KMS Cougar Connect
August 21, 2020
Welcome Back Kingwood Middle School Cougars
To view our Safe Restart Plan, click here.
Social Distancing
Monday, August 24th - Face to Face Learning
- Students report to Advisory class upon arriving to KMS
- Wear your mask
- Bell Schedule
- UIL Class Times - Contact your UIL director (Guardians are responsible for transportation)
- Instructional Week At A Glance will continue to be posted each Friday
- Know your Bus Route
What supplies do students need this week?
Social Distancing Stickers
Social Distancing in Cafeteria
Social Distancing Stickers
Parent Digital Tools Resource Document
Humble ISD Teaching and Learning is excited to share a Parent/Guardian Digital Tools Resource document! The digital tools referenced in the document are those most commonly used by teachers and students across Humble ISD, and most of them are conveniently accessible to students in MyHumble!
Back to School Information
View KMS Back to School Website & Humble ISD Back to School 2020 website for the latest information.
Communication is Key!
Primary methods of communication: KMS Connect emails, website, Twitter, Facebook, and Schoology.
Notification will be sent via Humble ISD email regarding lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases on campus.
COVID-19 Response Team includes administrators, nurses, at-risk counselors.
Student Health Protocols:
Parents and guardians are our best partners for ensuring the health and safety of KMS.
Verify and monitor your student's health and temperature at home daily.
Staff will be required to self-report COVID-19 exposure, symptoms, and/or positive results every day.
Math Teacher Grant Winners!
Miss Eisterhold won a grant for "Learning with POP: Parents of Pupils" & Miss Griesedieck won her grant for "Breaking Out to Set Learning Free"! We are proud of all our winners!
Incoming 6th Graders!
Kingwood Middle School
Enter to learn. Leave to achieve. Plan. Prepare. Succeed.
Website: https://www.humbleisd.net/kms
Location: 2407 Pine Terrace Drive, Humble, TX, USA
Phone: 281-641-4200
Facebook: Facebook.com/Humbled.KMS/
Twitter: @HumbleISD_KMS