BES Principal Newsletter
November 1, 2024
Good evening BES families,
The Halloween Parade and celebrations were a success! Thank you to all of the volunteers for their time and all of the donations of food for classroom celebrations. Our eagles had a great time yesterday and I hope everyone had a safe trick-or-treating experience.
Parent/Teacher conferences are right around the corner on Wednesday 11/20 and Thursday 11/21 from 5-8 pm. Teachers will be sending out sign up information shortly, if they haven't already, so be sure to snag a slot and come chat about your Eagle! The Book Fair will also be open during conferences so if you want to reward your student(s) for SOARing and working hard or grab a few early Christmas presents, stop down to the meeting room (Rm 9)! Profits from our book fairs goes into purchasing more books for our classrooms and library!
Drumroll please! The grade level with the best attendance for October was....4th grade! Congrats (again!) but don't get too confident as 5th grade is very close to edging the 4th out of the top attendance! Check out the percentage of students per grade level who are at risk in terms of attendance!
Kindergarten 23%
1st Grade 24%
2nd Grade 16%
3rd Grade 17%
4th Grade 12%
5th Grade 15%
Our goal is to increase our building ON TRACK attendance by 2% this year.
Educationally Yours,
Mrs. Johnson
😊 BES Character Trait for November- GRATITUDE 🥰
🦅Our students are SOARing everywhere at Byron Elementary!🦅
Monthly Best Bus AWARD goes to Bus #6! Congrats Mr. Streeter and riders!
The Weekly Golden Banana award (SOARing at lunch) Goes to Mr. Spencer's 4th grade class!
Important Dates
- 11/3 Day Light Savings
- 11/5 Tornado Drill @ 2 pm
- 11/7 PTA Meeting @ 6 pm (Elementary Library)
- 11/7 Hat Day
- 11/11 Board Meeting @ 6:30 pm