Ponaganset High School
January 8th, 2025
School Bus Safety Message
We would just like to share a few safety reminders about our school buses and what to look for before choosing to pass a bus in order to ensure the safety of our students:
- Always stop when a school bus is present
- Slow down and prepare to stop if the lights are flashing
- Do not pass if the school bus "stop-arm" is extended and the red lights are flashing
As a reminder, the front circle is closed to traffic Monday-Friday between the hours of:
7:30AM - 8:30AM
1:30PM - 2:20PM
If arrive during these hours to pick up a student, please utilize the parking lot on the left side of the building.
Thank you!
Midterm Exam Schedule 2024-2025
January 16, 2025
G1 (7:48 - 9:14)
G2 (9:19 - 10:45)
January 17, 2025
W1 (7:48 - 9:14)
W2 (9:19 - 10:45)
January 21, 2025
G3 (7:48 - 9:14)
G4 (9:19 - 10:45)
January 22, 2025
W3 (7:48 - 9:14)
Make ups (9:19 - 10:45)
*Semester Courses: These will be the final exams.
Post-Exam Departure and Transportation Information:
*Students may leave after the last exam period is completed, provided they have arranged for their own ride.
*For students who are unable to arrange a ride, the bus will depart at 2:15 PM.
*Students staying until 2:15 PM will remain in the cafeteria and participate in a study hall to prepare for the next set of exams.
*Lunch will be available for those staying until the bus departure at 2:15 PM.
Grease Tickets On Sale Now!
Ponaganset High School is putting on a production of Grease!
Here is a direct link to purchase tickets: Grease Ticket Sales
Shows Times:
Friday 1/17/25 7:00 PM
Saturday 1/18/25 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM
Sunday 1/19/25 2:00 PM
The students have been working hard to transport us all to Rydell High School as the Class of 1959 begins their senior year.
There are over 150 students involved in the cast and various crews. Don't miss your opportunity to see Grease!
Student of the Month
The Ponaganset High School Positive Behavior Team is excited to announce our Student of the Month! This award recognizes outstanding achievement in our Vison-of-a-Graduate Qualities: Communicator, Thinker, Citizen and Learner. Matalyn McLaughlin is the PHS December Student of the Month! Mrs. Mary Keable, PHS math teacher, describes Matalyn as: “The ultimate verbal communicator. As a peer mentor assigned to my freshman home base, Matalyn enters the room with a huge smile and has control of the space. She immediately has the students’ attention and carries out the mentoring task with the control of a well-seasoned teacher. This student is a poster child of the PHS Vision of a Graduate as she displays all four of the learner qualities.”
Mr. Roger Forand, PHS Social Studies teacher, states that: "As a member of the DECA group, Matalyn has become a leader there as well. Her presentations have earned her and the school numerous awards. Overall she is an asset to the school and exemplifies the type of person we strive to educate at Ponaganset High School."
Holiday Cheer at The Village at Waterman Lake
Students from PHS attended a field trip to The Village at Waterman Lake to share stories, share holiday cards and spend time with the residence of the community.
Teen Dating Violence Poster Contest from the Lindsay Anne Burke Memorial Fund
Students in Ms. Paolino’s health classes participated in a Dating Violence Poster Contest funded by the Lindsay Anne Burke Memorial Fund. The posters were created and designed to present awareness around the topic of healthy relationships. The top 3 chosen posters were selected by the Healthy Relationships Interest Club held by Ms. Paiva & Ms. DePetrillo.
Wreaths Across America at the State House
Student-Athletes Anastasia Nerney & Owen Allen with Mr. Gary Martinelli at the Wreaths Across America ceremony at the Rhode Island State House.
Wreaths Across America at Ponaganset High School
The Ponagnaset High School Wreaths Across America Veterans Recognition Ceremony took place on Tuesday, December 10th, 2024. Our school and community believes it is important that we remember the fallen, honor those who serve, and teach the value of freedom.
Mock Trial Providence RI Courts
Mr. Stanley's class participated in a mock trial on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, in Providence. The students presented their case, which included opening and closing statements, witness examinations, and arguments made by opposing counsels. Mock trial provides students with an opportunity to gain an appreciation for the rule of law, legal issues, and courtroom procedures.
PHS Debate Recognition
PHS debaters had a great showing at Mt. Hope High School. Novices Omar Sasa and Jarian Kramer both received recognition and the Varsity team of Hope Gaudreau and Sara Olszewski placed third overall. Hope Gaudreau also placed sixth place overall as an individual. Congrats to all the debaters!
FFA National Convention
The Ponaganset FFA Chapter is proud to recognize the nine chapter members who competed at the National FFA Convention representing the State of Rhode Island in three Career and Leadership Development Events. These students had won their respective state contest back in April and went on to compete against top teams and individuals from the other forty-nine states as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Sophomore Gretchen Glasko earned a bronze medal in the FFA Creed Speaking Leadership Development event. The Veterinary Science CDE team consisting of seniors Kylie Baughan, Hayden Doyle, Paige Reynolds and Emma Vincent earned a silver team medal. Paige and Emma both earned individual silver medals and Kylie and Hayden each took home bronze. The Floriculture CDE team earned a team bronze medal. Seniors Kyla Angell, Ashley Booker, Brooke Sirois and graduate Morgan Charette all earned individual bronze as well. Each of these individuals spent countless hours preparing and practicing for their respective events and we are incredibly proud of their accomplishments.
FFA Basket Donations
The Ponaganset FFA chapter assembled ten Thanksgiving baskets during their November meeting to support families in need in Essex Village, North Kingston. In collaboration with the Essex Village manager, the chapter ensured the baskets were delivered to residents before the holiday. FFA members went above and beyond by adding festive bows and heartfelt greeting cards to each basket.
Apple Blossom Garden Club Meeting
The Ponaganset FFA Chapter members attended the Apple Blossom Garden Club meeting on November 13, 2024 to receive a donation of $2,000.00 for the FFA Chapter. The money was raised from the club's May plant sale.
The FFA members took this opportunity to introduce themselves and highlight the importance of Ponaganset’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, as well as promote the FFA organization. In addition to the donation, the students participated in a fun and creative activity: creating Thanksgiving centerpieces with the garden club members. Everyone involved had a fantastic time and walked away with beautiful centerpieces to enjoy at home.
Both organizations were thrilled by the collaborative event and the chance to come together for such a meaningful occasion.
Chorus/Band Concert December 15th, 2024
The PHS Chorus/Band students were festive in their last concert of 2024. Thank you all for a beautiful performance!
Spirit Week
Students and Staff had fun participating in spirit week before the holiday break. Check out some of their cool costumes and festivities!
FRC Kickoff
This past week Mr. Gongoleski and 37 members of the robotics team watched the worldwide broadcast of where this season's game will be held. After the announcement, the team started to analyze and develop their strategy.
Walk of Fame
On December 16th, 2024, the PHS Football Division III Champions participated in the walk of fame to be acknowledged for their accomplishments this season and winning the Super Bowl against Classical High School 28-13.
PHS Wrestling Tournament
The Ponaganset High School Wresting team hosted a tournament this weekend on Saturday January 4th. In attendance was Faith Christian Academy from Quakertown PA and Green Farms Academy from Westport CT. Faith Christian Academy is ranked 2nd in the country and Green Farms Academy is ranked 29th. Thank you to both teams for coming out and participating!
Muscle Building in Anatomy Honors Class
Students in Anatomy and Physiology Honors were tasked with building a skeletal muscle from supplies they have at home. Students learned the structure of microscopic muscles, then analyzed the hierarchy of anatomy within each skeletal muscle.
Human Body Systems - Goniometer Practice
In the Human Body Systems, 2nd-year Biomed pathway, students learned how to measure range of motion. In order to do this, students needed an understanding of muscles, anatomical movements, and bony landmarks. This information will help students assess possible injuries or disorders within the body.
Bubble Survivorship Lab
AP Environmental students participated in a bubble survivorship lab.
Peer Mentoring
Some of our seniors take time during their W4 block to participate in Peer Mentoring with our freshman class.
RIMEA Allstate Results
The following students have been accepted into the Rhode Island Music Education Association All-State Festival Ensembles: Congratulations to the following students:
Students in PHS Band:
Henry Cournoyer
Julian Branchaud
Marin Iamarone
Isabella Simmons
John Faber
Emma Chandler
Yvonne Butler
Silvia Spaziano
Sara Olszewski
Charlotte Gongoleski
Theodore Du
Lincoln Shea
Students in PHS Chorus:
Riley Shields
Adrianna Mello
Molly Souza
Peter Giorgianni
James Fashjian
Olivia Picard
Kayla Haslam
Leah Peck
Thomas Needham
Cristian Wagner
Luca Pollard
Joseph McKitchen
Juliana Buscemi
Briella Bailey
Lucy Rockwell
Eleanor Aubourg
Rebecca Kelman
Cassie Cardente
RIPIN Seeks New Members for Youth Advisory Panel
The RIPIN Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) is a group for youth and young adults (ages 14-24) in Rhode Island with reading and learning challenges. They meet twice a year to share their thoughts on improving education and disability programs for differently-abled individuals, gaining leadership experience in the process. YAP members also engage in two statewide network events where they offer their insights to Rhode Island's Special Education Advisory Network (SEAN). Each student will receive a gift card for each meeting attended.
For more information, please contact Mary Spencer at Mary.Spencer@ride.ri.gov.
This newsletter serves as a brief summary to capture and share PHS information. Please use the links below for more detailed information:
How to check to see if you ordered a yearbook for this year:
Go to the Yearbook store at: https://shop.yearbookmarket.com/ponagansethighschool
The Chieftain Corner: School Store
District Website Link
Please go here to view the most updated version of the district calendar.
Ponaganset High School Website Link
Ponaganset Athletics Facebook Page