September Newsletter
September 2024
Principal Updates
I would like to thank everyone for a great start to our school year. We have been very busy setting schedules, establishing routines, and learning how school works. We hope that your child is adjusting well and are looking forward to an exciting Fall!
Parent Volunteer Trainings will be held in the Primary Gymnasium on the evenings of September 9, 10, 11, and 12 from 5:30-6:00 PM. If you are planning to be a room parent, a mystery reader, center volunteer, or classroom party volunteer, you will want to select one of these dates to attend the training. Our success is built around our fantastic volunteers!
One of our Building Goals this year is to implement the competencies of the Portrait of a Panther. The Portrait of the Panther is the work that a student learns and completes through their career as a Norton Panther from Preschool through Grade 12. Your child's teacher will work with them over the course of the school year to teach the six competencies of the Panther Way which are: Contribute, Persevere, Communicate, Be Responsible, Think Critically, and Adapt. We are teaching lessons in "Being Responsible" for the month of September.
Once again, I want to thank all of our Primary families for a great start to the school year and please remember that you can contact me through the Remind App, school email, or the school office at 330-825-5133.
Mr. Morris
Primary Principal Fall Fundraiser- Stoller Fundraising
The Stoller Fall Fundraiser kicks off on September 3- September 20, 2024. This fundraising event will support the assemblies and programs during the school year, purchase of field day shirts, and field trips for our students. Order pickup will be Wednesday, October 16 from 3:45 PM to 6:00 PM in the Primary Gymnasium. Participation is optional, however, we appreciate your support. Our Parent Group fundraisers are also upcoming.
Acadience Fall Screener
Acadience Reading Assessment
Norton City Schools is committed to helping your child become a successful reader. As part of this commitment, all Kindergarten students start the year taking the state Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (completed August 20, 21, and 22). In addition, all students in Kindergarten are screened using the Acadience Reading Assessment three times per year (Fall, Winter, and Spring). These assessments help our teachers better understand each student’s reading skills and to implement appropriate interventions. Ohio law also requires school districts to screen students for literacy skills. All families will receive screening results with further information after each benchmark.
The Acadience Assessments will be administered to the Kindergarten students in the month of September. Our Kindergarten Staff have had ongoing training in the Science of Reading, using evidence-based strategies and curriculum resources. The District adopted literacy materials also support evidence-based practices such as Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum (Grades PK-2) and Open Court Reading (Grades K-3). Norton’s highly trained and dedicated educators will work with all children to ensure their reading success.
How can you support your student(s) at home?
Provide Structure: Schedule uninterrupted time for reading daily. Provide time, a comfortable space, and a consistent procedure.
Text Selection: Pick books and articles that match your child’s interests. Read several texts on the same topic. Increase text length and difficulty as your child builds reading skills.
Share Reading: Read aloud and think out loud with your child. Take turns reading parts of a text. Re-read. Listen to your child read.
Support Accurate Word Reading: Focus on the words being read to correct reading mistakes. Help your child pay attention to letter sounds, word parts, and blending letter-sounds to read words correctly.
Emphasize Meaning: Encourage thought and discussion before, during, and after reading. Ask your child questions about word meanings and details in the text. Help your child to visualize the story.
Norton City School District is working hard to ensure every student is on target for success, and we thank you for your efforts at home. Together, we will help your student become a successful reader.
Importance of Daily Attendance
We are so glad you are here! A second Building Goal for this school year is encouraging the importance of our student's daily attendance at Norton Primary. I would like to thank all of our parents in making sure that students are on time each day for school and ready to learn. Fun incentives will be offered for students such as our Dance Party Fridays (starting on Friday, 9/13) and AT-TEN-DANCE with DJ Dizzy Doc. Stay tuned for more fun activities!
Important Dates
September 3 Stoller Fundraiser starts for Preschool & Kindergarten
September 6 Preschool Additional Friday (Students in session)
September 9,10,11, & 12 Parent Volunteer Trainings in Gymnasium from 5:30-6:00 PM
September 9 Kindergarten Bus Safety Assembly
September 9 Parent Advisory Commitee (PAC) Meeting @ 6:30 PM- NES Music Room
September 12 Miss Mary (Norton Branch Librarian) Kindergarten Story Time
September 19 Lifetouch Fall Pictures for Preschool & Kindergarten