Copper Creek Weekly Update
November 22, 2024
12 Days of Holidays - Day 2 🍲🥗
Winter Chorus & Band Concert
Our amazing Chorus students!
Our amazing Band Students!
PD Tomorrow (12/6/24)
Part 2 of our trauma training this Friday in the library at 2:00. If you have time, please watch the "Every Kid Needs a Champion" video prior to the training.
You will not need your computers!
12 Days of Holiday Cheer!
Thank you for joining in on our school spirit already this week!🎄
Behavior Team
Each member of the behavior team has additional notes from our meeting and will be sharing the notes with their teams.
November Precise Problem Statement:
November behavior data for minor referrals was highest in the area of disrespect, specifically using inappropriate language (talking back, not using kind words to peers and adults), in grades K-6. There were 16 minor incident referrals total in grades K-6.
November SMART Goal:
By February 4, we will decrease the amount of referrals for disrespect, specifically using inappropriate language (talking back, not using kind words to peers and adults), in grades K-6 from 16 to 8 incidents per month. All grade levels will teach a minimum of 3 Tier 1 lessons per month focused on disrespect, specifically using inappropriate language (talking back, not using kind words to peers and adults. Special area teachers will teach 2 Tier 1 lessons.
NWEA Data Report Meetings - Save the Date!
1st - 6th grade teachers:
Tuesday, December 17th.
We will meet in the conference room during your preps for 30 minutes or less to review NWEA Mid Year Data
5th grade: 8:45 - 9:15
6th grade: 9:30 - 10:00
4th grade: 10:15 - 10:45
2nd grade: 11:15 - 11:45
1st grade: 2:00 - 2:30
3rd grade: 2:30 - 3:00
Quick Access to Documents
December Important Dates
- Friday, December 6 - 90 min. early release/PD day - meet in the library at 2:00
- Tuesday, December 10 - Guiding Coalition meeting at 7:30AM in the conference room & 3rd grade Field Trip
- Wednesday, December 11 - Christina & Joelle at required district mtg. 1:00 - 3:30
- Friday, December 13 - 90 min. early release/PLC day and MSCT (4th - 6th)
- Week of December 16 - 20 - Secret Snowman Week (if you chose to participate)
- Tuesday, December 17 - 1st - 6th- 30 min prep meetings (NWEA reports) & PTSA Community Event - Cookies with Santa -5:00 - 5:45 & our First Annual Art Show
- Wednesday, December 18 - Monthly SPED team meeting @7:30AM in the conference room
- Thursday, December 19 - & 4 - 6th Spelling Bee @8:30 AM in the Library -
- Happy Holidays = NO DEC Staff meeting!
- Friday, December 20 - Q2 PawSome Assembly & Half Day Schedule A
Happy Birthday!
5: Deann Potts
19: Annie Ramos
19: Sandy Dauphinais
26: Amanda Schlueter
28: Christine Peterson
29: Deborah Rangel