Hackett News 2/7/25

February 7, 2025
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Hello Hackett families!
As a reminder, there is No School on Monday, February 10th. Also, our students in Grades 3-5 will continue taking their Winter MAP assessments next week. They will take two assessments - one for reading and one for math. The assessment will measure their growth from where they started the year. Be sure your student is getting enough sleep the night before, has breakfast and arrives to school on time.
Here are some important upcoming dates:
Monday, February 10th - No School
Tuesday, February 11th - PTO meeting (virtual) @ 5:30pm
Thursday, February 20th & Tuesday, February 25th - Winter Conferences
As the weather continues to drop down, please make sure your student is wearing the appropriate winter gear. We go outside for recess if the real feel is 10 degrees and above.
Attendance is crucial factor in academic success, so please be sure to get your students here each day! Our current daily attendance average is 92.4% and our district goal is 95%.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hackett PTO - We Need You!
The Hackett Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is looking for new members for the 24-25 school year. PTO members help plan events, have discussions around school needs, give feedback and help raise funds that directly impact and provide opportunities for our students! Meetings will be held monthly and are either in-person or virtual. Please call Mr. McReynolds or Ms. Moore for more information at 608-361-2405.
Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 11th at 5:30pm. Please join using the following link:
Hackett PTO Meeting (Virtual)
Tuesday, February 11 · 5:30 – 6:15pm
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/vur-osmq-tum
MAP Testing - Grades 3-5
Students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade will continue taking the WINTER MAP assessment next week on Tuesday and Thursday. All students will be assessed in both reading and math. Students all have individual goals based on their fall test scores. Please make sure your student gets a good nights sleep and arrives to school on time.
SDB Referendum Information
We encourage all families, staff and community members to visit the School District of Beloit's 2025 Spring Referendum webpage for important updates and information. This page will provide details on the upcoming referendum, including proposed initiatives and key dates. Your engagement is essential as we move forward together in shaping the future of our district. Please take a moment to explore the webpage and stay informed!
Winter Parent-Teacher Conferences
Winter Conferences are around the corner and will take place on Thursday, February 20th and Tuesday, February 25th from 3-7pm. Conference slips will be coming home in the next few days. If your scheduled time does not work for you, please reschedule directly with the classroom teacher or call the main office at 608-361-2405. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you!
Every Day Counts. Attendance Matters!
When they come to school consistently, they can take part in all classroom activities, connect with their teachers and friends, and keep up with their lessons. This active participation plays a big role in their academic growth and helps them achieve their goals!
As a school, our goal is to have 95% daily student attendance. Last year, we finished the school year at almost 89% and currently, we are at 92.4%!
End of Day Dismissal
The end of the day is a very busy time. Please avoid pulling your children out of school early after 2:30pm unless there is an emergency or appointment. Teaching and learning continues until the end of the day and every-time a student is pulled from school early, they are missing out on important information. Thanks for your support!
Hackett Walking School Bus
Dear Parents/Guardians,
On Monday, September 23rd we started our Hackett Walking School Bus program. The purpose of this program is to help raise student attendance throughout our school. For the duration of the program, Hackett Walking School Bus Drivers will walk through the neighborhood prior to school starting in the morning. Students will need to be ready by their pickup time at their designated bus stop. If a student is not ready, the bus will leave after waiting for 2 minutes at the agreed bus stop location. Attached please find the map of the Walking School Bus Route. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. C or Mrs. Cary at 608-856-5697. This is a before school only program and will NOT walk students home after school.
Download the Bus Zone App Today
If your child is taking the bus, we recommend downloading the Bus Zone app.
This app allows you to track your student's bus route, view stop locations, check scheduled arrival times, and more. Download the app on the App Store or the Google Play Store.
School Year Calendar
Take a look at our updated school calendar. This year, we are discontinuing our early release Wednesdays and instead will have a few Fridays off throughout the school year.
The English version is on page one, and the Spanish version is on page two.
School Hours
Elementary Schools: 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Middle Schools: 8:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Beloit Memorial High School: 7:55 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Beloit Learning Academy: 9:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m
Morning Arrival
5th grade will be dropped off at the main office doors and enter the building using Door 1. 4K-2nd grade will be dropped off and enter thru the playground using Door 3. Grades 3 and 4 will also be dropped off on the playground and enter the building using Door 4. There will be staff at each door and inside the building to ensure students reach their classes safely.
Any student arriving after 7:50, will need to check in at the main office.
Due to safety and security protocols, families will not be permitted to enter the building during drop off.
Welcome Back Letter
Stay Connected
We truly value the commitment of all our families who stay engaged with our district. There are numerous ways for you to stay connected including downloading our free SDB App, signing up for our monthly community newsletter, listening to one of our podcasts, viewing all the great news about our district, reading one of our latest blogs, or following us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Location:625 8th Street, Beloit, WI, USA
Phone: (608) 361-2405