Click to Change Title!
Week of January 24th
Click Here for Your 1st Task! (and change this title too)
Settled on one? Now try changing the background. We've got dedicated backgrounds for educators -- choose one you like (head's up, it's a hard choice!)
Last two tasks:
1) Change the color
2) Change the font
Change the photo to your own photo! Hover over the photo, click the "x" at the top and "clear the image." Then, click on the place holder and upload your own!
Done? Way to go!
Here's some potential text that you could use in this section:
Happy to be sharing our new newsletter tool, Smore! This will allow me to send regular updates, share pictures, and give a head's up for important information. This is my first run with it. What do you think? It's both easy to use and useful to have!
Task 2: Add in Calendar Items (Possible title: Important Dates: Upcoming)
Upcoming important dates:
- PD Sessions?
- Grade Due Dates?
- Project Due Dates?
- Parent/teacher night?
- Staff Professional Development day?
When you click done, hover over this section until you see little arrows pointing to the left and right. Click on the arrows to change the layout of this section!
Pro-tip: If you have a calendar with events already made (like on google slides), you can save it as an image and add that image directly to the newsletter as a "big photo" (see below)!
Let's Try Some Visuals! (good alternative title: What We're Up To!)
Wow, Old School!
Have you got a great classroom pic to share? Switch this out for yours!
Now let's try a video link!
It's always great to end on an inspiring note. Take a few minutes and watch this video (at home with your children)/(with a colleague or friend).
Click on "done" and hover over this section until you see the green "plus sign". Then, select "video" and paste in a URL. (Make sure to delete this sentence after you embed the link)!
About Us - Don't forget this important section!
Location: Smorino Land
Phone: 555-5555
Twitter: @smorepages