Reeceville Raptor's MMM
November 4, 2024
Dates to Remember
- Tuesday, November 5, 2024: No School for students/staff
- Wednesday, November 6, 2024: Words Wednesday
- Thursday, November 7, 2024: Pretzel Day! Thanksgiving Pie Fundraiser orders due!
- Friday, November 8, 2024: Pretzel Day! CHOP Fundraiser-Pajama Day!
- Tuesday, November 12, 2024: PTA meeting-Zoom
Principal Star Award!
Nominations for this award are submitted by the teachers. These students always follows the rules (3 R's) and consistently go above and beyond expectations every day. These students exhibit these behaviors, daily, in every classroom they are in (Homeroom/Special Ed/Related Arts). There is only 1 winner for grades K-2 and 1 winner for grades 3-5!
K-2 Nomination:
-I want to nominate Mason Skinner for the Principal Star Award. He is always so respectful to his teachers and peers. He follows the school code and always uses his manners. Mason is also a hard worker!
-On top of his manners, he goes out of his way to check on people, always making sure they are okay. He is welcoming, kind spirited, and genuine.
3-5 Nomination:
-Emily Benitez Sanchez-Emily is an enthusiastic learner who loves school and follows all the school rules. She listens attentively to the responses of her classmates and takes an active role in her learning. She is the first one to jump in and offer help to others when they need help. She is a wonderful student!
Fall Festival Fun!
Working hard at decorating my cookie!
CASD Business Office visits Reeceville!
Reeceville Dresses for Halloween!
Some of Our Staff Care in their Care Bear Costumes!
The Office Staff are Cute Insects!
Run DMC!
Kindergarten Classes!
Mrs. MacCausland's Class!
Mrs. Markert's Class!
Ms. Bagley's Class!
1st Grade Classes!
Ms. Clark's Class!
Mrs. Cerra's Class!
Ms. Mulderrig's Class!
2nd Grade Classes!
Mrs. Cooper's Class!
Ms. Grune's Class!
Ms. Green's Class (Mrs. Neff)!
3rd Grade Classes!
4th Grade Classes!
Mrs. Winther's Class!
Mrs. Pochadt's Class!
Mrs. Stewart's Class!
5th Grade Classes!
Ms. Shaver's Class!
Ms. Lane's (Mrs. Kurman) Class!
Mrs. Gooding's Class!
Pumpkin Decorating Contest!
Pumpkin Decorating!
Voting for the Winning Pumpkin!
The Winner is Ms.Perez's Class!
PTA Information
Pretzel Day - Friday, November 8 (was Thursday)
Orders are due by Wednesday, November 6
Highland Orchards Pie Fundraiser
Orders are due Thursday, November 7
Order pickup: Monday, November 25
Order forms went home last week
Order online: tinyurl.com/RVPies
The PTA’s November meeting will now be held on Tuesday, November 12 (from Nov. 5) due to Election Day
School Store - November 14 & 15
Flyers will be sent home this week
Restaurant Night - Wednesday, November 20
Flyers will be sent home next week
The Student Directory is back!
Register online at (tinyurl.com/RVStudentDirectory) or return the registration form
You must register to be included in the student directory
PTA Text Alerts - text "@reeceville" to 81010 to sign up
Questions? Contact president@reecevillepta.org