Catching Up with the Coyotes
November 10, 2024

- November 6: Rubios SPP Dine-Out Fundraiser*
- November 7: Team CV Meeting, 6 pm
- November 11: Veteran's Day - No School
- November 14 &15: Gift Card Order Pick-Up, Before & After School*
- November 15: Mom's Pie Fundraiser - Pie Pick-Up, 5-6 PM, MPR*
- November 17-23: Parent Teacher Conference Week
- Monday 11/18: Regular School Day
- Tuesday 11/19: No School - Conferences All Day
- Wednesday 11/20: Minimum Day, 12:55 Dismissal
- Thursday 11/21: Minimum Day, 12:55 Dismissal
- Friday 11/22: Minimum Day, 12:55 Dismissal
- November 19: Jersey Mikes PQ Dine-Out Fundraiser*
- November 24-30: District Recess - No School All Week - Happy Thanksgiving!
Looking ahead...
CATCHING UP WITH... Mrs. Edmonston
We've had another wonderful week at Canyon View Elementary School! On Thursday, our VAPA VISION teachers came and presented lessons on Media Arts and Global Language and Culture. Students learned to use a variety of Canva tools to create logos, postcards and posters.
This week, we have a short week with the Veteran's Day Holiday on Monday 11/11. On Tuesday, our Westview Ambassadors are coming for a Playground Playdate. Then, Westview Ambassadors will return on Monday for a Character Counts Assembly.
Let's Make it a GREAT WEEK!
Erica Edmonston
Principal, Canyon View Elementary School
Free/Reduced-Price Meal Applications Reminder:
Please complete the free/reduced-price meal application! Although school meals are free for all students, the application for free and reduced-price meal eligibility is still very important. School funding depends in part on the number of students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals. If income-eligible families do not apply, we risk losing important educational funds for our school.
Students who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals may also qualify for discounts on testing fees, before and after school care, and home internet! Income qualifications change annually, so a new application is needed every school year. For school year 2024-2025, children from a family of four are eligible if the total gross (pre-tax) household income is less than $4,810 per month, or less than $57,720 per year. Household income information is confidential and applying online is quick and easy. Apply online at MySchoolApps.com, or pick up a paper application in the school office.
CATCHING UP WITH... Team CV News and Events
News and Events are now on the Canyon View Elementary School Website!
Click on the News and Events link above, or visit the Canyon View Elementary School Website "Announcements" Section on the bottom of the front page for the most up-to-date information about school news and events.
CATCHING UP WITH... Steam Festival 2025!
Save the Date: Friday, January 24th 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Planning for our 3rd Annual STEAM Fest is officially underway! The Canyon View Foundation is pleased to host thus event in Friday, January 24th. Unique to years past, this event will occur in the evening from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm and feature some spectacular night-time demonstrations. We invite you to save the date for this fanily-friendly event!
Interested in hosting a booth or sponsoring the event?
If you or someone you know has a career or passion in a science, tech, engineering, art or mathematics field of study, this event is a great opportunity to get involved. We are looking for volunteers, booth hosts and sponsors. Please visit the link below to sign up and get additional information on how you can be a part of this event that inspires the young minds of the future.
Learn S'MORE about the PTO!
Become a PTO Member, Sponsor an Event, or Volunteer your time! Take a look at the flyers below to learn more about how your membership and sponsorship fees help to support Canyon View Elementary School.
*Participation in fundraisers and fundraising events is voluntary and not required.
PTO Membership
Learn S'more About The PTO
Sponsorship or Membership
Order Your Yearbook Now!
CATCHING UP WITH... Peach Jar Flyers
Check Peach Jar for Flyers from the Community
- PUSD News
- After School Programs
- Community Events
- Clubs/Sports/Recreation
CATCHING UP WITH... Picture Books for Our Families
Specially Curated by Ms. Alice Burge, CVES Library & Media Tech: Fiction and Non-Fiction
Next week, we’ll learn the results of the November election. We hope that these picture books will educate and inspire discussions about the importance of voting and active participation in the American democratic process.
Everyone Gets a Say, written by Jill Twiss, illustrated by EG Keller
Pudding the snail and his friends can’t seem to agree on anything. Whatever Jitterbug the chipmunk wants, Geezer the goose does not. Whatever Toast the butterfly wants, Duffles and Nudge the otters are absolutely against. And if somehow Toast and Duffles and Jitterbug and Nudge all agree on something, then Geezer is not having it. So when Toast suggests they need a leader, the friends try to figure out the best way to pick someone to be in charge. Should that someone be the fastest? The fluffiest? The squishiest? Or can Pudding show his friends that there just might be a way where everyone gets a say?
In this charming picture book, Jill Twiss and EG Keller cleverly underscore the importance of speaking up and using your voice.
If I Ran For President, written by Catherine Stier, illustrated by Lynne Avril
Imagine starring in commercials and traveling in your own campaign bus! Or seeing your face on bumper stickers and T-shirts! If you ran for president, you would get to do these and other fun things, but you would also have to do a lot of hard work. You would study the nation's problems, tell the American people about your platform, select a running mate, and debate your opponents on live television. Finally, in November, Election Day would arrive. You would keep your fingers crossed and wait for the results―will you be the next president of the United States? This entertaining yet informative book by author Catherine Stier and illustrator Lynne Avril will help kids learn about the presidential election.
Equality’s Call: The Story of Voting Rights in America, written by Deborah Diesen, illustrated by Magdalena Mora
Learn all about the history of voting rights in the United States—from our nation’s founding to the present day—in this powerful picture book from the New York Times bestselling author of The Pout-Pout Fish. The founders of the United States declared that consent of the governed was a key part of their plan for the new nation. But for many years, only white men of means were allowed to vote. This unflinching and inspiring history of voting rights looks back at the activists who answered equality’s call, working tirelessly to secure the right for all to vote, and it also looks forward to the future and the work that still needs to be done.
CATCHING UP WITH... Parking Lot Safety Reminders
Parking Lot Reminders
Please read through the information below about Parking. Parking in our school lot is extremely limited and we need everyone's help to ensure a safe and efficient drop-off and pick-up. Please refrain from parking in the lot unless you are picking up a PreK, TK or Kindergarten student, or you have business in the front office. Instead, use our supervised drop-off/pick-up curb to the west of the front office.
- Attention TK/K Families: You are not required to park and walk students to the gate for drop-off. Use our drive-through drop-off instead. We have supervision from the curb to the blacktop from 8:20 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Please continue to park and pick-up from the gate at dismissal.
- Attention Grade 1-5 Families: Do not park in the lot for drop-off or pick-up. Instead, use the supervised drive-through pick-up curb west of the office. This allows sufficient parking for our staff, and TK/Kindergarten families.
- The Green Cone Zone: The Green Cone Zone is reserved for students in Ms. Dobson, Ms. Marty, Ms. Morrison or Ms. Ruble's students who need extra assistance loading and unloading. Please keep these areas clear so that our special needs families have a safe place to load and unload their children.
- Curbside Drop-off/Pick-Up: Use our designated drop-off/pick-up area to the west of the office only. Do not ask your child to meet you anywhere else in the lot. While this might seem faster for you, it slows down our system for everyone and creates a safety hazard.
CATCHING UP WITH... School Site Council
Our next meeting will be on December 2, 2024 at 3:15 pm, via Zoom. The Meeting Agenda will be posted on the website and in front of the school office at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Please reach out to Erica Edmonston, Principal, at eedmonston@powayusd.com if you have any questions.
Nondiscrimination Philosophy and Policy Statement
The Poway Unified School District (PUSD) is an equal opportunity employer/program and is committed to an active Nondiscrimination Program. PUSD prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, immigration status, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For more information, please contact: Title IX/Equity Compliance Officer, James Jimenez, Associate Superintendent of Personnel support Services, Poway Unified School District, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128, 1-858-521-2800, extension 2121, jjimenez@powayusd.com. For students, you may contact Title IX Coordinator/504 Coordinator Jamie Dayhoff, Director of Attendance and Discipline, Poway Unified School District, 1-858-521-2840, jdayhoff@powayusd.com.