Welcome to the 2024/2025 School Year
- Full Time Online Learning from home/off-campus
- Full Time Online Learning at school (Virtual Academy Learning Center housed at CMHS)
- Hybrid Online Learning Schedule (customized combination of both on-site and at home learning)
- Students can take CTC courses in person, and online courses at home or school
- Students may take some courses in-person in a classroom with a teacher, and other courses virtually with an online teacher.
- Schedules can look very different from one semester to the next.
Our goal is to find what type of learning platform meets the needs of our students.
A Note from the "New" Principal
We are excited to work with students who have chosen the Virtual Academy as their option for fulfilling their educational needs. The Virtual Academy provides learning options for students to complete all coursework required for their grade level credits. All KCSD Virtual Academy classes are offered in partnership with the CIOLA (Central Intermediate Online Learning Association). All courses offered through online learning vendors are aligned with the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s state standards for learning.
In addition, all KCSD Virtual Academy students remain enrolled in KCSD and as such, are eligible for participation in all student programs and activities.
If you have questions about online learning or the KCSD Virtual Academy, please feel free to contact me.
Mr. Peters
Meet the Team
David Peters - KCSD Virtual Academy Principal / CMHS Athletic Director
570-893-4900 ext.4583
Teresa Carlson - Administrative Assistant
570-893-4900 ext.2310
Biff Walizer - Learning Center Coordinator/Virtual Academy K-12 Special Education Support
570-893-4900 ext.4643
Michelle Spedding - Academic Advisor Grades K-12
570-893-4900 ext.2990
Scott Bair - Online Physical Education
570-893-4900 ext.4563
Upcoming Activities
August 28 - First Day of Classes
September 2 - Labor Day - No School
September 26 - Homecoming Parade
Family Events
Messages and Updates through Class Dojo
KCSD is using ClassDojo as our messaging app. Please be sure to connect (or reconnect) so you don't miss any important information from your child's school or teachers.
Stay informed about:
- School events and activities
- Important deadlines and assignments
- Emergency alerts and school delays/dismissals/closures
Keystone Conversations
This year, we will be offering monthly ‘Keystone Conversations’ in an effort to provide our parents and guardians with information they feel would be most helpful to assist in closing the gap between home and school. We would love to hear from parents / guardians to know what training or information they would like to receive. We would like all parents / guardians to complete this short form to let us know what you need.
Student Spotlight
We would like to recognize the Virtual Academy students for their hard work and dedication to online learning by naming them the Wildcats of the Month.
The Wildcat of the Month is highlighted for working hard with their pacing, attendance and doing well academically, with an 85% or higher in their classes. The Wildcat of the Month goes above and beyond what is expected and Consistently demonstrates the core values of a Wildcat. (Be Kind, present, respectful and responsible).
Watch your emails for a nomination for one of the advisors!
Important Information
- All attendance excuses must be emailed to vaattendance@kcsd.k12.pa.us.
- We will be using this for our updates, announcements, you will be able to message our advisors and many more features.
- Online learning can be very challenging, here are some tips to help you reach success!
SAP (Student Assistance Program)
If you are concerned about a student for any reason, you can make a SAP referral. The SAP referral can potentially lead to any needed services and/or supports the student may need to be successful.
Scan the QR code on the picture to make a referral!
Tips for online learning
Understanding how to be successful in online classes is key to getting your education! That’s where our tips for online classes come in.
1. Limit Your Time on Social Media
Social media is another temptation when taking online classes since it’s right there in your web browser. However, social posts can make you feel bad in addition to distracting you. If you need to, use an app that manages your internet options and locks you out of social media apps until certain times of the day.
2. Develop Strong Time Management Skills
This is a learned skill, so you’ll get better at it over time. If time management isn’t a strong suit, then be very intentional. Sit down and look at your calendar, then block out every part of your day (including non-school activities) and assign half-hour increments to each. Remember, online learning takes place of your full school day.
3. Stay Active
Physical activity is one of the best stress management techniques around. Whether you play a sport, hit the gym, or focus on getting your steps in, don’t let that lapse because you’re in school.
4. Learn How to Problem-Solve on Your Own
When you learn remotely, you have to do more for yourself. That includes gathering materials, understanding technical requirements, and reaching out to others. Decide upfront to be proactive and problem-solve on your own.
5. Set a Schedule for Completing and Reviewing Assignments
It’s easy to fall behind if you don’t schedule your tasks ahead of time. If you can, leave yourself an extra day to read through assignments before you submit them.
Need to Know How Many Weekly Assignments to Do???
- From your dashboard take the total number of assignments and divide it by the weeks of enrollment or school days available
Example: Math=45 assignments, English=45, Science=45, History=45, Spanish=45 - 45+45+45+45+45=225 total assignments
Enrollment is 9 weeks (1 MP) 225/9=25 assignments per week or 5 per day
In this case, we would look for 25 assignments per week to be considered full attendance
Missing assignments would equal absences - ex. 20/25 (5 missing= 1 full day)
Federal Programs
Federal Programs Updates
All elementary schools within the district are Title I schoolwide schools and receive Title I federal funds to support the positions of Interventionist and Title I Associates. We determine how to use the funding to staff our buildings based on family input and our school data. If you are interested in becoming a part of our Title I team, please reach out to your building Interventionist or principal. Our Policy 917/918 meetings are a great place to start, because we always review our School Improvement plans and the most updated school data during those meetings.
At all school levels, we use Title IV federal funds to purchase incentives for PBIS (our positive school-wide behavior supports) rewards, and we emphasize the goal of following school rules in all schools.
Required documents for families:
Right to Request Qualifications of Teachers (see Annual Notices and Policy Review button above) - if you wish to request a paper copy, please contact jevey@kcsd.k12.pa.us .
Note: If your child is taught for four or more weeks by a teacher who is instructing in a content area for which they are not currently certified, the district must notify you. Four-week notification letters will be added here if that becomes necessary.
Non-Discrimination Statement (see Annual Notices and Policy Review button above) - if you wish to request a paper copy, please contact jevey@kcsd.k12.pa.us.
Title I District Parent Policy - Policy 918
Keep Up to Date
Interested in the CTC Program? You can be in the Virtual Academy and the CTC
Our Career and Technical Center is a state-of-the-art 235,000 square foot integrated academic and career technical educational complex that we believe is the model for 21st Century high schools. We are located at Central Mountain High School and also have a satellite site at the Bucktail Area High School.
The Keystone Central School District has introduced and implemented an integrated career and technical curriculum that offers a totally integrated academic, career and technical education for all ninth through twelfth grade students. The integration model allows all students, from high liberal arts concentration to traditional career bound students, to explore and attain high academic and technical skills in their chosen profession. This system is designed to provide all students an educational exploration opportunity that is both rigorous and relevant for career and post-secondary success.
In addition to the integrated curriculum, the Career and Technical education delivery system has been overhauled and given the flexibility needed to adapt to individual student needs and academic college preparatory courses. We now offer programs on a two or three period schedule, over a 4 year delivery system. Students enrolled in the Virtual Academy may also be enrolled in the CTC through a hybrid-course schedule.
The KCSD CTC been recognized by the National School Board Association as an exemplary model for a 21st Century high school.
We also offer our students several industry certifications and dual enrollment credits, as well as articulated credits.
Athletics & Activites
Students enrolled in the Virtual Academy can participate in athletics or extracurricular activities offered at the their home school.
Check out all the exciting options:
Central Mountain Athletics
Bucktail Athletics
Important websites
Accessing PE Class (only class not in Genius) - Elementary will use Google Classroom and Secondary will use Schoology