Plympton Family Update
January 17, 2025
From the Plympton Admin Team
Dear Families,
We had outdoor recess today for the first time in a few days! The kids were so excited!! Next week will be back to arctic temperatures so we'll be inside for Tuesday and Wednesday.
The PTO graciously sponsored another visit from the Mass Audubon for grade 3. They saw some mice and a hawk and discussed habitats & adaptations on Wednesday.
There is no school on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Next Wednesday, January 22, are parent/family conferences. Please reach out to teachers if you would like to schedule a conference.
Enjoy the weekend!
Go Penguins!
Vamos Pinguinos!
Adrienne Norris and Amanda Brennan
Bookmark our homepage and also check out this resource!
Breakfast Menu
Will be updated ASAP
January 20, 2025 -- Monday: No School
January 21, 2025 -- Tuesday:
January 22, 2025 -- Wednesday:
January 23, 2025 -- Thursday:
January 24, 2025 -- Friday:
Library News
Please click here for Ms. Halley's Newsletter!
From the Nurse
Colds, Covid, flu and now the norovirus are climbing their peak now. Handwashing is key for stopping the spread of norovirus.
Always remind your student to wash hands frequently, especially after toileting, before eating, or after blowing noses. Teach them to avoid touching their mouths/eyes and cover their coughs with their elbow or a tissue.
Students should be fever free and diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning to school. Students that vomit should be symptom free for 12 to 24 hours and eat at least two regular meals without vomiting again.
According to the WPS district Handbook a note from a Health Provider must be given when a student has been absent for MORE than 3 days due to illness. Let me know if you have chosen not to see your provider. It is still helpful to know symptoms and diagnoses so we might monitor illnesses in our building.
We are working hard to help our students who still present with lice. Remind your students to avoid sitting head to head with each other, never sharing hats or headbands.
I welcome any questions or concerns.
Be well,
Ms. Duquette, RN 781-314-5763
Integrated Monitoring Review
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Public School Monitoring (PSM) will conduct an Integrated Monitoring Review of the Waltham Public Schools during the week of April 28, 2025 and not January 27, 2025. Please make note of this change. Each school district, charter school, vocational school, and virtual school undergoes an Integrated Monitoring Review every three years. The areas addressed during an Integrated Monitoring Review are organized into two groups, known as Group A Universal Standards and Group B Universal Standards.
The Waltham Public Schools will be undergoing a Group B monitoring review that addresses special education teacher and related service personnel licensure and professional development; parent, student, and community engagement, including compliance with Child Find requirements; facilities and classroom observations; implementation and oversight of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs); time and learning, and equal access.
The process includes interviews with district staff and administrators, review of policies and procedures, and school building visits. The process may also include parent/caregiver, student and teacher focus group meetings to gather additional information. Interpretation will be provided, if needed.
The Department will send a parent survey, in multiple languages and formats, as needed, to parents /guardians of special education students to gather key information on the special education processes and procedures.
Parents/guardians and other stakeholders may call Gillian Lange, Monitoring Review Chairperson, at (781) 338- 3246 to request a telephone interview. If anyone requires an accommodation, such as translation, to participate in an interview, the Department will make the necessary arrangements.
Within approximately 60 business days after the onsite visit, the review chairperson will provide the charter school with a report that includes information on further actions that may be required. The public can access the report at https://www.doe.mass.edu/psm/tfm/default.html.
MCAS Dates
MCAS dates are below. Please do not schedule appointments requiring your student(s) to miss school on these days.
PTO News
Join the Waltham Hawkstars as they battle the Harlem Wizards on January 31 in the Kennedy Gym. This fun-filled game of hoops, tricks and laughs is popular with all ages. Students will get to see some of their favorite staff play against the world famous team. Come out and support our teachers in a great game of basketball.
The Wizards will also be visiting our school on January 31 to get the kids pumped up! To buy tickets visit: https://www.harlemwizards.com/tickets/waltham. Make sure to select our school name from the drop down as your school of choice so that our PTO receives a portion of the ticket price.
Community Events
January 20, 2025: No School
January 21, 2025: PTO meeting at 6:30
January 23, 2025: MONDAY schedule
January 29, 2025: Early Release
January 31, 2025: Wizards Game!
February 17 - 21, 2025: February Vacation - No School
Plympton Elementary School
Dismissal plans: Please communicate any changes to your student's dismissal plan at the start of the day. Students may only ride the bus they are assigned and that assignment is based on home address.
Email: Adriennenorris@walthampublicschools.org
Website: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/o/plympton
Location: 20 Farnsworth St, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: (781) 314-5760
This link has lots of great information about our school!