McMillan Monthly
School-Community Highlights for May, 2024
The mission of McMillan Middle is to academically challenge students and to promote student ownership of learning in a safe, diverse, and respectful environment.
Principal Message
Greetings McMillan Families,
In just a few short days, students will be dismissed for the summer and advancing to the next grade level, on into high school, or introduced to McMillan Middle as a new student. It's an exciting time for transition, and for finishing our current school year strong! If your child wants to still participate in Next Level Learning in June, or if they are a new student to McMillan, they can attend Welcome Camp on May 29, 30, and 31 by emailing Daniel Chipps, NLL Principal for McMillan at
As of this writing, our student body continues to work toward MACademic success, with just over 56% of our students passing all of their 8 classes. As we wrap up NSCAS testing and look toward finals, we ask for the following:
- Please have students bring their charged iPad to school each day.
- Have students work to complete all assignments, especially tests or summative grades.
- Support your student by getting them to school each day for the full day, 7:40 to 3:05.
- There will be no backpacks the last three days of school, May 20, 21, and 22.
We look forward to continued warm weather, spring sports/activities and all the celebratory events in the coming weeks and final days of the school year. Encourage students to get involved, stay engaged in class and finish strong.
Please read the newsletter carefully to get all the updates about upcoming events for McMillan. As always, we thank you for your continued support and involvement in the McMillan Community. If you have any questions, please call us 531-299-2440.
Very Respectfully,
Dr. Walters - Proud Principal at McMillan
Staff Appreciation Week is May 6 through 10!
May 6 to May 10 is National Teacher Appreciation Week - and we're celebrating all MAC staff!
We appreciate each and every teacher at McMillan - and what they do for our community. I'd like to invite you to donate pre-packaged items to "Stock the Staff Lounge" for our 88 teachers and staff at McMillan. Dr. Walters will be at the curb at 3802 Redick between 7:20 and 7:40 before school and after school between 3:05 and 3:20 between April 29 and May 3 with a cart to collect items - or you can bring them to the McMillan office! We will have a full week of activities centered around staff love and support!
Please fill out the Form if you can donate, and/or join McMillan PTO for 2024/2025.
May Academic Calendar/Homework Help
Title One Night and Music for McMillan families!
Please mark your calendars as all of McMillan partners with our music programs to bring you Title 1 Night at McMillan on Tuesday, May 14th. We look to showcase many of the great things about our school, North High will be there with a booth, and show you how Title 1 benefits our school. Here is a schedule of events for the evening:
- Financial Literacy presentation from Matt Pearson at UNO/UNL - 4 to 5:30 in the auditorium.
- Title 1 Night Walk-through displays and FREE PIZZA for McMillan at the mural - 5:45 PM
- Call-time for musicians and families at McMillan is 5:45 PM
- Spring Music Concert at 6:30 PM in the Auditorium
- Title 1/Spring Music reception and cookies - after the concert
Culture and Climate Survey for Families
We just can't hide that MONARCH PRIDE!
Just over 300 students were able to experience the Eclipse in April. Thank you to supporting community
Congratulations to both the 7th and 8th grade AcaPenta teams on reaching Nationals in Pheonix, AZ May 16-18th! These 17 students have worked hard ALL year long to reach this stage!
The P4K 6th grade group visited the High Ropes course at Northstar and our 8th grade group learned with performers from the African Culture Connection.
Girls Soccer has had an amazing season and looks to finish as one of the top teams in the city!
Honoring Outstanding Performers in Education Awards were in April, and 14 students joined Ms. Naser and Mrs. Rodriguez for the recognition dressed for success!
McMillan Band students performed in a Vertical Concert with Omaha North High.
Boys Soccer has had an explosive season with great moments and representation on and off the field.
Hands-on experiences like those in Ms. Teachout's 6th Grade Science class build the bridge toward successful high school learning and experiences.
Class of '28 Jose was selected as the Outstanding English Learner Student for McMillan!
Accessing Parent Portal - Click the Logo
The Campus Portal for Parents allows parents and guardians to monitor their children's academic progress online. If you do not have a Parent Portal account, please click the Infinite Campus icon to access directions.
McMillan May/June/July Events
May 1 - Rehearsal for NJHS Induction Ceremony - 1:30 to 2:15 PM
May 1 - Track vs. Hale and Norris at Norris
May 1 - P4K for 6th Grade
May 2 - Rescheduled Soccer Games vs. Marrs. Girls at 3:30, Boys at 4:30
May 2 to 7 - Boys/Girls Soccer All City Finals - TBD
May 3 - NJHS Induction Ceremony 2pm to 3pm
May 6 - UNO Trip for Dept of Biomechanics Field Trip with Mr. Huber - 9:30 AM to 1 PM
May 7 - McMillan Honors Night, 6 PM
May 9 - Creativity Workshop, 9 AM to 2 PM
May 10 - NJHS Humane Society Field Trip 9am to 11am
May 13 - Track All City at Bryan HS
May 14 - Financial Literacy presentation from Matt Pearson at UNO/UNL - 4 to 5:30.
May 14 - Spring Music Concert at 6 PM
May 14 - Title 1 Night for McMillan community - 5:45
May 15 - NJHS Park Clean Up 9am to 2pm
May 15 - Final Grade check for 8th Bowling Party and All School Dance
May 15 to 17 - AcaPenta to NATIONALS in Phoenix, AZ.
May 16 - Review for Finals
May 17 - Review for Finals
May 17 - April/May/June Birthday celebration - 2:45 in the cafeteria
May 17 - StuCo All School Dance for All Passing Grades: 3:30 to 5 PM
May 20 and 21 - Finals at McMillan
May 20, 21, and 22 - No backpacks at McMillan
May 22 - 8th Bowling Party off site via 8th Team and Mr. Huber
May 22 - 6th and 7th Grade Activities in Classrooms: Final Pep Assembly from 2 to 3 PM
May 29, 30, and 31 - WELCOME CAMP at McMillan from 7:40 to 2 each day.May 29 - First day of Next Level Learning at McMillan - email to register.
June 19 - No School in observance of Juneteenth
July 3 - Last day of Next Level Learning at McMillan
August 14 - First Day of School for 6th grade
August 15 - First Day of School for all grades
8th Grade End of Year Bowling Trip!
McMillan is excited to continue an 8th grade celebration on the last day of school, Friday, May 22nd from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm. Students will be traveling to Maplewood Lanes by school bus during the school day with McMillan staff as chaperones.
Students will experience unlimited bowling, a pizza lunch, and fun to celebrate the end of their middle school experience. This will be free of charge to students. Students may bring money to purchase concessions while at Maplewood Lanes.
We are asking for family support as we look at students' academic and behavioral performance as a motivation toward success. The expectation of all 8th grade students wanting to attend is to have no Fs on their progress reports, checked on May 15th. Grades of an F and suspensions from school may impact a student’s ability to attend this fun day celebration.
Thank you for your support as we work to celebrate students, celebrate the middle school experience, and have an enjoyable event for them at Maplewood Lanes!
Spring Sports Information/Updates
From the Activities/Athletic Desk - News and Updates from Mr. Curran and Coaches!
8th Grade Sport Physical Requirements (see attached packet)
8th grade students who wish to participate in after-school sports during the 24-25 school year are required to have a sport physical and proof of health insurance. The physical can be done on or after May 1, 2024.
7th Grade Sport Physical Requirements (see attached packet)
A physical exam is required for all students entering into seventh grade. Completing the seventh grade physical also meets the requirement for athletic participation in after-school sports. Your child's physician will give you the documentation required for a school physical. Students must also show proof of health insurance. The physical can be done on or after March 1, 2024.
The sports offered that require a physical are football, volleyball, basketball, swimming, wrestling, track, cross country, and soccer.
There are many resources in our community that offer sports physicals:
-Your student's primary health care provider
-OPS School Based Health Clinics/Charles Drew - See attached flier
-One World Clinics - See attached flier
Make appointments as soon as possible to avoid the rush. Physicals for next year can be turned in as soon as they are completed!
Questions can be directed to Mr. Alex Curran, Athletic Director, Mrs. Nichole Bonacci-Lemay, School Nurse.
A full list of coaches can be found here:
Mr. Curran - Athletic and Activities Director
Nurse Notes from Nurse Bonacci-Lemay!
Health Forms for ALL students entering 7th Grade
2024-25 Entering 7th Grade Health Requirements
Students entering 7th grade for the 2024-25 school year will need their state mandated physical exam done on or after March 1, 2024, for it to be valid. Please see the attached documents for all requirements. Take this checklist with you to your appointment. Ask your child’s health care provider to make a copy of your child’s entering 7th grade physical exam, immunization record, any emergency health care plans (as needed for life-threatening conditions), and any order or medications or procedures to be dispensed/done at school. This exam WILL also qualify as the 7th grade Sports Physical. Please turn these requirements in as soon as they are complete.
If you have questions, please contact Nurse Bonacci-Lemay at 531-299-2441
Message from Ms. Naser, Social Worker
Hello McMillan Middle School Families!
If your student needs clothing, school supplies, hygiene products, or anything else to aid their success please contact our School Social Worker, Samantha Naser through one of the avenues below.
Phone: 531-299-9678
Social Work Support Link:
¡Hola Familias de McMillan Middle School!
Si su estudiante necesita ropa, útiles escolares, productos de higiene o cualquier otra cosa para ayudarlo a tener éxito, comuníquese con nuestra trabajadora social escolar, Samantha Naser, a través de una de las vías a continuación.
Teléfono: 531-299-9678
Correo electrónico :
Enlace de apoyo al trabajo social:
Who to Contact at McMillan for Help!
6th Grade Dean, Ms. Sarah Castanos
Ms. Castanos is the 6th grade administrator and is one 1/2 of the "Deanselor". Please contact her for any concerns or questions regarding your 6th grade student. Ms. Castanos also works with Climate/Culture throughout all of McMillan.
7th Grade Dean, Dr. Matthew Coffey
Dr. Coffey is the 7th grade administrator. Please contact Dr. Coffey for any concerns or questions regarding your 7th grade student. Dr. Coffey also works with all things MTSS-B and helps facilitate our school store with Lion's Loot.
8th Grade, Activities & Athletic Director, Mr. Alex Curran
Mr. Curran is the 8th grade administrator and our school Athletic & Activities Director in charge of after school sports and activities. Please contact Mr. Curran for any concerns or questions regarding your 8th grade student. You should also contact Mr. Curran with any sports or after school activities related questions or concerns.
Email: Alexander.Curran@ops.org6th Grade Counselor, Ms. Stacey Rawlings
Ms. Rawlings is the 6th grade administrator and is the other 1/2 of the "Deanselor". Please contact Ms. Rawlings for any concerns or questions regarding your 6th grade student any counseling issues.
7th Grade Counselor, Ms. Jodie Rodriguez
Ms. Rodriguez is the 7th grade counselor. Please contact Ms. Rodriguez for any concerns or questions regarding your 7th grade student and any counseling issues.
8th Grade Counselor, Ms. Demetria Ballard
Ms. Ballard is the 8th grade counselor. Please contact Ms. Ballard for any concerns or questions regarding your 8th grade student and any counseling issues.
Emotional Intelligence at home!
Strive for 95 Video!
Dr. Andrew Walters, McMillan Middle School Principal
Location: 3802 Redick Avenue, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 531-299-3923
Twitter: @OPS_MacPrncpl