Superintendent Community Update
April 5, 2024

A Message From The Superintendent
Dear JUHSD Community,
Spring is in the air and I hope your April is off to a great start!
Campus Visits
I spent a very sunny🌞 Monday at Jefferson, Thornton, and Westmoor High Schools. At Jefferson, I observed student artists creating chalk art representing their cultures and was thoroughly impressed! I enjoyed popping into classrooms to observe the teaching and learning at both Thornton and Westmoor, and had the chance to engage in some awesome conversations with both students and staff at all three sites. As always, this is the highlight of my week!
Board Meeting Highlights
We have been publishing our Board Meeting Highlights in their own newsletter, but there is low readership. So, from now on, we will include those highlights in this message. Please see our highlights below! We had a particularly good meeting this Tuesday that included presentations about Prop. 28 arts funding and planned programs, the Future Grads program, and more. We honored student athletes, proposed a Green Schools Board Policy, and approved a Climate Emergency Resolution that was first proposed by students!
Spring Break
Next week (April 8-12) is Spring Break and all schools will be closed. The District Office will be open Monday - Thursday of next week during Spring Break, and closed on Friday, April 12. All JUHSD sites will reopen on Monday, April 15.
Have a wonderful Spring Break! I encourage families to make the most of this time with your children and I hope students get the opportunity to rejuvenate before we dive into the homestretch of this school year. With dedication and perseverance, we will finish this fourth and final quarter steady and strong!
Toni Presta
Photos From Student Activities Held This Past Week
On Monday, April 1, Jefferson High students worked with art teacher Ali MacDonald to create sidewalk chalk masterpieces to kick off International Week, representing students' cultural traditions and nationalities, in front of the school's main entrance.
In honor of Arab American Heritage Month, Westmoor High student government students hosted a Mancala game tournament in the school's library on April 3.
Pacifica Tribune reporter and Terra Nova High Class of 2022 alum Eleanor Jonas shares media career industry insights with Alyssa Jenkins' journalism class on March 29.
This past Wednesday, students learned how to create beautiful pieces of handcrafted jewelry during Oceana High's interim week activities.
Thornton High students from Lecar Maghanoy's class visited Shoreway Environmental Center on April 2 and learned about ways in which they can better recycle, reduce, and reuse.
Adult School students attended a special presentation highlighting the soon-to-open Adult Ed Campus, while trying out a new translation device, in the District Office Galleria on April 2.
Winter Athlete Recognitions
The JUHSD Board of Trustees recognized site teams, athletes, and coaches for their accomplishments and titles earned during rounds of post 2023-2024 winter sports season competitions. To see a full list of these recipients from WHS, TNHS, and OHS, click here.
Oceana High School Girls Soccer
Terra Nova High School Wrestling
Westmoor High School Wrestling
Westmoor High School Varsity Boys Basketball
Westmoor High School Varsity Girls Basketball
Future Grads Presentation from the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Peninsula
The Boys and Girls Clubs Future Grads program at Jefferson and Westmoor High Schools supports students to and through college graduation. Students receive counseling for applications, financial aid forms, and college selection. They also develop social emotional skills, including how to ask for help, access resources, and build support networks. Participation in the Future Grads program begins in the summer before 10th grade and continues through college graduation. To view the full presentation, click on the image below.
New Policy Proposed: Green School Operations
The Board of Trustees believes that all citizens have a responsibility to be stewards of the environment and desires to integrate environmental accountability into all district operations. The Superintendent or designee shall promote green school practices that conserve natural resources, reduce the impact of district operations on the environment, and protect the health of students, staff, and community.
Board Policy (BP) 3510 ensures that our policies and practices reflect our morals and mission. To read the full policy, click on the image below.
Prop 28 Presentation: Arts & Music in Schools Funding
On November 8, 2022, California voters approved Proposition 28: The Arts and Music in Schools (AMS) Funding Guarantee and Accountability Act. The measure required the state to establish a new, ongoing program supporting arts instruction in schools beginning in 2023–24. This presentation will outline the plan for spending these funds for the 2024-2025 school year. To view the full presentation, click on the image below.
A Presentation from the JUHSD Food Services Department
To view the presentation, click on the image below.
Board Resolution Approved
Climate change poses one of the most significant threats to our environment, ecosystems, and communities worldwide, particularly to our younger generations who will experience some of the most extreme environmental changes due to a warming planet.
Originally proposed by students, this Climate Emergency Resolution serves as Jefferson Union High School Districts recognition of and commitment to taking action to improve sustainability throughout our district. To read the full resolution, click on the image below.
Daly City Women's History Month Honors JUHSD Recipients
Now in its 19th year, Daly City Mayor Juslyn Manalo, who was recently selected as on of Assemblymember Phil Ting's Women of the Year in District 19, honored local women whose extraordinary work of this past year deserves recognition including JUHSD's very own Board President Kalimah Salahuddin, and students Alice Li (JHS), Lauren Tam (WHS), and Charlotte Tsang (WHS).
Scroll below to see photos and video from this reception. Congratulations President Salahuddin, Alice, Lauren, and Charlotte! #juhsdproud
Inset photo: Board President Kalimah Salahuddin stands with Daly City Mayor Juslyn Manalo after receiving her certificate of recognition.
Photo credit: Leilani Ramos, Assistant to the Manager of Daly City
Join JUHSD's Advisory Committee
JUHSD wants you to join the District Advisory Committee! Your expertise and insights are crucial as we endeavor to shape the future of education in our district.
The purpose of the District Advisory Committee is to review and provide feedback on our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). This plan serves as a roadmap, guiding our efforts to ensure that every student in our district receives a high-quality education and has the support necessary to succeed academically and personally.
Your participation in this committee will offer a valuable perspective that will enrich our discussions and decision-making processes. Together, we can collaborate to identify areas of strength, address challenges, and develop innovative strategies to enhance educational outcomes for all students.
The committee will meet at least two times before the end of the year to discuss various aspects of the LCAP, including but not limited to:
- Academic achievement and progress for all student subgroups.
- Programs and services to support student success and well-being.
- Parent and community engagement efforts.
- Allocation of resources to meet the needs of students.
Your commitment to serving on this committee will involve attending meetings, actively participating in discussions, and providing constructive feedback to inform the development and implementation of our LCAP.
The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM virtually via Google Meet. If you are interested in participating, please complete this form by April 12, 2024.
We believe that your expertise and dedication will greatly contribute to the success of our District Advisory Committee and, ultimately, to the success of our students. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at kbaca@jeffersonunion.net
Free Dresses for Prom
Free Dresses Through The Princess Project
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Congressman Kevin Mullin's 2024 Art Completion
Brisbane Public Library Seeks JUHSD Student Workers
The City of Brisbane Public Library is looking for high school students to take part in a paid summer intern program, and is also wanting volunteers! If you're a student looking for something rewarding to do with your summer vacation, this is the job for you! Click on the open job positions to learn more and apply:
Big Lift Summer Learning Facilitator
The deadline to apply for these summer opportunities is April 18. For additional information, please contact Brisbane Librarian Min-I Chou, 1-833-937-7625. Learn more about our San Mateo County Libraries here
Pacifica Libraries Want Your Feedback
San Mateo County Libraries are engaging in a strategic planning process to better understand how they can best serve their communities, including the Pacifica Library branches. Through feedback from the community, the library looks forward to directly hearing from those in our local communities, especially feedback from teens!
Pacifica Librarian Julie Smith has asked JUHSD to take a quick survey by clicking here. Learn more about our San Mateo County Libraries here.
Image credit: Adam Pardee, Pacifica Tribune
Workforce Readiness Week
April 29-May 3, 2024
Workforce Readiness Week & Labor History Month
The California Department of Education (CDE) has shared that the State will be observing Workforce Readiness Week in our schools during the week of April 29 to May 3, 2024, with Labor History Month taking place in May.
These observances are unique opportunities for schools to elevate the importance of workplace justice and for students to study age-appropriate lessons about the critical history of the labor movement in our state. It is encouraged that all educators to take advantage of this celebration by honoring the women and men who built this state and by celebrating the essential workers who bring food to our tables, provide care for our families, and keep our state infrastructure operating. Read more here.
Students! Do you have a job or are looking to get a job? If so, check out this website from youngworkers.org, which provides ways in which you can safely work on the job!
Arab American and Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) Heritage Month
Throughout April, we have the wonderful opportunity to recognize and celebrate Americans who can trace their roots to countries in Northern Africa, the Middle East, and other Arab countries as part of Arab American and Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) Heritage Month.
The Arab and MENA American community is not a monolith – it is made up of an estimated 3.7 million people who are diverse in many areas, such as their race and religion, yet similar in their strong family values, work ethic, and dedication to education and the greater community. Those with Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African ancestry have made valuable and substantial contributions to every facet of American life and yet have been repeatedly misrepresented in the media, particularly after the 9/11 terrorist attack, leading to stereotypes and prejudices that challenge our efforts to create an inclusive environment and community.
Public Schools Month
Public Schools Month calls attention to the excellent work and success of California’s public schools and the need to recognize their important role in our communities and state. Public schools educate 9 out of 10 students and provide key resources to families and community members.
Help us celebrate Public Schools Month by thanking your teachers and school administrators for creating safe and inclusive school communities where students can thrive and reach their full potential!
Autism Acceptance Month
Autism Acceptance Month is celebrated every April to increase understanding, acceptance, and inclusive programs for people living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the family members, educators, and other professionals who teach and care for them.
Thanks to improved early intervention tools, more students are being diagnosed with ASD – allowing them to receive the intervention and treatments they need. Learn the signs, symptoms, and realities of ASD and promote acceptance and inclusion in everyday life for those living with ASD.
Dolores Huerta Day
On April 10, Dolores Huerta celbrates her 94th birthday! This champion for social justice and civil rights has empowered many to fight for fair representation, voting rights, and equitable education over the years. Thank you for your leadership, bravery, and compassion, Dolores! Si Se Puede! Learn more about this amazing leader here.
JUHSD's Equity Statement
Contact JUHSD: communication@jeffersonunion.net