Navigating the River

September 6, 2024
Each week, you will receive our newsletter containing important dates, events, and school news. Navigating the River is one of the best ways to stay up to date on what's happening at the River and ways to get involved to help make this school year the best yet! #RMStheGOLDstandard
Currently Happening at the River!
Upcoming Events:
- September 9th - 7th Grade Junior Achievement Field Trips
- September 7th - 9th - TSA Field Trip
- September 10th - Lambert Connected Parent University (6:00 PM - Lambert HS)
- September 10th - Football Game vs. Piney Grove MS (6:30 PM - South Forsyth HS)
- September 11th - Patriot Day (Wear Red/White/Blue)
- September 11th - DECA/HOSA/FBLA Field Trip
- September 11th - Lambert Connected Unplugged Night
- September 13th - Band Rock-A-Thon Fundraiser
- September 17th - Constitution Day
- September 17th - Football Game vs. Otwell MS (6:30 PM - Forsyth Central HS)
- September 17th - HOSA Field Trip
- September 19th - 8th Grade Band Night (Lambert HS)
- September 23rd - 27th - Fall Break
Connect With Us On Social Media!
Get important information even faster by following us on Facebook!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riverwatchms
A Message from Mrs. MacAllaster:
Referenced Email from Forsyth County Schools:
Forsyth County Schools Parents and Guardians,
Following the tragic incident in Barrow County this week, schools across the U.S. and throughout Georgia have received an increased number of tips on threats. As students and families are on high alert in the aftermath of tragedy, they rightfully report suspicious behavior more frequently than normal. As a result, rumors of threats also increase exponentially during such times. You may be aware of rumors surrounding some of our schools in Forsyth County. We want to assure you that our School Safety Department is working alongside the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office to investigate each and every potential threat thoroughly, and always with an abundance of caution.
One such rumor that led to an arrest happened on Thursday, September 5, 2024. Staff were made aware of an alleged threat at DeSana Middle School. Our School Safety Department and the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office responded immediately and conducted a thorough investigation. During the investigation, we confirmed there were no weapons on the school campus and no students or staff were in danger at any point. The student who made the threat was identified and arrested by the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office.
Please be reminded that threats of any kind are not tolerated in our schools. Whether made in person, online, or indirectly, every threat is treated seriously and addressed immediately. We ask you to partner with us by speaking with your child about the importance of talking to a trusted adult if they hear or see something concerning. Families can also use the P3 Tip Line to make a report. Additionally, please talk to your children about the inappropriateness of making threats in a joking manner. Even threats made in jest, particularly in such perilous times, must and will be investigated. Such threats disrupt the school and will be treated accordingly by school and law enforcement authorities.
Your child's safety continues to be our top priority. In addition to our School Resource Officers, we have an increased law enforcement presence on school campuses. As previously shared by Superintendent Young, we continue to provide proactive services to students and staff, continuously refine drills and crisis plans, and are always researching the latest in technology to provide safe learning environments.
We thank our families and our community for their ongoing support in keeping our schools safe.
P3 Campus - See Something, Say Something
The Forsyth County Sheriff's Office and Forsyth County Schools work together to provide P3 Campus Reporting, which provides an avenue for all members of the community to submit anonymous tips about non-urgent illegal activities such as unsolved cases, vandalism, theft, the sale and distribution of drugs, possession of weapons or information about crimes that are being planned on their schools' campus.
Students are encouraged to report information about dangerous or harmful situations to the principal, an assistant principal, a teacher, or another trusted adult. Anonymous TIPS can also be reported to the Forsyth County Schools P3 Campus Anonymous Reporting in one of three ways.
1. Download the App on App Store or Google Play
2. ANONYMOUS Web tip at https://www.p3campus.com
3. Call the ANONYMOUS tip line at 770-888-3466 ext. 1 or 3.
Anonymous reports can also be made by calling the State of Georgia School Safety Hotline Number, 1-877-SAY-STOP (1-877-729-7867).
*Callers will not be asked to reveal their identity.
School Safety Request:
We would like to remind you that Riverwatch MS and Settles Bridge ES are closed between 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM to foot traffic and vehicle traffic for business not related to school. Please help us keep our students and staff safe by adhering to our hours of operation and by spreading the word within your neighborhoods for any one that may not receive our newsletter!
Reminders from the Front Desk!
A reminder that the front office staff cannot relay transportation change messages to students during the school day!
A Note from Nurse Brenda:
Vision screenings for 7th Grade students will take place on Tuesday, September 17th. If your student has glasses or contacts, please have them bring those to school on this day!
Family Partnership Survey:
One of the biggest contributors to student success is engagement and partnership between schools and families. To help us with this, we're asking you to take a few minutes and fill out the Family Partnership survey. Your information helps us make #RMStheGOLDstandard for all stakeholders!
Family Partnership Survey - https://forms.gle/xaRbqDx5xTfQT3i26
A Note from RMS PTSO:
PTSO Fundraising Update! We are so excited to announce that we have hit $11,087 in donations for the 24/25 school year!!! Thank you to all of our families, teachers and staff members that donated - your contributions will allow PTSO to support Riverwatch teachers, students and staff throughout this upcoming year.
And for the moment you've all been waiting for (ok, maybe not, but it's still fun to announce....), final participation levels by grade:
In third place, with 7% participation is eighth grade....
In second place, with an admiral double digit 10% is seventh grade....
And with an admirable 17% is SIXTH GRADE - new to the school and already making their presence known!
The sixth graders whose families participated in the membership challenge will be receiving an ice cream treat from PTSO today (Friday) as a thank you for your support. Unfortunately, we did not hit our overall goal participation level, so only students whose families participated will have access to the ice cream treat.
For our families that did not have a moment to donate during our membership drive, we accept donations throughout the year, so feel free to donate anytime you feel moved to do so. Visit this link DONATE TODAY to contribute to another successful year at Riverwatch.
Every Day Counts and Attendance Matters!
For more information on the Riverwatch attendance policy, please click here!
Panther Time and Student Support Time:
Check out the new Student Support Time app available via Classlink! This is the replacement for Flextime Manager. Students can select the appropriate Panther Time Academic Support for Tuesday-Thursday. Additionally, teachers can request students for remediation. Students will continue to have choice on Mondays and Fridays for clubs and fun activities. The cut off to sign up is 7:00 pm the day before.
RMS PRIDE Periodical:
Looking to Make a Difference?
Would you be willing to give to the students in our community? Please click the link below to learn about Purposity, an organization where YOU can help support students in need in YOUR community.
Nominate a Deserving Faculty Member Today!
We've reached the end of our first month of school and we are ready to name our first Teacher and Staff Member of the Month. We need your help with nominating the deserving faculty in your student's life!
Athlete of the Week!
Congratulations to our Athletes of the Week!
Football - Daniel Lee
Cheerleading - Taylor Allen
Basketball intramurals start the week of September 9th. ALL students must be dropped off at the front of the school (car rider line). Dropoff takes place between 7:15-7:25 a.m. The last week of intramurals is September 30th-October 3rd.
8th grade boys: Every Monday
6th and 7th grade boys: Every Wednesday.
6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls: Every Tuesday and Thursday.
- Girls will enter through the front of the school. Girls MUST wait in the car until Coach Griffin opens the front office door.
- Boys must be dropped off at the front of the school and walk around to the gym doors.
Basketball tryouts will take place in the middle of October. Any 7th or 8th grade student interested in trying out MUST upload all forms and a current physical to DragonFly by October 9th. If your 7th or 8th grade student is interested in trying out for basketball, please have them fill out the tryout interest form: https://forms.gle/HCMLVL2QrEG7D7Yw9
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Yu at f38148@forsyth.k12.ga.us.
The newly formed Lambert Equestrian team needs your help! Please go to Chipotle on Medlock Bridge Road on September 29th. A portion of all sales will help support the new Equestrian team, which includes 4 of our own Riverwatch Middle students. Please support us!
Panthers in the Community!
One of our 7th Grade Panthers showed the community what it means to be part of #RMStheGOLDstandard! Sebastian Martinez Kokich participated in a performance of “When I’m 64” with Liverpool Legends Friday night at Gas South Theatre, which showed to over 700 people!
Way to go, Sebastian!
**In Case You Missed It**
Don't Miss Out on the 8th Grade Field Trip!
Save the date! Lambert Band 8th grade band night will be Thursday, September 19th. This event is OPTIONAL for 8th grade band students.
Direct Link: https://forms.gle/7Mz3S2eBa29ekpCd9
Direct Link to Website for More Informaiton: https://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/page/394
From the Panther Pit Stop:
Important Information:
A Big THANK YOU to Our Partners in Education!
No business? No problem! Partners in Education covers businesses, families, and individuals. Our Partners in Education help the school by donating necessary materials, whether through a monetary donation or the items themselves! If you or someone you know would like to help us be #RMStheGOLDstandard, consider partnering with us!