The Titan Weekly
August 30, 2024

Message from the Principal
We’ve had a busy first full week of school! We began with school picture days for grades 9-11 on Monday and Tuesday. Students should have come home with a QR code for you to scan to purchase pictures. However, I know that many times items do not make it home to parents, if that is the case, follow the directions on the yearbook website. Wednesday through Friday we met with grade level groups to review policies, procedures, and expectations at Tuscarora High School. It was great to meet with students in smaller groups and to see their eager faces as they paid attention with their phones away!
Next week we will have our safety week. We follow the Maryland Center for School Safety and Frederick County Public Schools Safety & Emergency Management guidelines for implementing a safe school environment. Part of those guidelines and policies include safety drills for a variety of situations. Throughout the school year, we will hold a variety of drills to provide training and practice for students and staff to improve responses to possible emergency events. Our safety week begins on Tuesday, September 3 and will include training and practice through presentations and drills such as:
Shelter (Severe Weather)
Avoid, Deny, Defend (ADD)
Additional drills will be held throughout the school year. As we provide training and drills, we understand that students and staff react differently to the situations presented. School Counselors will be available to meet with students if they have any concerns. Families can go to https://www.fcps.org/semd to learn more about Frederick County Public School’s emergency procedures.
In addition to our safety week, I ask that parents drive with caution during our arrival and dismissal times. We have 1,700 students arriving at Tuscarora High School between 7:00 - 7:30 AM. Please allow yourself extra time to drop off and pick up your students. It is unsafe to stop or speed along Ballenger Creek Pike. Again, I ask that you refer to this map to review our traffic pattern.
I appreciate your partnership to keep our students safe.
Wishing you a lovely Labor Day weekend!
Lisa Smith
Weekly Calendar
Friday, August 30th
- 4:00 PM JV Football Scrimmage @ Home
- 7:00 PM Varsity Football Scrimmage @ Home
Monday, September 2nd
- NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3rd
Wednesday, September 4th
- 4:00 PM Varsity Golf Match vs Oakdale @ Holly Hills Country Club
- 6:30 PM Varsity Flag Football vs Urbana @ Home
Thursday, September 5th
Friday, Septeber 6th
- 5:00 PM Varsity Boys Soccer Scrimmage Vs Howard
- 6:30 PM Varsity Football Game @ North Hagerstown
- 6:30 PM Varsity Cheer @ North Hagerstown
- 7:00 PM Varsity Boys Soccer Scrimmage vs Bethesda-Chevy Chase
Interested in Running for a Class Officer Position?
Please complete the intention form by Friday, September 6, 2024.
See Teacher Recommendation Form. Please send the link to the teachers you want to complete the recommendation. Recommendations are due by Tuesday, September 10th at 3:00 PM.
Questions? Reach out to an advisor:
Juniors/Seniors: Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Jorgensen, Mr. Miles
Sophomores: Dr. Beck
School News
If you student is absent, dismissing early, or late arriving to school, please notify the school at THS.attendance@FCPS.org to ensure the student’s attendance record is noted accurately. Please remember to send in the official documentation for your student’s absence whenever possible. This includes doctor, dentist, orthodontist, counselor, and court official notes. For information on our attendance policies, please visit https://www.fcps.org/boe/selected-policies#absences
Military ASVAB Career Exploration Test
Students in the 11th & 12th grade who are interested in taking the Military ASVAB Career Exploration test (being offered on Oct. 2nd at THS), please attend one of the information sessions being offered during 2nd and 4th block FLEX on September 4th, 2024.
Come and learn about what the ASVAB measures, what to expect the day of testing, how to prepare for the test, and answer any questions.
Date: September 4th, 2024
Location: Room A115 (downstairs next to the elevator)
MUST RSVP to attend by 09/02 by 2:15 PM using the Google Form Link.
Senior Portraits
Attention Class of 2025
Are you interested in a career in the field of cybersecurity or computers?
If yes, use the provided QR code or link to register for the field trip to the National Cryptologic Museum where you can learn about these careers through hands on, interactive activities.
Please see the flyer below for additional information and the QR code to sign up!
Digital PSAT / NMSQT
The Digital PSAT/NMSQT will be administered at THS on October 9, 2024 at 7:30 am.
The cost is $18. If you would like you student to take this test, please pay via your child's School Cash Online Account. Payment automatically registers students and there are not any additional steps to take. The PSAT/NMSQT includes a reading, a writing section and a math section. The math assessment focuses on algebra, advanced math, problem solving and data analysis, geometry and trigonometry.
This is an optional test open to 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. If your student does not want to take this test, please ignore the School Cash Online entry in your student's account. It will be removed once the PSAT registration has closed.
School Cash payments will be accepted from August 19th through September 6th. After September 6th, no students will be permitted to pay for the exam and no refunds will be processed.
Any questions? Please email the THS College and Career Readiness Specialist at Jacqueline.Jack@fcps.org.
Class of 2025
Student Services
Save the Date! 12th grade evening program
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
5:45 – 7:15 PM
Google Meet joining info: Video call link: https://meet.google.com/aib-uoni-rio
Or dial: (US) +1 510-939-0381 PIN: 609 876 702#
Interested in a College and Career Pathway Focused on the Arts?
Register today to shadow the Academy for the Fine Arts which is the visual and performing arts pathway for high school students in grades 10-12. The AFA meets during the school day and is housed in Gov. Thomas Johnson High School. In addition to rigorous advanced level courses, many of which count as Dual Enrollment credit, the AFA provides a unique artistic community for students who are seeking to challenge themselves in a collaborative environment.
During the shadow day, students will spend 2 blocks of the day learning about the program from our student ambassadors, taking a tour of the facilities, learning about the application process, and visiting any of the following focus areas:
Visual Art
Musical Theatre
The first Shadow Day of the year will be Wednesday September 18, 2024. To register for the shadow day, please visit www.fcpsartsacademy.org For questions, please contact Jonathan Kurtz at jonathan.kurtz@fcps.org or 227-203-3450 Ext 54668
Counselor Student Breakdown
Ms. Moore (A – Ce)
Mr. Gill (Ch – Ha)
Ms. Goto (He – Mc)
Ms. Cooper (Me – R)
Mr. Harrison (S – Z)
Ms. Ingram (EL)
Ms. Honaker (Behavior Support)
Ms. Gomez (Community Liaison)
Mr. Jackson (Registrar)
Online Tickets
All FCPS athletic events are using the GoFan platform to purchase online tickets. Please see the link for more information.
Contact Us
Lisa Smith - Principal
Kristin Coulehan- Asst Principal
Kevin Hall - Asst Principal
Jason Lininger - Asst Principal
Roger Rich - Asst Principal
Tanisha Smith - Asst Principal
Sarah Alexander - Special Programs
Chris O'Connor - Athletics & Facilities
5312 Ballenger Creek Pike
Frederick, MD 21703
227-203-3100 - Phone
227-203-3101 - Facsimile