See Shaw Shine
Shaw Montessori Newsletter Week of February 17th, 2020
- Tax Credit
- SHAW - Community Meeting Survey 2020
- PTA/Site Council
- Science Fair
- Open Enrollment
- Volunteers
- School Events Calendar
- Phoenix Elementary #1 Calendar
Tax credit donations fund our ODE
Your donations pay the very small salaries of the teacher’s in our Outdoor Environment.
We need $25,000 in this fund to keep our ODE open from September-May.
No tax credit = No ODE
Tax Credits can be donated online here: https://phoenixelem.revtrak.net/
or download and print form at bottom of newsletter to pay via cash/check
Message From Principal Engdall
Parents and Guardians,
In the age of shrinking school budgets, declining school enrollment and schools of choice in Arizona, our district is asking for your helpful feedback.
At the January Site Council meeting I shared the attached Power Point Presentation and asked that you take some time to process the facts and offer creative solutions that have a shared purpose.
Our next Site Council Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 19th at 5:30 will be a “community forum” where in we will share and discuss our thoughts on the attached surveys.
Please take a moment to fill out and submit this survey then bring your thoughts to our meeting.
Childcare and pizza will be provide. The PTA will follow the Site Council meeting and will begin at 6:00.
Thank you in advance for your participation. I look forward to seeing you next week.
All the best,
Principal Engdall
Survey English: https://tinyurl.com/tmaud24
Survey Spanish: https://tinyurl.com/rxj6txt
Power Point Presentation can be found at bottom of newsletter.
PTA/Site Council Meeting - This Wednesday February 19th
Shaw PTA is looking for committed volunteers for
the Spring Fling on March 20, 2020 from 4:30 - 7:30PM
Specifically a volunteer coordinator and volunteers
for the day of the event.
If you can be a volunteer and carry out this task please contact Addie Weddington our PTA President at addie.weddington@gmail.com or at (602)769-2775
Thank you!
Over winter break Phoenix Elementary School District mailed home open enrollment forms for the oldest child enrolled in our school. We are required to collect a form for EVERY student that has intent to return for the 2020/2021 school year. We ask that if you did not receive a form for your child or siblings that you either print one here (located at bottom of newsletter) or stop into the office and get the forms you need.
The deadline to return forms is February 28, 2020.
Thank you.
Sibling Enrollment:
If your student has a sibling that is turning 3 or 4 for the next school year, please fill out the sibling wait list application. (Included in this newsletter). 3 and 4-year-old siblings are given consideration first – with concurrent enrollment of older sibling. Submit applications to Office Manager Christina Girard no later than March 6th for consideration for the 20/21 school year.
Thank you volunteers, we couldn't do it without you all!
There are 15 weeks left of the school year.
Have you volunteered your hours yet?
Phoenix Elementary School District Calendar 2019 - 2020
Contact Us
Email: Susan.Engdall@Phxschools.org
Website: https://phxschools.org/shaw
Location: 123 North 13th Street, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Phone: 602-257-3914
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1614897512101327/?ref=group_header