HB du Pont - August 2023 Update
August Newsletter
August 2023 Update:
Good Morning Warrior Family,
This year is set to be very exciting! Since the close of business with the students in June we have been working nonstop to prepare for the upcoming school year. Bus information should be arriving in your mailbox soon. There is lots of important HB information provided below.
Happy August – from my family to yours!
My daughters and I are enjoying our garden.
Calendar Items:
- August 22nd, New Student Orientation for Wilmington families at the West End Neighborhood House – 6:00-7:30 pm.
- August 23rd, Meet the Teacher at HB– 5:00-6:30 pm.
5:00 PM – 5:45 PM – Last names A through L
5:45 PM – 6:30 PM – Last names M through Z
6th grade – get your schedule in the gym
7th and 8th grade – get your schedule in the cafeteria
- August 28th, First day for 6th grade students only.
- August 29th, All students attend. First day for 7th and 8th grade students.
- September 1st and September 4th, No school
- September 27th, Open House at HB from 6-8 pm
Car Line – AM:
HB will follow the same plan for the car line in the AM as 2022-2023. If needed, please have your child walk behind your car, not in front. Also, the earliest you should drop your child off is 8:00 AM. (Please remember our start time is different this year.) Lastly, if you would like to change your child to a bus rider for this school year please call the school.
Car Line – PM:
HB will continue to follow the new plan we have developed to keep traffic off Meeting House Road. Please make sure any aunts, uncles, or grandparents who pick up your child are aware of our plan. Directions – Drive by the football and soccer field, and complete a “U turn” at the cones. Then please wait in line until your child gets in the car.
School Supply List:
The link below will take you to the 2023 - 2024 supply list.
DIAA Physical Guidelines:
Practices for fall sports will begin on Monday, September 11, 2023. (Co-Ed Soccer, Girls Volleyball, Co-Ed Cross Country and Field Hockey)
To participate on 9/11/23 you must have a physical into the nurse by 9/8.
This year, families are strongly encouraged to use the link below for their DIAA physical.
If you have any questions about the form above, please email -Jodimarie.muffley@redclay.k12.de.us
After School Activity Forms:
If a student wishes to participate in an After School Activity (sports included) they need to complete an After School Activity Permission Form. Forms are located outside the main office, as well as, on the computer. The completed form needs to be handed in to your coach or moderator.
Spirit Wear:
For the 2023-2024 school year, HB du Pont Middle School has chosen Tyrant Sports to provide the spirit wear.
If you are interested in ordering spirit wear please click on the link below.
Spirit wear is part of the HB du Pont dress code.
Dress Code:
Please click on the link below to find out information about HB’s dress code.
You can use a clear backpack to travel from class to class if you want. They are available on Amazon. In addition, no hooded sweatshirts will be permitted in class for the 2023-2024 school year.
Financial Assistance:
If you are in need of financial support to help offset some of the expenses associated with school, please don't hesitate to contact your child’s school counselor.
Counselor Assignments:
HB has four outstanding counselors:
6th – Mrs. Kelly Westcott (kelly.westcott@redclay.k12.de.us)
7th – Mrs. Sue Hogan (Suzanna.hogan@redclay.k12.de.us)
8th – Mrs. Stephanie Mathews (stephanie.mathews@redclay.k12.de.us)
504 Coordinator – Mrs. Kelly Thompson (kelly.thompson@redclay.k12.de.us)
Social Media:
Through the years we are becoming increasingly aware of more and more disheartening uses of Instagram, Snap Chat, Tik Tok, and other social media apps. While we will do our absolute best to investigate, interview, and follow-up on these issues it is becoming increasingly invasive into our ability to effectively run and manage the school on a day-to-day basis. Please collaborate with us in helping to manage and monitor your child's cell phone/computer use and, when necessary, intervene. I also understand the damage that can be done when pictures and comments are hurtful. Please consider having your child put you on his/her distribution lists, following your child on Instagram and Tik Tok, and giving you passwords to his/her accounts. Our building cell phone policy is clear - cell phones should be turned off and secured in your child's locker before the day begins. If we see it we will take it. On the first offense we will require a parent to come and pick the phone up. Students are welcome to call parents in the classroom from the landline with permission from staff. Again, I am reaching out for your help in monitoring and managing your child's use of social media.
HB Website - Make it a favorite and check it daily:
The HB website continues to evolve and improve. Important information such as the dress code policy, the student supply list, the Warrior Family Handbook, as well as lots of additional information have all been posted. The HB website address is https://de01903704.schoolwires.net/hb.
Community Eligibility Provision:
We are pleased to inform you that HB will be implementing a new program called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) where all students enrolled at HB are eligible to receive breakfast and lunch at no charge for the 2023-2024 school year. Each student will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submitting a meal benefit form. Students are still able to purchase second entrees or a la carte items from the school cafeteria by accessing funds in their accounts or through cash exchange. Student account balances can be replenished by using our online payment system www.PayPams.com or by sending check or cash to the school cafeteria. PayPam will also be of assistance when we begin to distribute Chromebooks.
St. Mary’s Sports:
A reminder about St. Mary Assumption fall sports. Cheerleading, Football, and Volleyball are all played in the fall. Volleyball is nearing their roster limits so do not hesitate if you are thinking of trying out. Football conditioning begins soon and you should be registered for football before you participate. Practices for all 3 sports begins in August. If interested in signing up, go to smachurch.com and look under the Youth Education tab. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Pietlock at pietlock@yahoo.com.
In Conclusion:
Finally, if you know new HB families please forward them this information, encourage them to get involved, and welcome them in. I am available anytime to talk with families, to tour the school, or to meet with students. Please do not hesitate to reach out to make HB an excellent experience.
Please follow HB du Pont on Twitter to learn about all the amazing things that occur at HB on a daily basis.
Mr. Jason M. Bastianelli
Henry B. du Pont Middle School
The Red Clay Consolidated School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, handicap, veteran status, domicile, genetic information, or any legally protected characteristic. Inquiries should be directed to Human Resources at 302-552-3783
HB du Pont Middle School
Email: jason.bastianelli@redclay.k12.de.us
Website: https://www.redclayschools.com/hb
Location: 735 Meeting House Road, Hockessin, DE, USA
Phone: 302-239-3420
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HBdupontMSPTA
Twitter: @JayBastianelli