Mustang Messenger
September 06, 2024
Welcome Back!
As you are filling out your transportation forms for the upcoming school year, please note a few reminders about transportation/child pick-up as the new school year approaches!
· If your student is going to be an everyday car rider, PLEASE send a list of approved adults authorized to pick up your student in the parent pick-up line to before September 3rd, which is the first day of school.
· The names you provide are ONLY for car rider line pick-up AT dismissal. If names are not provided the list will default to ONLY the live-in guardians of the student.
· For occasional changes to your student's normal dismissal plan, an email must be sent to BEFORE 1:00 PM by the guardian to ensure the dismissal change can be communicated to our staff. Requests made after 1:00 PM will not be guaranteed and will require administrator approval.
- A live-in guardian is the ONLY person able to sign out their student early without prior notice. A live-in guardian can give permission for another person to pick up their student by providing the office with a note or email prior to pick up. If prior arrangements have not been made with the school office via email or written note, the student will NOT be released to anyone other than the live-in guardian without administrator approval. *PLEASE NOTE: An emergency contact is only able to sign out a child from school IF the nurse or school administration initiates contact. Emergency contacts are for school administration or the nurse to contact in emergency situations ONLY.
- For the safety of our families, everyone picking up a student MUST show photo ID to the office. Even if you come in regularly or the office staff knows you, we are REQUIRED to check EVERYTIME. No exceptions.
Bus Loop Reminder:
Please do not park in the bus loop upon arrival, during the school day, or at dismissal. We need to keep the loop safe and ensure that our busses can navigate safely. Robert Moton has midday bus routes, so this applies for the entire school day. Thank you for your help to keep our bus loop safe and efficient!
Up-Coming Events and Important Dates
First Day for Students
Tuesday, Sep 3, 2024, 08:00 AM
Pre-K thru 2nd Back to School Night
Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024, 06:00 PM
3rd thru 5th Back to School Night
Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024, 06:00 PM
Conference Night - Teacher Invite Only
Thursday, Oct 17, 2024, 03:30 PM
School Closed for Students
Friday, Oct 18, 2024, 08:00 AM
Did you hear? The Judy Center is inviting our whole school to this fun event. Come have a fun family evening, enjoy some pizza (thank you Robert Moton Elementary PTO) and hear a quick presentation about a great parent learning opportunity the Judy Center and RME Title I Family Engagement and partnering on this year.
Triple R Tidbits
The Triple R Ranch is in a full swing! This first week back, teachers are teaching and reviewing our Triple R Expectations: Respect, Responsibility, and Ready to Learn, and what these look like throughout our school.
When students are following the Triple Rs, they could earn a Triple R ticket, which they can save and spend once a week either on prizes or incentives that their teachers have established in their classrooms. If students are going above and beyond, they could even earn a Super Stang award, which is a high honor! If your student brings a Super Stang certificate home, celebrate with them because they must have done something amazing!!
Of course, there will be days when there are roadblocks and hiccups in our behavior. Here at RME, we believe that students should have the opportunity to reflect on their choices and make a plan for moving forward. This year we are continuing with Reflection Sheets and have added Reflect and Repair sheets which follow a restorative approach to problem-solving challenging behavior. Students will work with a staff member to reflect on their choices and how they were feeling at the time. They are also asked to think about how their choices have affected not only them, but the other students around them. Finally, students select what they will do to repair any misdeeds or harm and make a plan in case this situation occurs again.
It is our goal that in teaching appropriate behavior and reinforcing the good that students will feel confident in the choices they are making, not only here at school, but at home and in their community. Furthermore, that when mistakes occur, we can take responsibility for our part and learn what we can do to avoid that same mistake in the future.
If you have any questions about our Triple R Expectations or the other components of our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) behavior management program, please reach out to Ms. Napor.
Counselor’s Corner
It has been a busy, short week back at Ranch! Students are learning new routines and getting to know their teachers and classmates. I have been making my rounds to visit all classrooms in grades 1-5 to do a mini lesson to introduce myself and talk about my role as the school counselor here at Moton.
If you have a student who has come home with a purple paper entitled, “Meet the School Counselor, Ms. Napor” then I’ve been to your student’s class! I still have more mini lessons scheduled next week, and I will visit Kindergarten and Pre-K classes in October.
While I will continue to share tidbits about the counseling program in our Friday Newsletters, I also have a social media page called “schoolcounselingwithmrsn” to share details about the school counseling program here at RME. My hope is to engage families by sharing what their students are learning about in classroom lessons with me as well as highlighting various resources and information that could be useful to our RME community.
In planning for this school year, I have been intentional in thinking about my goals for the students here at Moton. The American School Counseling Association indicates three domains around which school counselors are to develop their programs: Academic, Social/Emotional, and Career Development. From those guides, we have various mindsets and standards that we aim to teach the students that we serve. Last year I selected a little motto to match our three ASCA domains: Full hearts. Open minds. Endless possibilities. It continues to be my goal to inspire our Mustangs to be the best that they can be!
I look forward to working with your families this year! Please click the links below to follow our school adventures on Facebook and/or Instagram.
Permission to Photograph, Videotape or Audiotape
Throughout the school year, the Carroll County Public School System frequently covers school activities and may use your child’s photograph, video image, or voice for educational, informational, or public relations purposes, with or without identification by name.
If you do not wish to have your child’s voice reproduced on tape or to have his/her image appear in such things as a video or a photograph, or on the school or school system website or social media, please notify the school principal in writing. It is assumed that parents and guardians consent to their children being audiotaped, photographed, videotaped, or having their image placed on a school website or social media by the school system unless such notification is received.
There are also occasions when the media cover certain school events (such as when a government leader visits a school). If you do not wish to have your child’s name or likeness published by the media, you should address your concerns directly to the school involved so that the media is so advised. Please be advised that the school system has no control over the media when they are covering activities such as sporting events and musical programs that are open to the public.
Use of Student Work on Websites or in Publications
There may be times throughout the year when the Carroll County Public School System wishes to display student work on school websites, social media, or in publications. If you do not wish to have your child’s art, poetry, writing, etc. appear on school websites, social media, or in publications, please notify the school principal in writing. It is assumed that parents and guardians consent to their child’s work being displayed on school websites, social media, or in publications unless such notification is received.
The federal "Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)" of 2015 requires all school systems to notify parents of their right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child's classroom teacher and any paraprofessional providing services to the child. If you would like information regarding the certification and/or licensure qualifications of your child's teacher(s), please visit this Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) site . If you are unable to access the link or need information regarding your child's paraprofessional(s), please submit a written request to the individual listed below:
Director of Human Resources
Department of Human Resources
Carroll County Public Schools
125 North Court Street
Westminster, Maryland 21157
The Board of Education of Carroll County does not engage in discrimination that is unlawful or contrary to Maryland State Department of Education guidance on the basis of age, color, genetic information, marital status, mental or physical disability, ancestry or national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
The Board of Education of Carroll County is firmly committed to creating equal employment and educational opportunities for all persons by providing an environment that supports optimal academic achievement and productive work and is free from any form of unlawful discrimination, including access to school facilities, educational programs, and extracurricular activities.
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Director of Human Resources, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, (410)751-3070.
Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or the provision of services, programs or activities. Persons needing auxiliary aids and services for communication should contact the Communications Office at (410)751-3020 or, or write Carroll County Public School, 125 North Courts Street, Westminster, MD 21157. Persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability may use Relay or 7-1-1. Please contact the school system at least one (1) week in advance of the date the special accommodation is needed.
Information concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act is available from the Director of Facilities Management, (410)751-3177, or the Communications Officer, (410)751-3020, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157.