Counselor Connections
Newsletter from Mount St. Mary Counseling Department
May 14, 2024
AP Exams
AP exams continue this week. Please refer to the calendar section below for the schedule.
New in 2024 is the introduction of digital exams for a selected number of subjects. For MSM students, this includes Literature and Composition, United States History and World History. The students taking these exams need to come to school with their devices fully charged and their charging cord. All students have downloaded the Bluebook software and are prepared to take the exam on their device.
On the day of a student’s exam:
Students come to school for the exam only. If the exam is administered at 8:00 am, the student is dismissed from school at the end of the exam. Students can go home at that time. If students need to stay at school for the remainder of the day, the cafeteria and library will be open for them.
Dress down day for students who are taking an exam.
The exam rooms will be open and available for students to enter approximately 15 minutes before the start of the exam (7:45 for 8:00 start).
Students may bring water bottles and snacks to leave outside the exam room to drink and eat during the exam breaks.
A reminder that no electronic devices (including phones, smart watches, earbuds, etc) are allowed in the exam room.
Students are responsible for bringing their own pens and pencils (backups will be available during the exams).
Good luck to all of our students!
- May 15 - AP World History Exam - 8:00am
- May 17 - SAT Registration Deadline
- May 18 - Graduation - 4:00pm
- June 1 - SAT
- June 7 - Last Day of Classes
- June 8 - ACT
- June 10-14 - Final Assessments
From the Desk of Mrs. Uhl
Final Transcripts
After a student puts a deposit down to attend a college or university, that school will ask for the student's final transcript. This final transcript will list every course the student took in high school and the grade they earned.
Mount St. Mary Academy will send one final transcript per student to the college or university they have indicated they are attending. Transcripts will be submitted as soon as they are updated. This process should be completed by Memorial Day weekend.
After graduation, as alumni, former students will need to request transcripts through the school website. Under the Alumnae tab is a blue button, Request an MSM Transcript. Your request will be fulfilled through this process.
Summer Camp Opportunities
- This week long workshop is held annually in honor of Eric Pitman, who was a freshman at St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute when he passed away on February 27, 2007 after a brief illness.
- The workshop strives to introduce students into the application of computer modeling and simulation to solve important problems in science and engineering. The current year's workshop focuses on bioinformatics and research in the life sciences.
- Dates: June 27 - July 3, 2024
- Times: 9:30am - 3:30pm daily
- Location: University at Buffalo
- Cost: Free and lunch is provided daily
Click here for more information and registration.
Daemen University Summer Opportunities
SUNY Niagara Summer Day Camps
Villa Maria Summer Camps
Ms. Osborne's College & Career Corner
Career Opportunities in the Accounting Profession
The Career Opportunities in the Accounting Profession (COAP) Program is a program that is sponsored by the NYSSCPA and hosted locally on UB’s North Campus. It is a program for high school students (grades 9-12) to learn more about the Accounting profession, breaking the typical stereotypes that one often thinks of when they hear the word ‘Accountant’. The program is scheduled to take place IN PERSON Monday, June 24, 2024 – Tuesday, June 25, 2024 on North Campus. The program will include various guest speakers, firm visits, and activities throughout the 2-day packed agenda.
The program is free of cost.
If a student has completed the COAP program and declare Accounting as a major, they are eligible to apply for a $2,000 scholarship annually., ‘COAP Scholarships and Renewals’
If interested, complete the short application using this link:
College Match by Steven Antonoff, Ph.D.
The Truth About College Admission by Brennan Barnard and Rick Clark
The College Conversation by Eric J. Furda and Jacques Steinberg
Counseling & Wellness Staff
Kelli Shepard - 9th & 10th grade Counselor -
Joanne Uhl - 11th & 12th grade Counselor -
Marissa MacTurk - Interim Social Worker -
Jordan Osborne - College & Career Center Coordinator -
Mount St. Mary Academy
Mount St. Mary Academy, founded by the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur, is a Catholic, private, college preparatory school for young women. Within a nurturing and academically challenging and inclusive environment, the Academy strives to develop the whole person’s gifts and potential. Guided by our Catholic tradition, and rooted in Gospel values, we empower scholars to be leaders dedicated to lifelong learning, moral integrity, social justice, and service to and inclusion of others.
We Believe in You!
Location: 3756 Delaware Ave, Kenmore NY 14217
Phone: (716) 877-1358
Twitter: @msmacademy