The Patton Post
August 19th 2022
Principal's Message
It was so wonderful to see so many of you at the Back to School Bash this past Friday! I enjoyed the opportunity to meet so many of you and see all our Panthers having so much fun together. The weather was wonderful, the DJ was a hit (and played allllll the hits) and the bubble entertainer kept us Patton Panthers entertained all night. Thank you so much to our PTA for throwing such a wonderful bash - we hope everyone who came had a wonderful time.
Enjoy the 3 day weekend this week!
Ellie Chin
The Big 3
You may have heard about The Big 3. At Patton, we have been teaching our students that they should always follow the Big 3.
1. Be Safe
2. Be Kind
3. Be Ready (to listen and follow directions)
We tell our panthers we are looking for these behaviors at all times, but they may need additional reminders in our unstructured times and spaces such as recess, the lunchroom, and when traveling in the hallways. If we encounter moments when students might need a reminder of appropriate behaviors, we find that we are able to help them reflect on what they need to change in order to be following The Big 3. If you find that you can also use this verbiage at home when panthers are interacting with siblings or friends, it will help to reinforce the types of behaviors, actions, and words we hope to see all of our panthers using while at Patton.
First graders in Mrs. Litberg's class brainstormed what it looks like to Be Safe, Be Kind, and Be Ready and created these posters.
Our LOL Wall
Our LOL wall is really taking shape! Please do send in a photo of your Patton Panther "LOL"ing so we can add it to our wall! It is a delight to walk past it every day and I know our students thoroughly enjoy looking at it while they eat their lunch! Mrs. Vignocchi and I have been visiting classrooms the past couple of weeks and it has been such fun getting to know what is important to our Patton Panthers as well as what makes them laugh! We can't wait to see more pictures come in so we can ask them to share more of what makes them happy. Some of our panthers have some really good jokes they have shared. Also - fair warning - some are already planning some elaborate April fool's day tricks and our lucky dads seem to be the most popular target of these creative ideas. All I can say is, be alert, be very alert. Someone has certainly taught these panthers how to think creatively and formulate a plan of action!
Upcoming Safety Drills
During the school year, we practice many safety drills with our students. In addition, classroom teachers review our emergency procedures with their students. This year in collaboration with the Arlington Heights Police Department (AHPD) and the Arlington Heights Fire Department (AHFD), our school-wide drills will be announced.
- Wednesday, September 7th
- Thursday, September 15th
- Thursday, October 6th (with the AHFD)
Twice a year, we will conduct a lockdown safety drill with all students. This is one of the routine safety drills we practice throughout the year, along with evacuation drills, shelter-in-place drills, and bus evacuation drills. Students are prepared for this drill so they are not unnecessarily alarmed, and it will be announced in advance. Officer O'Leary from the Arlington Heights Police Department will also be in attendance during our practice drill.
- Friday, September 9th
- Spring Date - TBD
- Wednesday September 14th
- Friday, October 14th
- Spring Date - TBD
Pick up and Drop Off Procedures
For families that use the drop off/pick up lane, please pull all the way forward and follow the directions of our outstanding traffic team.
This helps us get all students to school safely and on time and helps us get all families in and out of the car drop off lane as quickly as possible.
There is NO PARKING in the drop off/pick up lane before or after school.If you would like to meet your child on the blacktop, please park your car and walk over. If you are picking your child up from CAP before 3:50pm, please park your car and walk to the CAP entrance. Please do not park your car and/or leave it unattended in the drop off/pick up lane.
Welcome our new School Nurse - Lauren Pecora!
We are delighted to welcome Lauren Pecora as our new, full time school nurse! Lauren will join us on September 12th and we could not be more happy! We are excited to welcome her into the Patton fold. It would be remiss of me to not say an enormous THANK YOU to our sub nurse, Christine D'Onofrio, who has held down the nurse's office fort for us since the beginning of the school year. We would have been lost without her and we are very grateful to her for stepping in.
Upcoming Assessments
Students in grades K-5 will be assessed in the coming days in reading and math using the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Assessment. MAP Growth is a district-wide, computer-administered adaptive test, which means that test questions adjust to each student's ability level as they navigate the assessment. The mathematics and reading assessments align to the Illinois Learning Standards. Classroom teachers will share specific testing schedules. The best way you can help your child to prepare is to make sure he/she gets a good night of sleep and eats a healthy breakfast. Score reports will be sent home in mid-October.
Illinois Assessment of Readiness Score Reports
Fourth and fifth graders who were at Patton last year will be bringing home score reports for the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) on Wednesday, September 7th. This assessment was taken in March during this past school year. Please look in their backpacks for this report to come home.
Kindergarten Family Night - Friday, September 9th - 6.30-7.30pm
Kindergarten room reps have planned a fun, hour long event at Patton for families to get to know each other. This will be held on the blacktop (or the commons/gym if it rains)
More information and sign up details can be found on the PTA Newsletter .
Bike Rodeo - Wednesday, September 7th - 3.45-4.30pm
Bike Rodeos teach children various bike safety skills by using simulated real-life situation. Children will have their bicycles and helmets inspected and fitted, then ride through a skills course to learn bike safety techniques.
Wednesday, September 7th from 3:45 pm- 4:30 pm on the blacktop. *Rain date 9/13
Please remember that there is NO SCHOOL this coming Monday (September 5th)! We hope you all have a wonderful, long weekend! We look forward to seeing everyone on TUESDAY September 6th.
Don't forget to order your Spirit Wear! The sale store is live at this link and will run through Tuesday, September 6th at midnight. Each order will require parents to include their student's and teacher's names. Deliveries will take place onsite at school the week of September 19th.
For any questions, contact Annie Heger ( or Heidi Siena (
WED 7th SEPT: PTA Sponsored - Bike Rodeo 3:45pm - 4:30pm
FRI 9th SEPT: PTA Sponsored - Kindergarten Family Night
FRI 16th SEPT: PTA Sponsored - First Grade Family Night
FRI 30th SEPT: PTA Sponsored - Movie Night
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton