissal
7:45-12:00- Teacher Lead Workshops & APEX
12:00- Student Dismissal
Annual Infinite Campus Update
Please take a moment to do your annual update on Infinite Campus if you haven't already done so. This is where you update health, technology and general personal information.
Log in Link: https://wausauwi.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/parents/wausau.jsp?status=logoff
Instructions: https://www.wausauschools.org/fs/resource-manager/view/b2a6ff62-7263-45d3-aa14-da3c3f73e290
Account Help: https://www.infinitecampus.com/audience/parents-students/audience-parents-students-help-center
Important information from Health Services
Important health information from Health Services for the 2024-2025 school year. Please update any new health information on the online request form, so accurate health information is received. Please review the following information about medication during the school day. OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS are available during the school day. The Wausau School District will supply generic ibuprofen and generic regular strength acetaminophen (Tylenol) for students in high school. WSD personnel will only administer the recommended therapeutic dose of the non-prescription medication. Also available is the medication consent form. This form is used for daily prescription medication or over-the-counter medication other than generic ibuprofen or acetaminophen (i.e., tums, allergy medication etc.). Both forms along with specialized forms for Allergy Action Plan, Seizure Action Plan, Asthma Action Plan and Special Dietary Request forms may be found on the Wausau School District website www.wausauschools.org under department, then health services. Blank or completed copies of these forms can be picked up/dropped off any time during the school year at the East Health Office.
Medication must be kept in the health office. Students are not allowed to have medication (prescription or over the counter) with them during the school day with the exception of: Diabetic supplies, EpiPens and Inhalers. Medication is required to be brought in by a parent/guardian. Medication may be dropped off in the health office between the hours of 7:15-3:15.
Please follow up with your healthcare provider or Marathon County Health Dept. On your child’s immunization requirements. This link for the Marathon County Health Dept. will give updated clinic dates, immunization requirements and a link to the Wisconsin Immunization Registry to view your child’s immunization record: https://www.marathoncounty.gov/services/public-health-human-services/immunizations
If you have any questions or concerns about any information, please contact the East Health Office.
Nancy Peters (Health aide) at 715-261-0678 or npeters@wausauschools.org
Emilee Mootz (School Nurse) at 715-261-0713 or emootz@wausauschools.org
Volunteering at Monk Botanical Gardens
EEA Students won "Best Garden or Botanical-Related Theme" category last year (2023) and chose to try for the "Best Use of Repurposed or Recycled Materials" category this time around. Categories were judged the evening of 9/18. Scarecrows are on display 9/18 - 10/26/24.
Also, each of the scarecrows has a sign, with a QR code, showing who created the scarecrow and the scarecrow's name. People who visit Monk from 9/18-10/5, can use the QR code to vote for their favorite scarecrow. One scarecrow will win the "People's Choice Award!"
The Axolotl statue painted by our student volunteers is an "Alebrije" (phonetically: ah luh bree hay) for November 1st, Dia de los Muertos.
It will be installed as a permanent feature, probably near the Tree House and Hobbit House, after 11/1/24.
An Alebrije is a Mexican folk art creature, painted with intense colors and intricate patterns.
EEA Resources
Students were provided with information regarding school safety in the past week. They were introduced to the SUSO app to report any concerns, as well as crime stoppers. Here are some bullet points that were discussed during class.
Classroom doors are to be kept closed and locked at all times.
Look out the window to recognize the person before letting them enter the classroom.
Anyone leaving the room should knock quietly when they return to the room
If the student or staff does not feel safe in opening the door. Keep the door shut.
Understand, if you are escalated, the people in the classroom do not need to open the door.
If you do not feel safe opening the door, talk to the staff member(s) in the room.
Students and Staff will take turns with door duty.
The best ways to prevent a tragedy is to prepare, be aware and report concerns.
We have provided multiple anonymous ways to report concerns.
School safety is everyone’s responsibility.
If families have an URGENT concern to report, please call 911 before the school. They will likely have a faster response time.
EEA Staff
Shannon Young- Principal- syoug@wausauschools.org
Ann Kleiber- Room Advisor- akleiber@wausauschools.org
Jody Marsh- Room Advisor- jmarsh@wausauschools.org
Kim Zimmermann- GED02 Advisor- kzimmerm@wausauschools.org
Noel Phelps- Paraprofessional- nphelps@wausauschools.org
Sarah Schneck- Special Education- sschneck@wausauschools.org
Carol Lukens- Literacy Specialist- clukens@wausauschools.org
Heather Rasmussen- Student Services- hrasmussen@wausauschools.org
Sarah Nilles- Social Worker- snilles@wausauschools.org
Tina Vannatter- JAG Specialist- tivannatter@wausauschools.org
Angela Zarnke- Admin Assistant- azarnke@wausauschools.org
Enrich Excel Achieve Learning Academy
Email: azarnke@wausauschools.org
Website: http://eea.wausauschools.org/
Location: 2607 North 18th Street, Wausau, WI, USA
Phone: 715-261- 0636
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EEALearningAcademy
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