Blue Jay Update
April 2024
Important Dates
March 26 ~ SC Panera Fundraiser 4-8pm
March 28 ~ Early Closing, Spring Break Begins, Romeo's Raintree Fundraiser
March 29 ~ Planner Cover Contest Deadline
March 29 - April 4 ~ School Closed
April 5 ~ School Reopens, Early Dismissal
April 8 - 19 ~ MAP Testing
April 12~ Last Day of MP3
April 13 ~ PTO Clothing Drive
April 15 ~ MP4 Begins
April 16 ~ Board Meeting 7pm
April 17 ~ PTO Mtg. 6pm
April 22 ~ All schools closed except Applegate and West Freehold (make up day)
April 23 ~ Schools Closed
April 24 ~ Early Dismissal, Staff PD
April 25 ~ Bring Your Child to Work Day
April 29 ~ Report Cards Posted
April 30 ~ Board Meeting Budget Adoption
For complete schedule of events for the year, please use the CTB Calendar.
March Madness
Academic Team for the Win!
Mean Girls Jr!
SEL Day Celebration
March Assembly 3/25
Yesterday, we welcomed speaker Stephen Hill, founder of Speak Sobriety, to address our seventh and eighth grade students. Stephen shared his story about his personal struggles
with mental health, substance misuse, and the journey to recovery. Stephen was a
student-athlete that lost his way when he started using nicotine, smoking marijuana and
drinking alcohol his freshman year of high school. He progressed to harder drugs as time
went on, becoming addicted to opioid painkillers and heroin. Stephen was eventually able
to overcome his addiction, but not before going through years of treatment and difficult
We encouraged students as they listened to Stephen’s story, to focus not only on the negative choices he made as a teenager that nearly destroyed his life, but, more importantly, also focus on how he was able to turn his life around when he started making healthy and positive choices, and how he found strength in overcoming his struggles.
This presentation was generously made possible by the Freehold Municipal Alliance, who works to promote substance abuse awareness and prevention. As our middle schoolers approach a time in their lives where good and healthy choices become even more critical, it is our hope that our students walked away today with some powerful food for thought. We encourage you to have a conversation with your child this evening about this assembly.
Stephen Hill's flyer is included below for those of you who would like more information.
MAP Assessments
The window for the final administration of MAP for the 23-24 school year begins in April. Testing will be in ELA and math classes. Your support getting students into school on time is appreciated. Please click here or a letter from Mrs. Rosen.
April 9th ~ Grade 6 & Mrs. Marrone's Homeroom
April 11th & 12th ~ Grade 7
April 11th & 12th ~ Grade 8
April 11th & 12th ~ Grade 6
April 9th & 10th ~ Grade 7
April 8th ~ Grade 8
April 18 & 19 ~ Mrs. Raventos' & Mr. Urso's Classes
April 16th ~ Grade 6
April 15th ~ Grade 7
April 10th ~ Grade 8 & Mrs. Marrone's Homeroom
Bring Your Child To Work Day
If your child will be absent from school that day, please be sure to call into the attendance line indicating the absence, or update attendance on the portal. Once the student returns, please have them return the next day with an absence note.
Summer EBT Program
This summer, all district students who are approved for Federal Free or Reduced Lunch in the 2023-2024 school year will receive $120 in Summer EBT funds in the form of a physical EBT card from the State of NJ. If you have not applied for F/R lunch yet and think you may be eligible, please click here to apply. This is a new, permanent, program aimed to reduce childhood hunger by providing families with a grocery benefit to feed their children while on summer break.
Call us at (732) 462-8400 x8809 for assistance filling out the application.
Student Council Battle of the Grades
6th Grade Wins the BOG 2024
Dress Code
The Barkalow Middle School is constantly striving to maintain the best possible environment for student learning and achievement. Any condition that distracts students from learning is of serious concern. We would like to take this opportunity to reinforce the dress code policy 5511 as stated in the handbook.
The following are general guidelines:
- All students are expected to dress appropriately for school. Students shall maintain a neat, clean appearance at all times. Apparel shall not be so tight fitting, sheer, transparent (including mesh), low cut or revealing above or below the waist to be indecent, distracting or disruptive to the school environment.
- Flip-flops, open backed, or platform sandals are not considered acceptable footwear for active play during physical education classes and are discouraged for everyday wear for safety reasons.
- Hats and hoods are not permitted to be worn during the course of the school day.
- Cut-off t-shirts or tank tops that expose parts of the armpit or chest area are not permitted.
- Pants should not be worn low enough so that undergarments are exposed.
- Appropriate shorts are permitted during the school hours. Dresses, skirts and shorts shall be a length of at least finger-tip length.
- Tank, tube and halter-tops, including "spaghetti" or “bikini” straps and low cut shirts are not permitted. Sleeveless shirts are permitted as long as they extend to the shoulder and the straps are thick enough so that undergarments are not visible.
- Shirts should cover the torso at all times.
- Shoulders should be covered as bare shoulders are not permitted.
- Pants should not be worn low enough so that undergarments are exposed.
Please note that building administrators reserve the right to request a change of clothing when such interferes with the welfare and safety of all. If a change of clothes is not available, the student will not go back to class until one can be provided. If a child’s dress is deemed inappropriate while attending the school day or other school related events, parents or guardians will be contacted to bring their child a change of clothes. Should this become a continuous offense, it will be observed as being insubordinate and the discipline policy will be enforced.
We appreciate your help and support in an effort to maintain a school environment where students are given every opportunity to learn. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.
As we enter the fourth quarter of the school year, please take a moment to "shout out" a Barkalow staff member. Please use this link to recognize our amazing staff . We will be sure to celebrate this with our faculty and staff. Thank you!