September Battlefield Banner
Every Child, Every Day, Without Exception
BES Mission Statement: Our mission is working together to promote high levels of learning for all students.
BES Vision Statement: Building Exceptional Students
24/25 BES School Improvement Goals
We are currently working on our 24/25 School Improvement Goals. We use data from various sources to create our goals. The 24/25 School Improvement Goals will be posted in the October Newsletter.
24/25 BES Collective Commitments
We will create a caring environment where all students can succeed.
We will work collaboratively to learn, plan and grow as educators in order to promote high levels of achievement.
We will help our students reach their potential by prioritizing individual student goals, differentiating instruction, and utilizing best practices
We will work together to encourage and celebrate student success.
We will give 100% to know and meet the social, academic, and emotional needs of each child.
Denise Witmer
"A new school year means new beginnings, new adventures, new friendships, and new challenges. The slate is clean and anything can happen."
From the Principal
This month, I want to focus on teams and teamwork. We all cheer for our favorite teams. Each Thursday, we wear BES shirts and on Fridays (especially during college football) we wear our favorite team shirts and colors. Teams are important to success.
Teamwork is the act of working together with others to achieve a common goal. It involves cooperation, communication, and combining individual strengths to accomplish tasks more effectively than working alone. In teamwork, each person contributes their skills and ideas, and everyone shares responsibility for the group's success.
Teamwork is key to a positive school experience. When students, teachers, and parents work together, it creates a strong and supportive community. Teamwork is crucial to the success of students, parents, and the school. It takes a team, working together to produce SUCCESS.
You will notice that I write "We are Battlefield" on my newsletters and text alerts (if I don't run out of characters, Ha!). Battlefield is a team, a family, a community and it takes all of us working together. Ms. Bailey and I are honored to be on the Battlefield team. For our 4th and 5th grade parents, we welcome you back to the team. For our 3rd grade parents, we are glad you have joined our team.
We try our best to keep you updated on all that's taking place at BES. We will use this monthly newsletter to send home important information. We will also use the text alert to send home information as well as reminders. Make sure you are signed up for the text alert. Teachers send home important information through daily/weekly folders as well as DoJo updates. Anytime you have questions or concerns about the events taking place, please reach out to the teacher, Ms. Bailey or myself and we will be glad to help.
Just a reminder, September 20th is a half day for students. Elementary students will be dismissed at 11:00. We will send more information as the date gets closer.
We Are Battlefield.
Dr. McCrary
BES School Dates
9/10: School Pictures
9/20: Half Day (Students dismissed at 11:00)
10/1: Vision/Hearing
10/7: Fall Picture Make Ups
10/11: PBIS School Event
11/8: Veterans Day Program at LFO @ 10:00am
11/22: 3rd Grade Parent Lunch
11/22: Dental Van
12/13: 4th Grade Parent Lunch
2/13: 5th Grade Parent Lunch
5/2 Tentative Glow Party
Updates from Nurse Ali
September Counselor's Corner
Parent Coordinator News
PBIS Distinguished School
BES is glad to announce that we have been recognized as a PBIS Distinguished School. We were recognized based on our school behavioral data, our school climate, and our PBIS program. We want to thank our PBIS Coach, Mrs. Kelly Wolfe, our teachers, and our students. We are very proud of this recognition.
We are Battlefield!
Parent Orientation/WIN Night
We held our annual Parent Orientation and Fall WIN Night on Thursday, August 29 at 6:00 pm. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Here are a few comments from our parents about what they liked best about the meeting:
- Class expectations were explained
- Meeting my child's teachers
- Understanding the MAP test and the MAP data
- Up-to-date student data
- Understanding reading levels
- It was relaxed and very informational
- To see how my child is progressing
For anyone that couldn't make it, student folders were sent home with the student's recent MAP data. If you have any questions about your child's data, please reach out to your child's teacher.
We will hold another WIN Night in the Winter. We hope you will be able to join us for that meeting.