McConnell Minute
J. P. McConnell Middle School's Weekly Newsletter

“Excellence in Academics, Athletics, Fine Arts, and Service”
The McConnell Minute: Weekly Newsletter
Events This Week
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (No School): Jan. 20th
- Archer Food Fight Canned Food Drive: Jan. 20th-23rd
- Digital Learning Day: Jan. 22nd
- ACCESS Testing: Jan. 22nd-24th
- Soccer Try-outs (Boys): Jan. 22nd-24th, 4:30-6pm
- Theater Arts Workshop (7th Graders): Jan. 22nd, 4:30-6:30pm
- Soccer Try-outs (Girls): Jan. 23rd and 24th, 4:30-6pm
- Basketball vs. Jordan MS (@Archer HS): Jan. 23rd, 5:30pm
- Basketball vs. Sweetwater MS (@Berkmar HS): Jan. 25th, 10am
- Cheerleading Performance @Atlanta Hawks Game: Jan. 25th, 7:30pm
Upcoming Events
PTO Spirit Night @Johnny's
JA Finance Park Field Trips
Soccer Vs. Five Forks MS
Marquee Birthday Recognition
Parents/ Guardians,
If you would like to display your child's birthday (First Name, Last Initial) on the school's marquee, please click the link or scan the QR code below. The cost is $26. All proceeds will go to charity. Birthday recognitions will display one week prior to, and one week after your student's birthday.
McConnell Middle School
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