HSC Fountain Valley

Monday, February 10th
HSC Fountain Valley
Please join me on Monday, February 10th at 10:00am in Multi-Purpose room for an informative, interactive presentation about planning for your family's financial future. We will have complimentary coffee and light snacks for parents.
We are thrilled to welcome two very special guests: Joe Di Giulio, a UCLA graduate and former independent study student who was ranked #1 in the world for boys' teen tennis, and Jacob Holiday, my eldest of four homeschooled children, former UCSD student and the recipient of the "International Outstanding Delegate" award at the Model United Nations conference in Washington, D.C.
Join us as these two exceptional young men share valuable insights on current financial planning strategies to help maximize preparation and protection for your family’s financial future. This is also a unique opportunity to hear from individuals who were educated outside of the traditional school model.
When my children were younger, I often wondered what the paths of non-traditionally educated students might look like. This event offers a glimpse into that future, and I couldn't be more excited to share it with you! :)
If you ever need assistance, please don’t hesitate to Contact Me through the HSC website.
Warm regards,
Michelle Holiday
Michelle Holiday
Executive Director
HomeSchool Campus OC, Inc.
Connect With Us
Email: info@homeschoolcampus.org
Website: www.homeschoolcampus.org
Location: 25975 Domingo Avenue, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624