Lincoln School News
November 2024
School Hours - 8:10 - 2:40
Principal's Perspective from Mr. Lang
November 2024
Hello Lincoln Families,
November is in full swing and we have plenty to be thankful for here at Lincoln. We had successful Fall Conferences, a wonderfully done Fall/Winter concert and we are preparing for the upcoming Winter weather. Be sure to keep reading for additional important information on upcoming events and important reminders.
Student Hours, Arrival and Dismissal
We wanted to send a reminder of our school hours, inclusive of drop off and pick up times. Student hours are 8:10-2:40 each day.
We have staff available for supervision before school starting at 7:45 and after school until 2:55. If students are dropped off prior to 7:45, they will remain outside. The teacher contract states they will start their day 20 minutes prior to the student day and our support staff starts their day at 7:45. This practice is the same for cold or rainy days as well.
Winter Gear and Recess
We have been fortunate this fall to have many sunny, warm days. As we all know, fall and winter in Minnesota can turn cold quickly. Students and families should begin planning to bring cold weather gear for arrival and recess, as we will be outside every day if the “feels like” temperature is above zero. Students should expect to have a coat, hat and gloves/mittens. If your family has a need for any winter gear, please reach out to Amanda Griswold at 507-444-8115.
Fall/Winter Concert
WOW, what a show put on by Mrs. Gedde, our choir, 4th and 5th graders on Tuesday evening. I want to thank you all for coming to support our students. On a personal note, thank you so much for the Happy Birthday song and for the many “Happy Birthday” comments I received. Check out the Lincoln Families Facebook Page for pictures from the evening!
Justin Lang
Mark your Calendar
November 25th-Healthy Husky Challenge in PE Classes
November 26th-Dress Up-Fake an Injury Day
November 26th-Turkey Bingo 10:00-11:00 at Lincoln
November 27th, 28th and 29th-No School
December 2nd through December 15th-Student Council hat, gloves and socks drive
December 4th-Student Council Meeting 2:45 to 3:15
December 6th-PTO fundraiser Create to Go orders are due
December 12th-PTO Open Gym Event 5:00 to 6:30 at Lincoln
December 18th-Student Council Meeting 2:45 to 3:15
December 20th-Dress up day-PJ Day
Lincoln Student Council Representatives
PTO Open Gym Night
Winter Hats, Gloves and Socks Drive
The Lincoln Student Council will be hosting a winter hat, gloves and socks drive from December 2nd to December 13th.
"Warm Hearts, Warm Hands, Warm Feet"
As the cold weather sets in, hats, gloves, and socks are needed to stay warm.
Your donation of these simple items can make a world of difference, providing comfort and warmth to those who need it most. Your generosity can help someone stay safe and warm through the winter months.
Together, we can help make winter a little warmer for everyone.
United Way Coin War Drive
Lincoln students brought in coins for the United Way from Monday, October 28th to Friday, November 8th. The Lincoln School total was $2,326.41.
These top three classes raised the most amont of money and were awarded the following prizes:
- Zoe Morrissey's 5th grade class raised $240.21and were awarded donuts and cocoa for breakfast with Mrs. Wunderlich and Mrs. Martin.
- Stephanie Kingland's kindergarten class raised $220.34 and they chose to "tattoo the principal."
- Jaime Randall's kindergarten class raised $204.18 and Mr. Lang will join them in a PE class.
A big thank you to Lincoln students for supporting the United Way and for Leah Wunderlich, Wendy Martin, Becky Campion and Jess Bunn for organizing the event!
PTO Fundraiser Information
Healthy Huskies Challenge
The Healthy Husky Challenge started November 13 and runs until November 25th.
This is a fundraising and physical activity event that is designed with the goal to increase awareness of the importance of being physically active as well as raise funds for local physical education needs and local organizations. This years donations will be going towards Community Pathways, The United Way and the Lincoln PE program. The fundraising packets are due Monday, November 25, 2024 in the classrooms.
Lincoln Yearbook
Don't miss out on preserving the memories of this school year! Order your yearbook today to capture all the special moments, events, and friendships that make this year unforgettable. The yearbook is the perfect way to relive the memories for years to come. Secure your copy now before it's too late!
Here is the yearbook link to order.
Toys for Tots
Toys for Tots of Steele County has been in existence for 38 years. It operates within the national U.S. Marine Corp Reserve Toys for Tots program, which began in 1947. Its objective is to collect and distribute toys to Steele County needy children ages 15 and under at Christmas. If you would like to help, drop a NEW and UNWRAPPED toy in the office. Deadline to drop off toys is December 12th. *If your family needs assistance applying for the Toys for Tot Program please contact Amanda Griswold, School Social Worker, at 444-8115*
Lost and Found
Remember to check the lost and found before November 26th, after this day we will be donating any items left. Thanks to the Lincoln Student Council for helping to keep the lost and found organized.
Lincoln Custodian Retirement
Please join us in wishing our night custodian Carey Buck all the best! Between OHS and Lincoln, Carey has worked for the district since May 2017! His last day at Lincoln will be Friday, November 22nd.
As he prepares for this well-deserved retirement, we want to express our deepest gratitude for all the hard work, care, and dedication he has given over the years. We are excited for the next chapter of his life, filled with relaxation and the joy of new adventures.
Let's Support Team "L"
Application for Educational Benefits
To complete the 2024/2025 Meal Benefits Application,
log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.
The application can be found on the left hand side under "more".
All students enrolled are eligible to receive one breakfast and one lunch at no cost on each in-person academic day regardless of their application results.
Families are still encouraged to complete an Application for Educational Benefits to be considered for additional benefits such as reduced fees for school sports and activities. The application also helps determine state education funding for your children's schools.
Applications may be submitted anytime throughout the school year. More information may be found on the Owatonna Public Schools website.
Elementary Student Handbook Information
Please click on the Student Handbook and Expectation for Learning form to review the student handbook.
Title IX Disclosure
Owatonna Public Schools is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for all students and staff and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, including pregnancy, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, in its programs and activities, as required by Title IX. This includes prohibiting sexual harassment, sexual assault, gender-based violence, and unequal access to extracurricular activities. Any concerns related to Title IX should be reported to Chris Picha, Director of Human Resources & Title IX Coordinator at 507-444-8602 or cpicha@isd761.org.
Nondiscrimination Policy
Owatonna Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color creed, religion, national origin, sex marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, disability, sexual orientation, age , gender identity or expression, or socio-economic status. Students with disabilities are entitled to a free appropriate public education that includes general education, special education and/or related aids and services. Direct reports or concerns to Chris Picha, Director of Human Resources. More information can be found on the district website: isd761.org/nondiscrimination.
More Information
Lincoln Elementary School
Website: https://www.lincelemowatonna.portal.rschooltoday.com/
Location: 747 Havana Road
Phone: 507-444-8100
Facebook: Lincoln Families Facebook Page
Twitter: @LincRoadRunner